117 research outputs found

    Cyber Physical Manufacturing Metrology

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    The Cyber Physical Manufacturing Metrology (CP2M) is based on integration of the Cyber Physical Manufacturing (CPM) and connection between Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud technology (CT). These are high-level methodologies for development of new generation manufacturing metrology systems, which are more intelligent, flexible and self-adaptable. CP2M generates Big Data, horizontally by integration (network of machines/CMMs, processes and sensors) and vertically by control (usually defined over five levels) which should be analytically processed and managed by the CP2M. In this paper was given, a detailed analysis of the current framework of development the CP2M. A brief overview of the concept CP2M research, particularly in Serbia is given as well

    Developing engineering ontology for domain coordinate metrology

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    Već razvijene i primenjene inženjerske informacije, često su skladištene i zaboravljene. Trenutni pristupi pretraživanju informacija su nedovoljno efikasni u razumevanju inženjerskih sadržaja, jer oni nisu razvijeni tako da dele, ponovo upotrebljavaju i predstavljaju informacije jednog inženjerskog domena. U ovom radu se daje trenutno stanje razvoja inženjerske ontologije i predlaže metod njenog razvoja na konceptualnom nivou, u cilju ponovne upotrebe i deljenja znanja u domenu koordinatne metrologije. Osim toga, metod definiše razvoj ontologije za potrebe izgradnje baze znanja, kao jedne od osnovnih komponenti inteligentnog sistema za inspekciju prizmatičnih delova na numerički upravljanoj mernoj mašini. Predloženi metod je implementiran u softveru Protégé na primeru jednog mernog dela.Already developed and applied engineering information, it is often stored and forgotten. Current approaches for information retrieval are not effective enough in understanding of engineering contents, because they are not developed to share, reuse and represent information of an engineering domain. This paper presents the current state of development engineering ontology (EO) and suggests the method of its development at conceptual level, in order to reuse and share knowledge in domain of coordinate metrology (CM). Furthermore, the method defines development of ontology for the construction of knowledge base, as one of the basic components of an intelligent system for the inspection of prismatic parts on coordinate measuring machine (CMM). The proposed method is implemented in the software Protégé on the example of one measuring part

    Developing engineering ontology for domain coordinate metrology

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    Već razvijene i primenjene inženjerske informacije, često su skladištene i zaboravljene. Trenutni pristupi pretraživanju informacija su nedovoljno efikasni u razumevanju inženjerskih sadržaja, jer oni nisu razvijeni tako da dele, ponovo upotrebljavaju i predstavljaju informacije jednog inženjerskog domena. U ovom radu se daje trenutno stanje razvoja inženjerske ontologije i predlaže metod njenog razvoja na konceptualnom nivou, u cilju ponovne upotrebe i deljenja znanja u domenu koordinatne metrologije. Osim toga, metod definiše razvoj ontologije za potrebe izgradnje baze znanja, kao jedne od osnovnih komponenti inteligentnog sistema za inspekciju prizmatičnih delova na numerički upravljanoj mernoj mašini. Predloženi metod je implementiran u softveru Protégé na primeru jednog mernog dela.Already developed and applied engineering information, it is often stored and forgotten. Current approaches for information retrieval are not effective enough in understanding of engineering contents, because they are not developed to share, reuse and represent information of an engineering domain. This paper presents the current state of development engineering ontology (EO) and suggests the method of its development at conceptual level, in order to reuse and share knowledge in domain of coordinate metrology (CM). Furthermore, the method defines development of ontology for the construction of knowledge base, as one of the basic components of an intelligent system for the inspection of prismatic parts on coordinate measuring machine (CMM). The proposed method is implemented in the software Protégé on the example of one measuring part

    Cyber Physical Manufacturing Metrology

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    The Cyber Physical Manufacturing Metrology (CP2M) is based on integration of the Cyber Physical Manufacturing (CPM) and connection between Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud technology (CT). These are high-level methodologies for development of new generation manufacturing metrology systems, which are more intelligent, flexible and self-adaptable. CP2M generates Big Data, horizontally by integration (network of machines/CMMs, processes and sensors) and vertically by control (usually defined over five levels) which should be analytically processed and managed by the CP2M. In this paper was given, a detailed analysis of the current framework of development the CP2M. A brief overview of the concept CP2M research, particularly in Serbia is given as well

    Development of a knowledge base for the planning of prismatic parts inspection on CMM

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    Inspection on coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) is based on software support for various classes of metrological tasks, i.e. Tolerances. Today, the design of a uniform inspection plan for a measuring part presents a rather complex issue due to the following: (i) metrological complexity of a measuring part; (ii) skills and knowledge of a designer / inspection planner; and (iii) software for CAI model, considered as a part of an integrated CAD-CAPP-CAM-CAI system. This issue could be addressed by the usage of expert systems that generate a conceptual inspection plan for a measuring part, based on which the inspection plan for a selected CMM could be automatically developed. This paper presents the development of a model of an automatic inspection planning system for CMMs, and, in particular, the developed knowledge base model

    Development of a knowledge base for the planning of prismatic parts inspection on CMM

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    Inspection on coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) is based on software support for various classes of metrological tasks, i.e. Tolerances. Today, the design of a uniform inspection plan for a measuring part presents a rather complex issue due to the following: (i) metrological complexity of a measuring part; (ii) skills and knowledge of a designer / inspection planner; and (iii) software for CAI model, considered as a part of an integrated CAD-CAPP-CAM-CAI system. This issue could be addressed by the usage of expert systems that generate a conceptual inspection plan for a measuring part, based on which the inspection plan for a selected CMM could be automatically developed. This paper presents the development of a model of an automatic inspection planning system for CMMs, and, in particular, the developed knowledge base model

