1 research outputs found
Anksiozni i depresivni simptomi kod bolesnika s akutnim ishemijskim moždanim udarom
Inadequate attention is being paid to the anxiety and depressive symptoms in acute stroke, although these problems are known to influence the patientsā neurological outcome. The aim of our study was to assess the prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms in the acute stage of ischemic stroke and to identify the factors associated with such problems. Anxiety and depressive symptoms were evaluated using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in 40 patients with acute ischemic stroke admitted during a period of one month. Statistical analyses were performed by the SigmaStat (Version 2.0) software. Study results showed 55% of study patients to suffer from depressive symptoms and 40% from both anxiety symptoms and depressive symptoms. There was a correlation of depressive symptoms (HADS-D score) with MMSE (p<0.001), age (p=0.003) and BI (p<0.001), and of anxiety symptoms (HADS-A score) with MMSE (p<0.001) and BI (p=0.01). There was no significant association of HADS-A and HADS-D score with other patient characteristics. In conclusion, depressive symptoms were more frequent in the acute stage of ischemic stroke. Study patients had a high prevalence of both groups of symptoms. Therefore, attention should be paid to the anxiety and depressive symptoms in stroke units and try to relieve the patientsā emotional stress and personal suffering, which could improve their neurological outcome.Ne razmiÅ”lja se dovoljno o anksioznim i depresivnim simptomima kod bolesnika s akutnim moždanim udarom, iako se zna da ovi problemi utjeÄu na neuroloÅ”ki ishod. Cilj studije bio je utvrditi uÄestalost anksioznih i depresivnih simptoma u akutnoj fazi ishemijskog moždanog udara te koji Äimbenici utjeÄu na ove probleme. Anksiozni i depresivni simptomi ocjenjivali su se pomoÄu BolniÄke skale za anksioznost i depresiju kod 40 bolesnika s akutnim moždanim udarom primljenih tijekom jednog mjeseca. U statistiÄkoj analizi primijenio se program SigmaStat (Version 2.0). Depresivni simptomi su bili prisutni kod 55%, a anksiozni simptomi kod 40% bolesnika, koji su svi istodobno imali i depresivne simptome. NaÄena je korelacija depresivnih simptoma s MMSE (p<0,001), dobi (p=0,003) i BI(p<0,001), te anksioznih simptoma s MMSE (p<0,001) i BI (p=0,01). Nije bilo znaÄajne povezanosti anksioznih i depresivnih simptoma s drugim osobinama bolesnika. Depresivni simptomi bili su ÄeÅ”Äi u akutnoj fazi ishemijskog moždanog udara. NaÅ”i bolesnici imali su vrlo visoku uÄestalost obiju skupina simptoma. Znatno veÄu pozornost treba veÄ u jedinicama moždanog udara posvetiti anksioznim i depresivnim simptomima i nastojati bolesnike osloboditi emocionalnog stresa i patnje, Å”to Äe poboljÅ”ati njihov neuroloÅ”ki ishod