5 research outputs found

    Quality of the FarmaVigiC database filling process, Las Tunas 2021

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    Background: the correct filling of the FarmaVigiC pharmacovigilance database from the adverse reaction notification model determines its proper interpretation for therapeutic decision-making in clinical practice. Objective: characterize the filling of the pharmacovigilance database from the reporting model of adverse drug reactions in the year 2021 in Las Tunas. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out with the afore mentioned objective, place and period of time. The sample consisted of the 1235 notifications of adverse reactions registered in the FarmaVigiC Database in the province. To determine the quality of each item in the collection model, the provisions of the Instructions for filling out the national database were used as a reference. Results: in 8.25 % of the reports the personal pathological history was omitted, 6.63 % did not define other drugs that the patient receives, 9 % did not correctly classify mild and moderate reactions, in 6% of the reports there were errors when classifying the imputability of the reactions, 9.1 % did not correctly identify the most affected organ system. The non-notification of the route, dose, batch and date of administration of other drugs occurred in approximately 7 % of all cases. Conclusions: the process of filling in the FarmaVigiC database presented difficulties due to the omission and non-adherence to the instructions created with a view to homogenizing the information

    Adverse reactions to antimicrobials in patients from Las Tunas

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    Background: the consequences generated by the massive and unjustified use of antimicrobials currently represent serious problems in the context of public health on a worldwide scale.Objective: to describe the adverse reactions produced by antimicrobials, reported to the pharmacovigilance database in the province of Las Tunas, from January to June 2017.Methods: a pharmacovigilance, observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out at the aforementioned place and during the period herein declared. The study universe consisted of 460 reports of adverse reactions and the sample was made up of the 111 reports corresponding to antimicrobials. Descriptive statistics techniques were applied to analyze the information. The measures of summary statistics were absolute frequency and percentile.Results: the report of adverse reactions to antimicrobials remained similar in most of the studied months, reports of adverse reactions to antimicrobials in female patients predominated for 61,2 %, in the 19 to 59 age group, 42,3 %. The most affected organ system was the skin in 33,3 %, followed by the general system in 26,2 %. Mild adverse reactions predominated in 58,5 %, probable adverse reactions in 88,2 % and frequent adverse reactions in 58,5 %. The majority of the reactions were reported by physicians, 67,5 %. According to the drug class, cephalosporins and penicillins had higher reports (30,6 and 28,8 %, respectively).Conclusions: the adverse reactions produced by antimicrobial agents in patients from Las Tunas were described, in the first semester of 2017.</p

    Pertinencia del esquema terapéutico antimicrobiano en las infecciones del tracto urinario, Las Tunas

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    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, de utilización de medicamentos de tipo indicación-prescripción con elementos de esquema terapéutico, con el objetivo de evaluar la pertinencia del esquema terapéutico de antimicrobianos, para el tratamiento de las infecciones del tracto urinario en la atención primaria de salud en el municipio Las Tunas, en el período comprendido entre enero a diciembre de 2012. El universo estuvo constituido por el total de pacientes con prescripción médica de antimicrobianos por impresión diagnóstica de sepsi o infección urinaria, la muestra fue de 120 pacientes. Los datos se obtuvieron de fuentes primarias y secundarias, procesados por estadística descriptiva, a través del análisis porcentual.  Las infecciones del tracto urinario, baja y alta no complicadas, fueron las que más afectaron a la población. Los antimicrobianos más utilizados: cotrimoxazol, ciprofloxacina y ácido nalidíxico. A la mayoría de los pacientes se les prescribieron terapéuticas antimicrobianas no pertinentes, debido a la selección inadecuada

    Adverse reactions to non-opioid analgesics notified in Las Tunas, 2017 though the first semester of 2019

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    Background: non-opioid analgesics are the mostly used drugs for pain relief and inflammation worldwide. However, this benefit is closely associated with adverse reactions.Objective: to characterize the adverse reactions to non-opioid analgesics registered at the database of pharmacovigilance of the province of Las Tunas, from 2017 to the first semester of 2019.Methods: a cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study was carried out at the place and during the period herein declared. The university consisted of the 1711 registers of the main adverse reactions conducted in the study period and the sample included 180 corresponding to non-opioid analgesics. Descriptive statistics was used for the analysis of data.Results: the highest number of registers were related to the female sex with 116 reports (64,4 %) and the 41 to 60 age group with 68 (37,8 %). The adverse reactions that predominated were the frequent ones, 68 registers (37,8 %); according to severity there was a higher notification of the mild ones with 98 reports (54,4 %) and according to causality the probable ones prevailed with 137 registers (76,7 %). The mostly affected organ system was the skin, 84 registers (46,7 %), being cutaneous eruption, with 18 registers (10 %), the most registered one within the system and in general among all reactions. The drug with most registers of adverse reactions was metamizole, 56 registers (31,1 %).Conclusions: the study could characterize the notifications of adverse reactions to non-opioid analgesics in Las Tunas.</p

    Infecciones nosocomiales en la Unidad de Cuidados Intermedios del Hospital General “Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna”, 2007-2011

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    Se realizó una investigación observacional, descriptiva y retrospectiva, en la Unidad de Cuidados Intermedios del Hospital General Docente “Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna” de la provincia Las Tunas, durante el período comprendido entre enero de 2007 a diciembre de 2011, con el objetivo de caracterizar el comportamiento de las infecciones nosocomiales. La muestra la constituyeron los 390 pacientes con infección hospitalaria, se identificaron y describieron algunas tasas y variables de interés. Se utilizaron fuentes primarias para la obtención de la información, y los datos fueron procesados utilizando la estadística descriptiva mediante el análisis porcentual. La Tasa de Infección Hospitalaria Global tuvo un comportamiento que no se corresponde con la media nacional, la tasa de mortalidad está disminuida, respecto al indicador establecido; según las localizaciones, el sistema respiratorio fue el más afectado; el índice de positividad de las muestras fue elevado; la cepa del germen predominante fue el Citrobacter diversus.</em