    Industry 4.0 - renaissance of engineering first edition

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    The main purpose of this Monograph is to provide students, engineers and researchers with the latest knowledge about Industry 4.0 from the following aspects: (a) what Industry 4.0 is and how it came about, what it is and what the National Industry 4.0 Programs cover. What is the National Program of Serbia for this model, (b) what are its basic elements and how do they work in this model, (c) what engineering knowledge is needed for this concept, and what is our research in this area, (d) what this model means for other industries and how to apply it, and (e) what is the vision of this model in the next decade, until 2030, and in which direction this model will develop. The authors has been intensively involved in this field since 2015, so this Monograph presents a systematization of their knowledge of Industry 4.0 from the following aspects: (a) prepared and held five International Conferences on Industry 4.0 at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, thousand participants from the country and the world, (b) held 35 Panels on Industry 4.0 in our country, (c) published 42 papers at international conferences, domestic and foreign journals, or chapters in domestic and foreign monographs, (e) held more than 20 invited lectures in the country and the world on the topic of Industry 4.0, and (f) realized dozens of projects for domestic factories, through research tasks related to business organization and preparation for the application of elements of Industry 4.0 in their environment

    Industry 4.0 - renaissance of engineering first edition

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    The main purpose of this Monograph is to provide students, engineers and researchers with the latest knowledge about Industry 4.0 from the following aspects: (a) what Industry 4.0 is and how it came about, what it is and what the National Industry 4.0 Programs cover. What is the National Program of Serbia for this model, (b) what are its basic elements and how do they work in this model, (c) what engineering knowledge is needed for this concept, and what is our research in this area, (d) what this model means for other industries and how to apply it, and (e) what is the vision of this model in the next decade, until 2030, and in which direction this model will develop. The authors has been intensively involved in this field since 2015, so this Monograph presents a systematization of their knowledge of Industry 4.0 from the following aspects: (a) prepared and held five International Conferences on Industry 4.0 at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, thousand participants from the country and the world, (b) held 35 Panels on Industry 4.0 in our country, (c) published 42 papers at international conferences, domestic and foreign journals, or chapters in domestic and foreign monographs, (e) held more than 20 invited lectures in the country and the world on the topic of Industry 4.0, and (f) realized dozens of projects for domestic factories, through research tasks related to business organization and preparation for the application of elements of Industry 4.0 in their environment

    Industry 4.0 in Serbia: State of development

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    Novi model automatizacije tehnoloških sistema, zasnovan na Internetu, definisan je kao koncept industrije 4.0, Nemačka 2011. godine. Predstavlja napredni model povezivanja mašina i računara (eng. cyber-physical systems - CPS), njihovog umrežavanja (eng. cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT)) sa široko rasprostranjenom upotrebom napredne veštačke inteligencije (eng. artificial intelligence (AI)) u ovom konceptu. Ovaj koncept je model pametne proizvodnje (eng. smart manufacturing (SM)), a danas govorimo o: pametnim vozilima, pametnim autoputevima, pametnim mrežama, pametnim gradovima, pametnim uslugama itd... - ukratko, inteligentno "sve i svašta" (pametno sve). Najvažniji pravci za Srbiju u primeni industrije 4.0 su: industrijska politika za industriju 4.0, obrazovanje za industriju 4.0 (visoko/srednje obrazovanje), istraživanje za industriju 4.0, a posebno primenjena istraživanja i spremnost MSP za industriju 4.0, kao i primena ovog modela u praksi. Ovaj rad predstavlja razvoj i primenu modela industrije 4.0 u Srbiji, kroz delatnost Mašinskog fakulteta u Beogradu, od 2015. godine do danas, sa posebnim osvrtom na primenu industrije 4.0 u rudarstvu.A new model of automation of technological systems, based on the Internet, was defined as the concept of Industry 4.0, Germany in 2011. It represents an advanced model of connecting machines and computers (cyber-physical systems - CPS), their networking (cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT)) with the widespread use of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) in this concept. This concept is a model of smart manufacturing (SM), and today we are talking about: smart vehicles, smart highways, smart grids, smart cities, smart services, etc ... - in short, intelligent "everything and anything" (smart everything). The most important directions for Serbia in the application of Industry 4.0 include: industrial policy for Industry 4.0, education for Industry 4.0 (higher / secondary education), research for Industry 4.0, and especially applied research and readiness of SMEs for Industry 4.0, as well as the application of this model in practice. This paper presents the development and application of the Industry 4.0 model in Serbia, through the activities of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, from 2015 until today, with special reference to the application of Industry 4.0 in mining

    Determining the sequence of inspections of basic geometric primitives on CMM

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    У раду је представљен метод одређивања редоследа инспекције основних геометријских примитива код кутијастих машинских делова у циљу развоја глобалног плана инспекције, једног од саставних чинилаца интелигентног планирања инспекције на НУММ. Метод је заснован на три међусобно управна правца (пет смерова) приступа мерног пипка и правилима која дефинишу редослед инспекције примитива. Резултат је одређена секвенца инспекције за основне геометријске примитиве као што су раван, цилиндар, купа, торус и свера, на примеру једног мерног предмета.This paper presents a method of determining the sequence of inspections of basic geometric primitives to the boxy machine parts in order to develop a global plan of inspection, as one of the constituent factors of intelligent planning inspection on CMM. The method is based on three (five courses) each other normally directions approach of the measuring probe and rules that define the sequence of inspections primitives. The result is a certain sequence inspections for basic geometric primitives such as plane, cylinder, cone, torus and sphere, an example of а measuring part