28 research outputs found

    Content validation of the diagnosis Ineffective Breathing Pattern

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    The goal of this study was to carry out a diagnostic content validation regarding the nursing diagnosis Ineffective Breathing Pattern – 00032, which was approved by the Taxonomy Committee of NANDA International for the years 2012–2014. A validation study, methodologically based on Fehring's Diagnostic Content Validation, was performed with 52 nurses and medical experts from four hospitals in Moravia and Bohemia who work in nursing care in adult intensive care units or on anaesthesia and resuscitation wards.Soňa Bocková, Jana Marečková, Jana Zapletalov

    Elektronicka dokumentace pro osetrovatelskou diagnostiku v domaci peci

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    Article in Czech. Abstract and keywords also in English. English title is: Electronic documentation for nursing diagnostics in home careOšetřovatelská dokumentace je legislativnĕ definovanou povinnou součástí zdravotnické dokumentace. Je důlezitá zejména v organizacích, kde je primárnĕ poskytována oššetřovatelská péče samostatnĕ pracujícími sestrami, jako je domácí péãe. Stĕžejní fází ošetřovatelského procesu je ošetřovatelská diagnostika pacienta/klienta s využitím standardizované terminologie. Ošetřovatelská diagnózy se všemi příslušnými prvky zakomponovanými v elektronické dokumentaci poskytují systematický rámec pro dokumentování a stanovení prioritních potfieb a problémÛ pacientÛ. âlánek prezentuje pfiípravu a ovûfiování elektronické dokumentace, která bude vyuÏívána v domácí péãI pro sbûr ošetfiovatelských dat, pro zhodnocení zdravotního stavu pacienta a jeho potfieb a pro stanovení ošetřovatelských diagnóz s využitím mezinárodní taxonomie NANDA-Int. = Nursing documentation is legislatively defined an obligatory part of health records. It is particularly important in organizations where it is primary providing nursing care by independently working nurses, such as home care. The pivotal phase of the nursing process is nursing diagnostics of patient/client using a standardized terminology. Nursing diagnosis with all the relevant components compiled in electronic record provides a systematic framework for documenting and identifying priority needs and problems of patients. The article presents the preparation and verification of electronic documentation, which will be used in home care for collecting nursing data, for assessment of the patient's health status and his needs and for determination of the nursing diagnoses using the NANDA-Int.Jarošová, D., Sikorová, L., Marečková, J, Pajorová,

    Osetrovatelske intervence v domaci peci

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    Article in Czech, abstract in both Czech and English. English title: Nursing interventions in home carePříspěvek prezentuje dílčí výsledky pokračujícího projektu IGA MZ ČR, zabývajícího se tvorbou české verze vybran ých částí klasifikace NIC v domácí péči. Klasifikace NIC je mezinárodní klasifikací ošetřovatelských intervencí a aktivit sestry, která zpřehledňuje a dokumentuje autonomní činnosti sester. Ošetřovatelské intervence a aktivity (NIC) byly zvoleny k posouzení expertní skupinou v závislosti na předchozí ošetřovatelské diagnostice 200 klientů agentury domácí péče v Ostravě. Zařazeny byly intervence a aktivity pro ošetřovatelské diagnózy s četností nad 26 % (9 diagnóz). Těmto diagnózám odpovídalo 263 intervencí spolu s 6 356 příslušnými aktivitami sestry. Tento soubor vybraných intervencí NIC byl posouzen akademickými ošetřovatelskými odborníky a expertní skupinou sester s ohledem na platnou českou legislativu a aktuální stav kompetencí sester. Výsledkem je banka 110 ošetřovatelských intervencí dle NIC a 2 150 příslušných aktivit, které byly zaneseny do elektronické dokumentace pro domácí péči. = This paper presents the partial results of an ongoing project dealing with the creation of a Czech version of selected parts of the NIC classification in home care. NIC classification is an international classification of interventions and activities that nurses perform, which streamlines and documents the autonomous nurses' activities. An expert group chose nursing interventions and activities (NIC) that were based on the previous diagnosis of 200 clients from a home care agency in Ostrava for assessment. They included interventions and activities for nursing diagnoses with a frequency above 26 % (9 diagnoses). These diagnoses corresponded to 263 interventions with 6 356 of relevant nurses' activities. This set of selected NIC interventions was assessed by academic nursing specialists and an expert group of nurses with regard to the valid Czech legislation and the current state of competencies of nurses. As a result, there is a database of 110 nursing interventions according to the NIC and 2150 activities, which were entered into the electronic documentation for home care.Jarošová, D., Sikorová, L., Marečková, J., Pajorová, H

    Absence of 3-ketolactose production byRhizobium phaseoli

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    Impact of educational and psychological interventions compared with standard care in college/university students with autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review protocol

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    Objective: This review will explore the impact of educational and psychological interventions on educational, social, behavioral, and mental health outcomes in students with autism spectrum disorder in tertiary education. Introduction: This systematic review will inform a new guideline on support for students with autism spectrum disorder in the tertiary education environment. These students face multiple educational, behavioral, social, and health-related problems that require effective interventions. Inclusion criteria: Participants are students with autism spectrum disorder in a tertiary education study program. Educational and psychological interventions will be included, such as accommodations, meta-cognitive and selfregulation training, psychological counseling, social skills training, and peer-mentoring/academic coaching. The comparator will be standard care. The study outcomes will include academic drop-out rates and evaluations, learning skills, social skills and social engagement, behavior, mental health (including anxiety, stress, and depression), and employment after graduation. This review will consider quantitative studies only. Methods: A 3-step search strategy will be used to find both published and unpublished studies in MEDLINE, CINAHL, APA PsycINFO, SocINDEX, Web of Science, Clinical Trials, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, Open Dissertations, ERIC, WHO ICRTP, and Google Scholar. There will be no date or language limitations. All stages of article screening, critical appraisal, and data extraction will be conducted by 2 independent reviewers with the resolution of any disagreements done via consensus or through a senior reviewer. If possible, the included studies will be pooled using meta-analysis. The degree of certainty of the evidence will be assessed according to the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach.Jiří Kantor, Jiaoli Li, Jian Du, Zuzana Svobodová, Miloslav Klugar, Hanieh Salehi-Pourmehr, David Hampton, Monika Smolíková, Lucia Kantorová, Jana Marečková, Daniela Zmeškalová, Zachary Mun