14 research outputs found


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    Bioeconomy refers to a system based on the smart utilization of biological resources based on sources from land and sea as industrial input and production of food. The Bioeconomy will also contribute to limiting the negative impacts on the environment, reduce the heavy dependency on fossil resources, mitigate climate change and move Europe towards a post-petroleum society. The work aims to investigate how the territorial marginality linked to socio-economic disparities can be a competitive advantage for the challenges proposed by the bioeconomy innovation strategy. An example of a Sicilian bio-cluster is indicated for a significant product differentiation and functional integration of agricultural and non-agricultural land, in which the spatial component rather than the sector-based one, reveals a new sustainable development process

    MarginalitĂ  e bioeconomia per lo sviluppo regionale

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    La bioeconomia si riferisce ad un sistema che si fonda sull'uso intelligente delle risorse biologiche e rinnovabili provenienti dalla terra e dal mare come input industriali e della produzione di alimenti. La Commissione Europea, facendo seguito al lungo dibattito e al percorso effettuato negli ultimi anni sulla strada della sostenibilitĂ , ha approvato la Strategia per l'innovazione per una crescita sostenibile e una bioeconomia per l'Europa. Il lavoro si propone di approfondire come la marginalitĂ  territoriale collegata alle disparitĂ  socio-economiche, possa essere elemento di vantaggio per la sfida proposta dalla bioeconomia in aree marginali come la Sicilia che hanno le potenzialitĂ  di cogliere le possibilitĂ  offerte dalla strategia europea. Un vantaggio competitivo derivante da forme di aggregazioni territoriali indicate come proto-biocluster, in grado di intraprendere percorsi di sviluppo locali caratterizzati dalla differenziazione produttiva e dall'integrazione funzionale di attivitĂ  agricole e non agricole, nel quale la componente spaziale prevale su quella settoriale, per un uso economico delle biodiversitĂ .Bioeconomy refers to a system based on the smart utilization of biological resources based on sources from land and sea as industrial input and production of food. The Bioeconomy will also contribute to limiting the negative impacts on the environment, reduce the heavy dependency on fossil resources, mitigate climate change and move Europe towards a post-petroleum society. The work aims to investigate how the territorial marginality linked to socio-economic disparities can be a competitive advantage for the challenges proposed by the bioeconomy innovation strategy. An example of a Sicilian bio-cluster is indicated for a significant product differentiation and functional integration of agricultural and non-agricultural land, in which the spatial component reveals a new sustainable development process

    Europe 2020 Strategy and New Policies for Marginal Areas

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    Marginality should be seen as an a asset rather than a liability for a region or a community. Marginality reflects a strategy of economic development, and this paper also seeks institutional means for championing marginality over conformity


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    L'analisi dell'interazioni fra ecosistema e società assume un ruolo rilevante nello studio del sistema economico. La bioeconomia si riferisce ad un sistema che si fonda sull'uso intelligente delle risorse biologiche e rinnovabili provenienti dalla terra e dal mare come input industriali e della produzione di alimenti e mangimi. La bioeconomia, inoltre, comprende l'uso di rifiuti organici e di processi fondati su bioprodotti per un comparto industriale sostenibile. La Commissione Europa, facendo seguito al lungo dibattito e al percorso effettuato negli ultimi anni sulla strada della sostenibilità , ha approvato la strategia per L' innovazione per una crescita sostenibile: una bioeconomia per l'Europa, all'interno delle proposte operative di due iniziative della strategia Orizzonte 2020: “L'Unione dell'innovazione” e “Un'Europa efficiente sotto il profilo delle risorse”. La visione europea della bioeconomia prevede aspetti politici, investimenti in conoscenza e incremento di capacità, nuove infrastrutture e strumenti, una governance partecipativa basata su un dialogo informato con la società. Il lavoro si propone di approfondire come la marginalità territoriale collegata alle disparità socio-economiche, possa essere elemento di vantaggio per la sfida proposta dalla bioeconomia in aree marginali che hanno le potenzialità di cogliere le possibilità offerte dalla strategia europea

    S4 + and the Sustainability Dimension for a New Territorial Perspective

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    The European Commission has made sustainable development a central element of its growth strategy for the next few years. From an all-encompassing perspective, the European Green Deal (EGD) represents the EU’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the “Smart Specialization Strategy” (S3), and the attempt of the EU at a position of global leadership in sustainable development. This paper states that an effective innovation-oriented policy, including a sustainable dimension, requires an adequate division of labour between the EC, national and regional/local governance levels, and the shift from S3 to S4 +, a smart specialization sustainable strategy. It also underlines how a territorial approach to policies is suitable for incorporating a five-helix innovation model and is well suited for implementing S4 +. Therefore, the Ecological Transition, illustrated in the EGD, requires a new governance design and management attitude. This contribution proposes a framework for implementing the new EGD strategy and the consequent implementation of the sustainability dimension. Numerous challenges focus on the sub-regional level highlighting the Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) as a tailored governance model that can include Sustainability and innovation in a complete democratic setting

    A New Vision of Governance for the European Less Development Regions? Sustainability and Transition Management for a Modern Approach to Policy

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    The challenge for the future of Europe and the entire planet is to direct development towards sustainability trajectories. The current period is a time of change in the direction of Ecological Transition. Managing these changes requires innovative governance models, a challenge identified by the 14 European Mega trends. Europe recognizes the need for multilevel governance that always involves a more significant number of actors. The article identifies the governance approach of Transition Management (TM) as a model that responds to the challenge of new governance models inclusive of the sustainable vision. Especially for the lagging areas, the TM could be a methodology that supports the institutional capacity, often strictly correlated to the development conditions


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    The article presents the Transition Management (TM) model as a governance model suitable for achieving sustainability objectives. Future strategies for developing European territories cannot fail to consider the environment crucial for sustainable growth. European policies with the approval of the Green Deal are moving in this direction. The complexity of the current period requires a new governance process, and a cyclical, iterative, interactive, and participatory process of dialogue with local stakeholders characterizes this methodology. TM is a systemic approach postulated as a new governance model capable of conducting and coordinating system innovations towards sustainability in the panorama of European territories


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    In this paper we analyze some specific conditions for local and regional development. Our interest is oriented towards a multidimensional aspect of peripheral and rural areas. The rural areas considered as a productive eco-system reflects a strong relationship between the agriculture and other economic activities. In addition eco-systems must be protected and enhanced to develop innovation models such as the Quadruple and Quintuple Helix, that propose  roles and responsibilities for a new  regional development trajectory. According to the Quintuple Helix Model and the implementation of the Smart Specialization Strategy, this paper underlines the importance of connecting the innovation process within rural territories.  DOI: http://dx.medra.org/10.19254/LaborEst.15.0


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    In this paper we analyze some specific conditions for local and regional development. Our interest is oriented towards a multidimensional aspect of peripheral and rural areas. The rural areas considered as a productive eco-system reflects a strong relationship between the agriculture and other economic activities. In addition eco-systems must be protected and enhanced to develop innovation models such as the Quadruple and Quintuple Helix, that propose roles and responsibilities for a new regional development trajectory. According to the Quintuple Helix Model and the implementation of the Smart Specialization Strategy, this paper underlines the importance of connecting the innovation process within rural territories