2 research outputs found

    Unemployment in Galician autonomous community (Spain)

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    An aspect of unquestionable transcendency is the impact of the unemployment in the current society. Most part of the countries in the European continent present as from the decade of the 70's very significant rates of unemployment. The persistence of this characteristic in the occupational market constitutes the most important fact of concern for citizens and governments. The problem of the unemployment becomes much more serious in the case of Spain, and the Galician Autonomous Community is not an exception. The society considers the unemployment as the great plague of the modern times, not only because of the serious effects that brings about at individual and familiar level, loss of occupational income as relevant factor of the distribution of the revenue, but also at social level by the repercussions on the economic growth, the regional development and the economic inequalities. The magnitude and the complexity of the unemployment can not be analyzed from an only cause, neither so from an economic approach alone, that without doubt would be partial. The unemployment is a complex process affected by many variables, which exceeds the narrow framework of the occupational market and definitively has a lot to do with the location, the demography, the possibility of economic growth and the expansion of final demand. However, due to its transcendency, the economic aspects related to the unemployment, the utilization of the human resources and the generated revenue levels are economic problems of a great relevancy.

    Study of workers education levels in spain and portugal

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    This paper considers the evolution of unemployment and occupation rates, per gender and level of education, in Spain and Portugal, based on the Labour Force Survey microdata from 2006 to 2016. The document analyses self-employed and employee rates, contracts (permanent vs temporary) and the distribution of education levels according to gender. The main results suggest that, in the period analysed, these rates have evolved similarly in Portugal and Spain and that, despite the economic crisis, the training and education levels of workers have increased.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio