24 research outputs found

    Efficiency of Insurance Activities in Romania

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    The assessment of a company’s insurance performances has to consider both the financial results, the ratio between resulting effect and efforts made in order to get this effect as well as insurer’s success assessment in order to fulfil its clients’ needs. Insurances efficiency is an economic and social form of efficiency and expresses the ratio between the results of insurance activities and recovery expenses made for the damaged goods or insured sums payments and the financial results achieved by the insurerprovided ,insurance, effective insurance

    Reinsurances in people’s insurances

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    Reinsurance has an important role as it fulfills the following functions: offers capacity, creates stability, contributes to reinforcement of finanaciar power. The initial reason of reinsurances is granting capacity. In each chapter of insurances there are risks that an insurance society can not afford to keep for own portofolio. Reinsurances maintain constantly the results of the society of insurances for a certain period of time. Result can fluctuate as a result of gathering some individual demanges which appear in a period of time or as a result of unexpected demange, very big. Reinsurance decries this fluctuation by limitation of the exposure of individual risks to demange or bz restrictions of demanges to which a portofolio might be a subject.reinsurance, insurances of persons, stability, insurance company


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    The intern product, the national product and the national income are three basic economical concepts expressing the results of the economical activity in the entire national economy. The intern product expresses the final product of economical goods obtained in a lapse of time by the economical agents who develop their activity inside the country. The national product expresses the final product of economical goods obtained in a lapse of time both by the economical agents inside the country and by the ones who develop their activity outside the national borders. The national income expresses the net value added in a lapse of time after the developed economical activity, respectively the sum of the incomes of the production factors. The three concept statistically measured allow us to determine three main macro-economical indicators spotlighting the results obtained in the national economy in a determined lapse of time. Hereinafter, we present the necessity of the calculation and the analysis of these indicators.Intern product, national income, national product

    Three Essays on Finance

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    This thesis is comprised of three chapters. The main objective of Chapter 1 is to assess empirically the impact an increase in the adverse selection risk has on competition between passive traders in different exchanges in the US. stock market (inter-market competition). By using macroeocnomic news as an exogenous shock, I show that increases in adverse selection risk is associated with a decrease in inter-market competition. Around macroeconomic news, despite the increase in adverse selection risk, passive traders take advantage and earn larger rents than during intra-days with no macroeconomic news. Furthermore, to the best of my knowledge this is the first paper to study the impact an increase in fragmentation has on inter-market competition as a function of adverse selection risk. In line with this, I show that the impact an increase in fragmentation has on inter-market competition is context-dependent. Chapter 2 is written in the context of the Finance Crowed Analyses Project (FINCAP). With this aim, FINCAP launched a project to understand the mechanism behind differences in results across different Research Teams (RTs). In line with this, all RTs had to test the same hypothesis using the same data, and finally submit a short paper with the results (estimates) obtained. The dispersion in estimates across researchers (non-standard error) is the object of study of FINCAP. I participated in the project together with Sophie Moinas as a Research Team (RT).With this aim, we had to test 6 hypothesis related to market quality. The short paper written together with Sophie Moinas and submitted in the final stage of the experiment constitutes the first part of Chapter 2. The estimates provided by all RTs are used as an input in the final project Non-Standard Errors to study what drives differences in estimates across researchers. The final conclusions of the experiment are specified in the paper: Non-Standard Errors (forthcoming in the Journal of Finance), which constitutes the second part of Chapter 2. The paper Non-Standard Errors is coauthored with researchers affiliated to a total of 207 institutions listed in Annex 1. In the third chapter, a joint work with José Maria Marin Vigueras, we test performance evaluation in the context of the Rational Expectations Equilibrium (REE) Paradigm. Based on the extremely positive results obtained, we develop a strongly micro-founded new measure of performance evaluation which we call Informed Alpha that beats the standard Jensen alpha measure of performance. We show that Informed Alpha sorts truly talented managers who exhibit strong persistence in their performance.Doctorado en Empresa y Finanzas. Mención InternacionalPresidente: Giovanni Cespa.- Secretario: Jesper Rudiger Sorensen.- Vocal: María Teresa González Pére

    Congenital Anomalies of Urinary Tract and Anomalies of Fetal Genitalia

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    Congenital anomalies of the kidney, urinary tract and genitalia anomalies are among the most frequent types of congenital malformations. Many can be diagnosed by means of ultrasound examination during pregnancy. Some will be discovered after birth. Kidney and urinary malformations represent 20% of all birth defects, appearing in 3–7 cases at 1000 live births. Environmental factors (maternal diabetes or intrauterine exposure to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors) and genetic factors (inherited types of diseases) seem to be among causes that lead to the disturbance of normal nephrogenesis and generate anomalies of the reno-urinary tract. It is very important to diagnose and differentiate between the abnormalities incompatible with life and those that are asymptomatic in the newborn. The former requires interruption of pregnancy, whereas the latter could lead to saving the renal function if diagnosed antenatally. In many cases, the congenital anomalies of the urinary and genital tract may remain asymptomatic for a long time, even up until adulthood, and can be at times the only manifestation of a complex systemic disease. Some can manifest in more than one member in the family. This is the reason why the accurate genetic characterization is needed; it can help give not only the patient but also her family the appropriate genetic counseling, and also, in some cases, the management may prevent severe complications

    Azithromycin resistance in Escherichia coli and Salmonella from food-producing animals and meat in Europe.

