2 research outputs found
A robotic system for steel bridge maintenance: Research challenges and system design
This paper presents the research on and development of a robotic system for stripping paint and rust from steel bridges, with the ultimate objective of preventing human exposure to hazardous and dangerous debris (containing rust, paint particles, lead and/or asbestos), relieving human workers from labor intensive tasks and reducing costs associated with bridge maintenance. The robot system design, the key research challenges and enabling technologies and system development are discussed in detail. Research results obtained so far and discussions on some key issues are also presented
Personalizing health care: feasibility and future implications
Considerable variety in how patients respond to treatments, driven by differences in their geno- and/ or phenotypes, calls for a more tailored approach. This is already happening, and will accelerate with developments in personalized medicine. However, its promise has not always translated into improvements in patient care due to the complexities involved. There are also concerns that advice for tests has been reversed, current tests can be costly, there is fragmentation of funding of care, and companies may seek high prices for new targeted drugs. There is a need to integrate current knowledge from a payer’s perspective to provide future guidance. Multiple findings including general considerations; influence of pharmacogenomics on response and toxicity of drug therapies; value of biomarker tests; limitations and costs of tests; and potentially high acquisition costs of new targeted therapies help to give guidance on potential ways forward for all stakeholder groups. Overall, personalized medicine has the potential to revolutionize care. However, current challenges and concerns need to be addressed to enhance its uptake and funding to benefit patients