2 research outputs found
Determinan Kesediaan Ibu Hamil Mengikuti Vaksinasi Covid-19
Pregnant women are a group that is vulnerable to Covid-19 due to physiological changes during pregnancy, resulting in a change in response to Covid-19 infection. Pregnant women infected with Covid-19 are at risk for preeclampsia, stillbirth, premature birth, and maternal death. The magnitude of the impact, it is necessary to have a Covid-19 vaccine to reduce the incidence and reduce the severity caused by Covid-19, especially in pregnant women. This study aims to determine the determinants of the willingness of pregnant women to take the Covid-19 vaccine in the working area of ​​the Tomalehu Health Center. The type of research used is descriptive analytic with a cross sectional study design. The population in this study were all pregnant women in the second and third trimesters who were in the Working Area of ​​the Tomalehu Health Center, West Seram Regency, as many as 41 respondents. The sample in this study were pregnant women in the second and third trimesters who were in the Working Area of ​​the Tomalehu Health Center as many as 37 respondents. Sampling was done by using purposive sampling method. Processing and analysis using Chi Square test with a significance level of p < 0.05. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between knowledge (p = 0.005), perception (p = 0.000) with the willingness of pregnant women to vaccinate against Covid-19 and there is no relationship between a history of disease (0.403) and the willingness of pregnant women to vaccinate against Covid-19 . Researchers suggest that health workers and the government should increase the socialization of giving vaccinations to pregnant women so that vaccination coverage can increas
Relationship of Hospital Factors and Individual Behavior Prevention of The Injury Needle Stick Against Nurse in Treatment Room of General Hospital of Jombang District
There is a correlation between the hospital and individuals with behavior prevention of needle stick injury to nurses in the treatment room of Jombang Hospital. The need for a shared commitment between management and individuals to make health and safety described as a culture and not just a program.The hospital is a health care institution centre for capital intensive, technology, and works as well as a risk of workplace accidents 2.5 times greater when compared with other industries, so that the application of the K3 has become an absolute requirement that must be presented by the hospital management. The relationship between prevention behaviors of the hospital and the individual against needle stick injury to nurses in the treatment room of Jombang Hospital. This study is analytical observational research with quantitative methods and using cross sectional design. The total samples are 80 people while data collected by using questionnaires and observation sheets.Data were analyzed using univariate analysis and correlation with the chi square test. Results of correlation analysis with Chi-Square test was obtained p= 0.012<α (0.05) showed no significant relationship between policy K3 with prevention behavior of needle stick injury. Human resource variables K3 0.046 <α (0.05) there is a relationship. Knowledge 0.027 <α (0.05) there is a relationship. Training 0,034 <α (0.05) there is a relationship. Motivation 0,026 <α (0.05) there is a relationship. Attitude 0. 033> α (0. 05) there is a relationship. Perception 0. 046 <α (0.05) and individual commitments 0. 044 <α (0.05).