27 research outputs found

    Bračni život slavonske graničarske žene u svjetlu suvremenih zapisa

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    To the Memory of Juraj Šižgorić at the 50th Anniversary of His Work "On the Location of Illyriaa and on the City of Sibenik"

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    The Chronicle of Toma Archdeacon and the Germs of Ethnological Thought Among Croats

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    Petru Hektoroviću u čast i spomen (1487-1987)

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    Das eheleben der Slawonischen grenzerin im lichte der zeitgenossischen berichte

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    Die Chronik des Priesters aus Duklja - Ein Grundlegendes Werk fĆ¼r die Erforschung der AnsƤtze des Ethnologischen Gedankens bei den Kroaten

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    U prilogu se razmatra Ljetopis popa Dukljanina kao etnoloÅ”ki izvor ali i kao nezaobilazno djelo kada je riječ o počecima etnoloÅ”kog razmiÅ”ljanja u nas.Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird die Chronik des Priesters aus Duklja (XII. JhdL), dessen ursprĆ¼nglicher slawische Text zwar verlorenging, aber seine kroatischen und lateinischen Abschreibungen bzw. Ɯbersetzungen erhalten sind, als Quelle fĆ¼r ethnologische Forschungen bewertet. Der Autor dieser Chronik stĆ¼tzte sich in seiner Arbeit auf volkstumliche Ɯberlieferungen und schuf selbst eine Grundlage fĆ¼r die Entstehung weiterer Legenden

    Towards The Call Of Vila (Fairy) Slovinka Through BaŔćina (Heritage) Of Juraj Barakovlć

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    Ovaj prilog je nastavak autoričina sustavnog istraživanja djela starije hrvatske književnosti s osobitim obzirom na to da ona, joÅ” nedovoljno istražena, predstavljaju bogatu podlogu za izučavanje začetaka etnoloÅ”kog razmiÅ”ljanja u Hrvata. U ovoj je radu analizirano djelo J. Barakovića "Vila Slovinka", nastalo na razmeđu dvaju stilova - renesanse i baroka, djelo koje sadrži niz zanimljivih i relevantnih etnoloÅ”kih i folklorističkih podataka."Vila Slovinka", Juraj Baraković\u27s poem, is a valuable contribution to the research and the establishment of the beginnings of Croatian ethnological perception. This work was written in the 16th century and it is marked by two different styles: the Renaissance and the Baroque. The author tries to confirm in a careful analysis her idea about older Croatian literature being a source of many pieces of information relevant for roots of the future science - ethnology. Baraković is, as well as his forerunners Zoranić and Hektorović, interested in ethnogenesis of the Croats. According to his education, he places the origins of his people in the ancient times. Baraković is the objective observer of his compatriots, life and customs, regardless of which social stratum they belong to. His characters are not "paper-made"-they are very alive, with all the human features. The poet is an excellent expert in folk poems, so that he includes them in his poem. As a good observer of social strata, he is completely aware of the value of customs, and therefore he also uses them in this work. The interesting part of this extensive poem is also Baraković\u27s knowledge of history, his patriotism and the feeling for traditional heritage of his nation. Nevertheless, one thing must be kept in mind - this is all very far from the conscious scientific research, but it is still a big step towards


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    Prikazi i vijesti

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    Prikazi i vijesti

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