124 research outputs found

    Assisted Common Information: Further Results

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    We presented assisted common information as a generalization of G\'acs-K\"orner (GK) common information at ISIT 2010. The motivation for our formulation was to improve upperbounds on the efficiency of protocols for secure two-party sampling (which is a form of secure multi-party computation). Our upperbound was based on a monotonicity property of a rate-region (called the assisted residual information region) associated with the assisted common information formulation. In this note we present further results. We explore the connection of assisted common information with the Gray-Wyner system. We show that the assisted residual information region and the Gray-Wyner region are connected by a simple relationship: the assisted residual information region is the increasing hull of the Gray-Wyner region under an affine map. Several known relationships between GK common information and Gray-Wyner system fall out as consequences of this. Quantities which arise in other source coding contexts acquire new interpretations. In previous work we showed that assisted common information can be used to derive upperbounds on the rate at which a pair of parties can {\em securely sample} correlated random variables, given correlated random variables from another distribution. Here we present an example where the bound derived using assisted common information is much better than previously known bounds, and in fact is tight. This example considers correlated random variables defined in terms of standard variants of oblivious transfer, and is interesting on its own as it answers a natural question about these cryptographic primitives.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, 1 appendix; to be presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 201

    New Notions of Security: Achieving Universal Composability without Trusted Setup

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    We propose a modification to the framework of Universally Composable (UC) security [3]. Our new notion, involves comparing the protocol executions with an ideal execution involving ideal functionalities (just as in UC-security), but allowing the environment and adversary access to some super-polynomial computational power. We argue the meaningfulness of the new notion, which in particular subsumes many of the traditional notions of security. We generalize the Universal Composition theorem of [3] to the new setting. Then under new computational assumptions, we realize secure multi-party computation (for static adversaries) without a common reference string or any other set-up assumptions, in the new framework. This is known to be impossible under the UC framework.

    The Oblivious Transfer Capacity of the Wiretapped Binary Erasure Channel

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    We consider oblivious transfer between Alice and Bob in the presence of an eavesdropper Eve when there is a broadcast channel from Alice to Bob and Eve. In addition to the secrecy constraints of Alice and Bob, Eve should not learn the private data of Alice and Bob. When the broadcast channel consists of two independent binary erasure channels, we derive the oblivious transfer capacity for both 2-privacy (where the eavesdropper may collude with either party) and 1-privacy (where there are no collusions).Comment: This is an extended version of the paper "The Oblivious Transfer Capacity of the Wiretapped Binary Erasure Channel" to be presented at ISIT 201

    How to Securely Compute the Modulo-Two Sum of Binary Sources

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    In secure multiparty computation, mutually distrusting users in a network want to collaborate to compute functions of data which is distributed among the users. The users should not learn any additional information about the data of others than what they may infer from their own data and the functions they are computing. Previous works have mostly considered the worst case context (i.e., without assuming any distribution for the data); Lee and Abbe (2014) is a notable exception. Here, we study the average case (i.e., we work with a distribution on the data) where correctness and privacy is only desired asymptotically. For concreteness and simplicity, we consider a secure version of the function computation problem of K\"orner and Marton (1979) where two users observe a doubly symmetric binary source with parameter p and the third user wants to compute the XOR. We show that the amount of communication and randomness resources required depends on the level of correctness desired. When zero-error and perfect privacy are required, the results of Data et al. (2014) show that it can be achieved if and only if a total rate of 1 bit is communicated between every pair of users and private randomness at the rate of 1 is used up. In contrast, we show here that, if we only want the probability of error to vanish asymptotically in block length, it can be achieved by a lower rate (binary entropy of p) for all the links and for private randomness; this also guarantees perfect privacy. We also show that no smaller rates are possible even if privacy is only required asymptotically.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, extended version of submission to IEEE Information Theory Workshop, 201
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