11 research outputs found

    Hematopoiesis of a Healthy Supercentenarian is Dominated by One Myeloid-Biased Stem Cell Clone for at least 9 Years

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    Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer ScienceIntelligent SystemsPattern Recognition and Bioinformatic

    What does that gene do?: Gene function prediction by machine learning with applications to plants

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    Billions of people world-wide rely on plant-based food for their daily energy intake. As global warming and the spread of diseases (such as the banana Panama disease) is substantially hindering the cultivation of plants, the need to develop temperature- and/or disease-resistant varieties is getting more and more pressing. The field of plant breeding has been revolutionized by the use of molecular biology methods, such as DNA and RNA sequencing, which substantially accelerated the finding of genes that are likely to influence a trait of interest. The outcome of such experiments is typically a long list of candidate genes whose involvement in the trait needs to be experimentally validated. Prioritizing these experiments, i.e. testing the most promising genes first, can save a lot of time, effort and money, but is often hindered by the fact that the cellular roles (functions) of plant genes and the corresponding proteins is often unknown. Experimentally discovering the functions of genes is equally time-consuming and costly, so it is crucial to have computer algorithms that can automatically predict gene or protein functionswith high accuracy. After decades of research on this field, considerable progress has been made, but we are still far from a widely-acceptable and accurate solution to the problem.This thesis explores different research directions to improve protein function prediction, by developing new machine learning algorithms. These directions include new ways to represent proteins, exploiting semantic relationships among functions, and function-specific feature selection. The thesis also deals with the problem of missing protein interaction data for non-model species and quantifies its effect on protein function prediction. All in all, it provides novel insights to the problem that future work can build upon to lead to new breakthroughs.Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatic

    Metric learning on expression data for gene function prediction

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    Motivation: Co-expression of two genes across different conditions is indicative of their involvement in the same biological process. However, when using RNA-Seq datasets with many experimental conditions from diverse sources, only a subset of the experimental conditions is expected to be relevant for finding genes related to a particular Gene Ontology (GO) term. Therefore, we hypothesize that when the purpose is to find similarly functioning genes, the co-expression of genes should not be determined on all samples but only on those samples informative for the GO term of interest. Results: To address this, we developed Metric Learning for Co-expression (MLC), a fast algorithm that assigns a GO-term-specific weight to each expression sample. The goal is to obtain a weighted co-expression measure that is more suitable than the unweighted Pearson correlation for applying Guilt-By-Association-based function predictions. More specifically, if two genes are annotated with a given GO term, MLC tries to maximize their weighted co-expression and, in addition, if one of them is not annotated with that term, the weighted co-expression is minimized. Our experiments on publicly available Arabidopsis thaliana RNA-Seq data demonstrate that MLC outperforms standard Pearson correlation in term-centric performance. Moreover, our method is particularly good at more specific terms, which are the most interesting. Finally, by observing the sample weights for a particular GO term, one can identify which experiments are important for learning that term and potentially identify novel conditions that are relevant, as demonstrated by experiments in both A. thaliana and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa.Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatic

    Improving protein function prediction using protein sequence and GO-term similarities

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    Motivation: Most automatic functional annotation methods assign Gene Ontology (GO) terms to proteins based on annotations of highly similar proteins. We advocate that proteins that are less similar are still informative. Also, despite their simplicity and structure, GO terms seem to be hard for computers to learn, in particular the Biological Process ontology, which has the most terms (>29 000). We propose to use Label-Space Dimensionality Reduction (LSDR) techniques to exploit the redundancy of GO terms and transform them into a more compact latent representation that is easier to predict. Results: We compare proteins using a sequence similarity profile (SSP) to a set of annotated training proteins. We introduce two new LSDR methods, one based on the structure of the GO, and one based on semantic similarity of terms. We show that these LSDR methods, as well as three existing ones, improve the Critical Assessment of Functional Annotation performance of several function prediction algorithms. Cross-validation experiments on Arabidopsis thaliana proteins pinpoint the superiority of our GO-aware LSDR over generic LSDR. Our experiments on A.thaliana proteins show that the SSP representation in combination with a kNN classifier outperforms state-of-the-art and baseline methods in terms of cross-validated F-measure. Availability and implementation: Source code for the experiments is available at https://github.com/stamakro/SSP-LSDR.Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatic

    Automatic gene function prediction in the 2020’s

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    The current rate at which new DNA and protein sequences are being generated is too fast to experimentally discover the functions of those sequences, emphasizing the need for accurate Automatic Function Prediction (AFP) methods. AFP has been an active and growing research field for decades and has made considerable progress in that time. However, it is certainly not solved. In this paper, we describe challenges that the AFP field still has to overcome in the future to increase its applicability. The challenges we consider are how to: (1) include condition-specific functional annotation, (2) predict functions for non-model species, (3) include new informative data sources, (4) deal with the biases of Gene Ontology (GO) annotations, and (5) maximally exploit the GO to obtain performance gains. We also provide recommendations for addressing those challenges, by adapting (1) the way we represent proteins and genes, (2) the way we represent gene functions, and (3) the algorithms that perform the prediction from gene to function. Together, we show that AFP is still a vibrant research area that can benefit from continuing advances in machine learning with which AFP in the 2020s can again take a large step forward reinforcing the power of computational biology.Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatic

