4 research outputs found


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    Abstract: The program of courses for students within environment and civil engineering is currently modified in accordance with technology progress. Compact of students ’ knowledge requires co-ordination of all subjects, that is possible only if the lecturers are currently committing. The philosophy of design and exploitation the HVAC systems as well as power supply and technology of wastewater treatment are based upon the recent advantages of CAD, automatic control and monitoring systems. The new attempt to teaching process, applying the methods of AI, enables new possibilities to individual attempt to tutor procedures

    Characteristics of Laminar Flow in Pipelines of Homogenous Alum Sludge Approximated with use of the Vočadlo Model for Viscoplastic Liquids

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    The study presents the manners of determination of the Darcy friction factor λ for a homogenous hydromixture of alum sludge of varied hydration and temperature for the laminar flow zone. The rheological evaluation of the hydromixture as a viscoplastic body has been conducted with use of measurements of viscosity. The curves of flow were approximated with use of the generalized Vočadlo model. The Darcy friction factor λ of the pipeline was determined with use of the non-dimensional criterion λ(Regen) and λ(Re, He)

    Redefining the purpose, goals and methods of disinfection in contemporary water supply systems

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    This paper presents a new concept of disinfection traditionally applied in water treatment systems. The new definition of this process results from the change in its functionality, aims and methods, which guarantee high quality of water supply. The literature review and technical practice demonstrate a demand for disinfection to act as a functional element of the integrated water distribution system and an active intermediate link between the technology of water treatment and the water distribution network. The presented concept of a disinfection process enables evaluation of water treatment, increases its effectiveness in integrated water treatment systems. Such defined disinfection addresses water conservation and its biological stability within the water supply network. The presented here new concept of disinfection assigns its new role and function in the integrated water distribution system. The controlling and diagnostic function of the disinfection defined in the paper provides a transparent and comprehensive method, with considerable application in experimental design, as well as practical solutions for integrated water distribution systems

    Properties of catalyst for iron and manganese oxidation in filter materials

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    The aim of this work is to determine the properties of contact layers of grain of different type of filter media in term of their suitability for catalytical manganese oxidation and auto-activation for manganese removal from groundwater. The following oxidative filtration materials were investigated: auto-activated silica sand taken from full-scale filters (oxide coated filter media), Pyrolox – manganese ore – natural material and Hydrolit – artificially activated material. As a reference two natural not chemically active materials were tested: clean silica sand and clean chalcedonite. The investigation resulted in chemical composition and microstructure parameters of catalyst contact layers of grains. The modern analytical methods were used: EDAX, Raman spectroscopy, mercury and helium porozymetry. The data indicated that catalyst from autoacivated filtration material has better chemical composition and porosity parameters in comparison to tested catalytic filtration materials, making it more suitable for adsorption and catalytic manganese oxidation