7 research outputs found

    Synthesis, structural characterization, and thermal decomposition study of Mg(H2O)6B10H10·4H2O

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    Compound 1 (Mg(H2O)6B10H10 3 4H2O) was synthesized and characterized using NMR, IR, XRD, and elemental analysis. Its thermal decomposition behavior was studied using Simultaneous Thermogravimetric Modulated Beam Mass Spectrometry (STMBMS), TGA, DSC, IR, and 11B NMR. The crystal structure of 1 reveals multiple dihydrogen and hydrogen bonding interactions that form a 3D extended structure. A reaction network characterizing the thermal decomposition of 1 and its secondary products over a temperature range from 20 to 1000 _C has been developed. Thermal decomposition of 1 is primarily controlled by two competing branches in the reaction network, where coordinated water evolves as either H2O (dehydration) or H2 (dehydrogenation). The extent of reaction to form H2 depends on the fraction of the coordinated water remaining in the sample when its temperature is between 160 and 225 _C. The evolution of coordinated water is reversible and controlled by dissociative sublimation. For the release of coordinated water between 160 and 215 _C, the vapor pressure of water is given by Loge P (Torr) = 30.4561 _ 12425.2/T (K) and ΔHs = 103.3(0.3 kJ/mol. The nature of the condensed phase secondary product remaining after all coordinated water is removed by either dehydration and/or dehydrogenation depends strongly on the extent of reaction to form Mg(OH)xB10H10_x. Results of STMBMS experiments where x varies from 0.2 to ∼4 are used to develop the reaction network that characterizes the thermal decomposition process. Heating of 1 at 205 _C resulted in the formation of water-soluble Mg(OH)x(H2O)2_xB10H10_x, while prolonged heating of 1 at 270 _C and heating up to 1000 _C led to decompositio

    The structural characterization of (NH4)2B10H10 and thermal decomposition studies of (NH4)2B10H10 and (NH4)2B12H12

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    The structure of (NH4)2B10H10 (1) was determined through powder XRD analysis. The thermal decomposition of 1 and (NH4)2B12H12 (2) was examined between 20 and 1000oC using STMBMS methods. Between 200 and 400oC a mixture of NH3 and H2 evolves from both compounds; above 400oC only H2 evolves. The dihydrogen bonding interaction in 1 is much stronger than that in 2. The stronger dihydrogen bond in 1 resulted in a significant reduction by up to 60oC, but with a corresponding 25% decrease in the yield of H2 in the lower temperature region and a doubling of the yield of NH3. The decomposition of 1 follows a lower temperature exothermic reaction pathway that yields substantially more NH3 than the higher temperature endothermic pathway of 2. Heating of 1 at 250oC resulted in partial conversion of B10H102 to B12H122 Both 1 and 2 form an insoluble polymeric material after decomposition. The elements of the reaction network that control the release of H2 from the B10H102 can be altered by conducting the experiment under conditions in whichpressures of NH3 and H2 are either near, or away from, their equilibrium values