2 research outputs found


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    Otprilike trećina žena reproduktivne dobi puÅ”i. Cigaretni dim sadrži sastojke Å”tetne po zdravlje nerođenog djeteta, ali i za njegovo kasnije zdravlje tijekom života. Novorođenčad majki koje puÅ”e manje su porodne težine, a često su i prijevremeno rođena. PuÅ”enje tijekom trudnoće gotovo 2 puta povećava rizik od rođenja djeteta niske porodne težine, Å”to je povezano s povećanim morbiditetom i mortalitetom u perinatalnom razdoblju te dječjoj dobi. Dojenčad majki koje puÅ”e tijekom trudnoće imaju dva do pet puta veći rizik od sindroma nagle dojenačke smrti. PuÅ”enje tijekom trudnoće također utječe na kasniji fizički i intelektualni razvoj djeteta. Cigaretni dim oÅ”tećuje pluća nerođenog djeteta u ključnom stadiju razvoja, Å”to može dovesti do smanjenog kapaciteta pluća, čeŔće pojavnosti respiratornih infekcija, astme te emfizema Ā¬kasnije u životu. PuÅ”enje može doprinijeti nastanku određenih prirođenih malformacija. Trudnice treba upozoriti da puÅ”enje izlaže njihovo dijete riziku, a napor za sprječavanje spomenutih komplikacija potrebno je usmjeriti na prevenciju uživanja nikotinskih proizvoda u djevojaka i žena generativne dobi.Among women of reproductive age approximately one-third smokes. Cigarette smoke contains substances harmful for the unborn baby and for the future health of the child. Babies whose mothers smoke are often smaller and Ā¬premature. Smoking increases the risk of low birth weight almost twice, which increases the risk for perinatal and infant morbidity and mortality. Babies whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are 2ā€“5 times more likely to die from sudden infant death syndrome. Smoking in pregnancy also has implications for the long-term physical growth and intellectual Ā¬development. Cigarette smoke damages the unborn babiesā€™ lungs at crucial points of development, leading potentially to reduced lung capacity, respiratory infections, asthma and lung emphysema later in life. Smoking may contribute to Ā¬certain birth defects. Pregnant women should be advised that smoking endangers their child and efforts to reduce the above-mentioned complications should be focused on preventing nicotine addiction among girls and women in reproductive age

    Birth Weight of Healthy Newborns in Zagreb Area, Croatia

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    The aim of this study was to assess birth weight of healthy newborns from the City of Zagreb and Zagreb County, Croatia. Birth weights of healthy newborns, born at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital Center Ā»ZagrebĀ« in the year 2001, were included into analysis. Since there were only few newborns in the 22ndā€“27th week of gestation, they were excluded from the study. Small number of data points was also noticed in 28thā€“36th week of gestation, and was supplemented with the data from the years 2000, 2002 and 2003. The method of analysis used in this study was described by Altman and Chitty (Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol., 101 (1994) 29). After the application of well defined exclusion criteria, the final sample consisted of 4,252 newborns. Percentile values for the four groups of newborns (male genderā€“primipara, male genderā€“multipara, female genderā€“primipara, female genderā€“multipara) were defined, yielding highest birth weight values in the male genderā€“multipara group (50th percentile of 40th gestational week was 3551.3 g), while female genderā€“primipara newborns were the lightest among the four sub-samples studied (50th percentile of 40th gestational week was 3399.9 g). New percentile values for percentile curves plotting are presented here and recommended for use in the clinical practice