    The Power of Universal Contextualized Protein Embeddings in Cross-species Protein Function Prediction

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    Computationally annotating proteins with a molecular function is a difficult problem that is made even harder due to the limited amount of available labeled protein training data. Unsupervised protein embeddings partly circumvent this limitation by learning a universal protein representation from many unlabeled sequences. Such embeddings incorporate contextual information of amino acids, thereby modeling the underlying principles of protein sequences insensitive to the context of species. We used an existing pre-trained protein embedding method and subjected its molecular function prediction performance to detailed characterization, first to advance the understanding of protein language models, and second to determine areas of improvement. Then, we applied the model in a transfer learning task by training a function predictor based on the embeddings of annotated protein sequences of one training species and making predictions on the proteins of several test species with varying evolutionary distance. We show that this approach successfully generalizes knowledge about protein function from one eukaryotic species to various other species, outperforming both an alignment-based and a supervised-learning-based baseline. This implies that such a method could be effective for molecular function prediction in inadequately annotated species from understudied taxonomic kingdoms.Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatic

    An in-depth comparison of linear and non-linear joint embedding methods for bulk and single-cell multi-omics

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    Multi-omic analyses are necessary to understand the complex biological processes taking place at the tissue and cell level, but also to make reliable predictions about, for example, disease outcome. Several linear methods exist that create a joint embedding using paired information per sample, but recently there has been a rise in the popularity of neural architectures that embed paired -omics into the same non-linear manifold. This work describes a head-to-head comparison of linear and non-linear joint embedding methods using both bulk and single-cell multi-modal datasets. We found that non-linear methods have a clear advantage with respect to linear ones for missing modality imputation. Performance comparisons in the downstream tasks of survival analysis for bulk tumor data and cell type classification for single-cell data lead to the following insights: First, concatenating the principal components of each modality is a competitive baseline and hard to beat if all modalities are available at test time. However, if we only have one modality available at test time, training a predictive model on the joint space of that modality can lead to performance improvements with respect to just using the unimodal principal components. Second, -omic profiles imputed by neural joint embedding methods are realistic enough to be used by a classifier trained on real data with limited performance drops. Taken together, our comparisons give hints to which joint embedding to use for which downstream task. Overall, product-of-experts performed well in most tasks and was reasonably fast, while early integration (concatenation) of modalities did quite poorly.Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatic

    Benchmarking variational AutoEncoders on cancer transcriptomics data

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    Deep generative models, such as variational autoencoders (VAE), have gained increasing attention in computational biology due to their ability to capture complex data manifolds which subsequently can be used to achieve better performance in downstream tasks, such as cancer type prediction or subtyping of cancer. However, these models are difficult to train due to the large number of hyperparameters that need to be tuned. To get a better understanding of the importance of the different hyperparameters, we examined six different VAE models when trained on TCGA transcriptomics data and evaluated on the downstream tasks of cluster agreement with cancer subtypes and survival analysis. We studied the effect of the latent space dimensionality, learning rate, optimizer, initialization and activation function on the quality of subsequent downstream tasks on the TCGA samples. We found β-TCVAE and DIP-VAE to have a good performance, on average, despite being more sensitive to hyperparameters selection. Based on these experiments, we derived recommendations for selecting the different hyperparameters settings. To ensure generalization, we tested all hyperparameter configurations on the GTEx dataset. We found a significant correlation (ρ = 0.7) between the hyperparameter effects on clustering performance in the TCGA and GTEx datasets. This highlights the robustness and generalizability of our recommendations. In addition, we examined whether the learned latent spaces capture biologically relevant information. Hereto, we measured the correlation and mutual information of the different representations with various data characteristics such as gender, age, days to metastasis, immune infiltration, and mutation signatures. We found that for all models the latent factors, in general, do not uniquely correlate with one of the data characteristics nor capture separable information in the latent factors even for models specifically designed for disentanglement.Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatic

    Is Wikipedia succeeding in reducing gender bias? Assessing changes in gender bias in Wikipedia using word embeddings

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    Large text corpora used for creating word embeddings (vectors which represent word meanings) often contain stereotypical gender biases. As a result, such unwanted biases will typically also be present in word embeddings derived from such corpora and downstream applications in the field of natural language processing (NLP). To minimize the effect of gender bias in these settings, more insight is needed when it comes to where and how biases manifest themselves in the text corpora employed. This paper contributes by showing how gender bias in word embeddings from Wikipedia has developed over time. Quantifying the gender bias over time shows that art related words have become more female biased. Family and science words have stereotypical biases towards respectively female and male words. These biases seem to have decreased since 2006, but these changes are not more extreme than those seen in random sets of words. Career related words are more strongly associated with male than with female, this difference has only become smaller in recently written articles. These developments provide additional understanding of what can be done to make Wikipedia more gender neutral and how important time of writing can be when considering biases in word embeddings trained from Wikipedia or from other text corpora.Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatic