206 research outputs found

    Learning the Combinatorial Structure of Demonstrated Behaviors with Inverse Feedback Control

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    International audienceIn many applications, such as virtual agents or humanoid robots, it is difficult to represent complex human behaviors and the full range of skills necessary to achieve them. Real life human behaviors are often the combination of several parts and never reproduced in the exact same way. In this work we introduce a new algorithm that is able to learn behaviors by assuming that the observed complex motions can be represented in a smaller dictionary of concurrent tasks. We present an optimization formalism and show how we can learn simultaneously the dictionary and the mixture coefficients that represent each demonstration. We present results on a idealized model where a set of potential functions represents human objectives or preferences for achieving a task

    Learning to recognize parallel combinations of human motion primitives with linguistic descriptions using non-negative matrix factorization

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    International audienceWe present an approach, based on non-negative matrix factorization, for learning to recognize parallel combinations of initially unknown human motion primitives, associated with ambiguous sets of linguistic labels during training. In the training phase, the learner observes a human producing complex motions which are parallel combinations of initially unknown motion primitives. Each time the human shows a complex motion, he also provides high-level linguistic descriptions, consisting of a set of labels giving the name of the primitives inside the complex motion. From the observation of multi-modal combinations of high-level labels with high-dimensional continuous unsegmented values representing complex motions, the learner must later on be able to recognize, through the production of the adequate set of labels, which are the motion primitives in a novel complex motion produced by a human, even if those combinations were never observed during training. We explain how this problem, as well as natural extensions, can be addressed using non-negative matrix factorization. Then, we show in an experiment in which a learner has to recognize the primitive motions of complex human dance choreographies, that this technique allows the system to infer with good performance the combinatorial structure of parallel combinations of unknown primitives

    Feature learning for multi-task inverse reinforcement learning

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    In this paper we study the question of life long learning of behaviors from human demonstrations by an intelligent system. One approach is to model the observed demonstrations by a stationary policy. Inverse rein-forcement learning, on the other hand, searches a reward function that makes the observed policy closed to optimal in the corresponding Markov decision process. This approach provides a model of the task solved by the demonstrator and has been shown to lead to better generalization in un-known contexts. However both approaches focus on learning a single task from the expert demonstration. In this paper we propose a feature learn-ing approach for inverse reinforcement learning in which several different tasks are demonstrated, but in which each task is modeled as a mixture of several, simpler, primitive tasks. We present an algorithm based on an al-ternate gradient descent to learn simultaneously a dictionary of primitive tasks (in the form of reward functions) and their combination into an ap-proximation of the task underlying observed behavior. We illustrate how this approach enables efficient re-use of knowledge from previous demon-strations. Namely knowledge on tasks that were previously observed by the learner is used to improve the learning of a new composite behavior, thus achieving transfer of knowledge between tasks

    Learning Semantic Components from Subsymbolic Multimodal Perception

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    International audiencePerceptual systems often include sensors from several modalities. However, existing robots do not yet sufficiently discover patterns that are spread over the flow of multimodal data they receive. In this paper we present a framework that learns a dictionary of words from full spoken utterances, together with a set of gestures from human demonstrations and the semantic connection between words and gestures. We explain how to use a nonnegative matrix factorization algorithm to learn a dictionary of components that represent meaningful elements present in the multimodal perception, without providing the system with a symbolic representation of the semantics. We illustrate this framework by showing how a learner discovers word-like components from observation of gestures made by a human together with spoken descriptions of the gestures, and how it captures the semantic association between the two

    Unsupervised learning of simultaneous motor primitives through imitation

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    We propose to build a system able to learn motor primitives from simultaneous demonstrations of several such primitives. Our approach is based on compact local descriptors of the motor trajectory similar to those used to learn acoustic words amongst sentences or objects inside visual scenes

    A bag-of-features framework for incremental learning of speech invariants in unsegmented audio streams

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    International audienceWe introduce a computational framework that allows a machine to bootstrap flexible autonomous learning of speech recognition skills. Technically, this framework shall en- able a robot to incrementally learn to recog- nize speech invariants from unsegmented au- dio streams and with no prior knowledge of phonetics. To achieve this, we import the bag-of-words/bag-of-features approach from recent research in computer vision, and adapt it to incremental developmental speech pro- cessing. We evaluate an implementation of this framework on a complex speech database
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