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    OBJECTIVES To characterize the genetic basis of azithromycin resistance in Escherichia coli and Salmonella collected within the EU harmonized antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance programme in 2014-18 and the Danish AMR surveillance programme in 2016-19. METHODS WGS data of 1007 E. coli [165 azithromycin resistant (MIC > 16 mg/L)] and 269 Salmonella [29 azithromycin resistant (MIC > 16 mg/L)] were screened for acquired macrolide resistance genes and mutations in rplDV, 23S rRNA and acrB genes using ResFinder v4.0, AMRFinder Plus and custom scripts. Genotype-phenotype concordance was determined for all isolates. Transferability of mef(C)-mph(G)-carrying plasmids was assessed by conjugation experiments. RESULTS mph(A), mph(B), mef(B), erm(B) and mef(C)-mph(G) were detected in E. coli and Salmonella, whereas erm(C), erm(42), ere(A) and mph(E)-msr(E) were detected in E. coli only. The presence of macrolide resistance genes, alone or in combination, was concordant with the azithromycin-resistant phenotype in 69% of isolates. Distinct mph(A) operon structures were observed in azithromycin-susceptible (n = 50) and -resistant (n = 136) isolates. mef(C)-mph(G) were detected in porcine and bovine E. coli and in porcine Salmonella enterica serovar Derby and Salmonella enterica 1,4, [5],12:i:-, flanked downstream by ISCR2 or TnAs1 and associated with IncIγ and IncFII plasmids. CONCLUSIONS Diverse azithromycin resistance genes were detected in E. coli and Salmonella from food-producing animals and meat in Europe. Azithromycin resistance genes mef(C)-mph(G) and erm(42) appear to be emerging primarily in porcine E. coli isolates. The identification of distinct mph(A) operon structures in susceptible and resistant isolates increases the predictive power of WGS-based methods for in silico detection of azithromycin resistance in Enterobacterales


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    Regularities of competitive market determine rules for determining prices and their dynamics. Orientation prices to competition (competitive pricing) is the strategy most frequently used in countries with market economies and especially for exports. Moreover, in an economy dominated by market competition it cannot be ignored without certain risks the prices resulting from competition between products bidders. Companies that use this type of strategy seek to maintain a level of prices linked to that charged by other competitors (or exporting producers) generally no longer covering production costs or demand, relying on the assumption that the average market price is a reasonable basis of costs. But the way how practical guidance and reporting to the competition in every price strategy, will be determined by the company's market position, by the available power and enjoyed prestige, objectives and prospects of its market share etc. according to these elements, there may be several versions of pricing strategies oriented to competitors

    Consumption and the Consumer

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    The consumer is that trader responsible for consumption act of some final goods or services who decided what must be produce and in what cantity, being the one who make the economic mechanism to move. Consumption is in close connection with the production of goods and services, exerting an active role, any activity should be complete by consuming its results; consumption creates the motivation to achieve economic and non-economic activities. The traditional approach to consumer behavior starts from hypothesised that all consumers seek to maximize the aggregate utility obtained of satisfactions resulting from consumption of goods taking into account the budgetary constraints given by income that consumer has and the prices of these goods. In the conditions of modern economy, consumption can be increased by diseconomies. If consumption depends on permanent income, revenue growth effectively does not exert influence on consumption only to the extent that this increase of income leads to increasing permanent income consumer. Consumption is viewed as an active agent of economic life, it is not only a consumer of goods and services but also a producer


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    Brownfield sites have an important potential for a sustainable urban redevelopment, but in the same time they represent a challenge for the stakeholders. Finding solutions for brownfield redevelopment may be difficult for the authorities and owners alike. In this paper we classified the type of the Brownfield sites and we want to emphasize the importance of using these lands

    A Retrospective Narrative Mini-Review Regarding the Seminal Microbiota in Infertile Male

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    Background: Infertility is a global burden that affects both sexes with the male component remaining as an explored yet crucial research field that might offer novel evidence. Material and Methods: The present narrative mini-review aims to summarize all existing literature regarding the composition of the seminal microflora in infertile men. We performed searches in PubMed/Medline, ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus, and ScienceDirect between 2018 and 2022 using a combination of keywords. Results: A total of n = 33 studies met the eligibility criteria and were further considered. From this, n = 14 were conducted on human patients, n = 3 on zebrafish (Danio rerio), n = 5 on rats, and n = 11 on mice. In twenty-five out of thirty-three papers, the authors sequenced the 16S rRNA; situations occurred where researchers focused on standard laboratory protocols. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are widely recognized as putative beneficial lactic bacteria. These two entities are capable of restoring the host’s eubiosis to some extent, blocking pathogens’ proliferation and endotoxins, and even alleviating specific patterns encountered in disease(s) (e.g., obesity, type 1 diabetes) due to prolonged exposure to toxicants in adults or from a developmental stage. Over the years, distinct approaches have been perfected, such as the transfer of feces between two species or conventional rudimentary products with proven efficiency. Conclusions: The seminal microflora is decisive and able to modulate psychological and physiological responses. Each individual possesses a personalized microbial profile further shaped by exogenous factors, regardless of sex and species