52 research outputs found

    The Iron and Steel Industry in Germany (W.) between 1974 and 1990 with Special Regard to the Saarland: Report to the Research Institute of Industrial Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Science

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    Between 1974 and 1990 the number of persons employed in the German iron and steel industry was nearly halved due to the steel crisis. The regions mainly affected were the Ruhr region and the Saarland where this industry is concentrated. The steel crisis created many economic and social problems in these regions especially above average unemployment rates. Therefore attempts were made to rescue the steel plants (also by governmental subsidies) and to find socially acceptable solutions for the redundant employees. On the other hand substantial structural changes have taken place in these regions which will continue in coming years since there are no signs that the process of employment reduction in the steel industry has come to an end

    Die Einbeziehung technologischer Indikatoren bei der statistischen Messung des technischen Fortschritts - neue Ansätze und offene Fragen

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    Ein vollständiges System aus bewährten Indikatoren existiert nach Kenntnis der Autoren weder für die Informationstechnik noch für andere Technikfelder. Subjektive Experteneinschätzungen sind in den gegenwärtigen Indikatorensystemen daher bis auf weiteres unentbehrlich, um die unvollständigen Brücken zwischen den Indikatoren, ihre geringe gegenseitige Anpassung und andere Unzulänglichkeiten auszugleichen. Ein bewertendes Indikatorensystem muß aber auch keine Utopie bleiben: Es wird ein gedrängter synoptischer Überblick über bereits getestete Quervernetzungen zwischen einzelnen technologischen und ökonomischen Indikatoren für ausgewählte Produktgruppen gegeben. Daraus ergibt sich, daß gerade bei Patentindikatoren kaum Wünsche bezügl. der technischen und ökonomischen Abgrenzung offen bleiben. Die technometrische Methode zeigt zwar später als die Patentstatistik, aber noch früher als die Wirtschaftsstatistik strukturelle Änderungen in Wirtschaft und Technik an und läßt Analysen zum technis chen Fortschritt zu, welche die amtlichen Wirtschaftsstatistiken aufgrund mangelnder Disaggregation nicht ermöglichen können. Wegen des Einbezugs von Expertenansichten durch das Technometrie-Verfahren kommt Subjektivität in das System aus quantitativen Angaben, das zur Absicherung der Ergebnisse nützlich ist. Ferner sind die technometrischen Indikatoren von den z.Tl. gravierenden Einflüssen der nationalen Schutzrechtssysteme und der internationalen Preisbildung frei. (ISI

    Energy efficiency in Germany Analysis based on the ODYSSEE database from the SAVE project 'Cross-country comparison on energy efficiency indicators'. Final report

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    The most important change in the German data situation compared to the last national report in October 1995 was the adjustment of the national statistical system to the unified Germany including eastern Germany (in the following referred to as Germany). Therefore, the existing time series for western Germany (in the following referred to as ex-FRG) had not only to be updated, but German data had to be included in the ODYSSEE database, too. It is intended to improve in the future the quality of the data further and to extend the data through reasonable estimates as far as justified (improvement of the data for the ex-FRG up to 1994, completion and verification of the data for Germany in 1990/1991). It is clear that the re-unification (in combination with the change in 1995 of the national industrial energy consumption statistics to a classification which is compatible with the European NACE Rev. 1 classification) poses considerable difficulties for the Energy Efficiency Indicators (EEI) approach, in which longer time series improve the reliability of the results. The German reunification shows therefore the limitations of the approach which encounters difficulties in periods of rapid changes. It is, however, not a principle argument against the methodology. The difficulty stems rather from the fact that in periods of radical changes, statistical systems simply may break down for some time, and cannot be reconstructed afterwards. Fortunately, the German re-unification is exceptional within the European Union. However, in the case of the inclusion of Eastern European accession countries (PHARE countries) in the EEI approach, the same type of difficulties will occur, though to a lesser degree, because the changes were less radical, and because there was not a complete break in statistics. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Energy efficiency in Germany 1999 Analysis based on the ODYSEE database from the SAVE project 'Cross-country comparison on energy efficiency indicators'. Final report

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    The German national report for the SAVE project ''Cross-country Comparison on Energy Efficiency Indicators'' represents the recent energy efficiency trends in Germany based on the indicators extracted from the ODYSSEE database. For the first time, the 1999 country report only includes the development of energy consumption and efficiency in Germany after the unification, i.e. for the period 1991 to 1998. The year 1990 unfortunately could not be considered because most of the economic and energy consumption data for Germany (especially the revised National Accounts) are only available since 1991. The report starts with a review on data collection and the recent trends in the general context of energy efficiency, i.e. economic and energy consumption development, energy and environmental policy and energy price trends. Afterwards, the energy efficiency trends are described both at the level of the whole economy (Chapter 3) and at sectoral level (Chapter 4 to 8). (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    A methodology for validating the renewable energy data in EU

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    The multidimensional character of renewable energy sources (RES) necessitates the collection of a number of related data in order to support EU policy needs. Apart from the technology and techno-physical data also socioeconomic (e.g. employment, turnover) data and R&D expenditures are of critical relevance. The monitoring of the above RES data with respect to the existing targets for RES is of significant importance. In addition to this, even though significant data gathering efforts have been implemented, a lot of fragmented data and deduced findings are currently available, which sometimes lack consistency and verification. As a result, RES data validation and completion capacity is needed in the framework of the European Union (EU) energy policy. In addition to this, agreed and validated RES data can help energy policy makers and relevant stakeholders answering to pressing energy socio-economics' and sustainability issues. In this context, the main aim of the paper is to present a reference methodology for validating the RES Data in the EU. The development of the methodology is mainly based on the review of existing methods and ends up with recommendations for improvements in RES data aggregation and statistical interpretation, taking into consideration the related analysis of statisticians, energy technology experts and energy socio-economists

    Die Nachfrage nach petrochemischen Grundchemikalien im Jahr 2000

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    TIB: D.Dt.F./AC 1000 (16,78) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman