53 research outputs found
Giza Nutrizioa
Duración (en horas): De 31 a 40 horas.
Destinatario: Estudiante y DocenteBi izango dira ikasleek ardatz modura Giza Nutrizioko iraskasgaia garatzeko erbiliko dituzten arazoak:
A seed towards a sustainable food system in healthcare institutions: the case of the Basque Country
Public procurement of food is seen as a critical tool for a paradigm shift and for facilitating the development of specific policy objectives to build sustainable food environments. Furthermore, the harnessing of the purchasing power of hospitals, prioritizing local and sustainable food, offers the potential to transform food production systems into more resilient production models and bring them in line with current European sustainability strategies. This paper analyses the current situation of sustainable food procurement strategies in Osakidetza, the Basque Health System, and identifies the challenges and action plans needed to develop a sustainable food strategy. Sustainable food procurement is still incipient in Osakidetza. This roadmap proposal is a basic but necessary contribution as a starting point. Likewise, we find contributions from agroecology that are interesting for the construction of sustainable food environments in health systems
Knowledge Gaps in Gluten-Free Diet Awareness among Patients and Healthcare Professionals: A Call for Enhanced Nutritional Education
Diet is the only treatment for celiac disease (CeD), and good adherence to a gluten-free diet (GFD) is the only way to ensure complete remission and to prevent complications. Limited education about the disease and a GFD is an attributing factor to inadequate adherence. Thus, our aim was to assess the current knowledge about a GFD and the clinical monitoring of adherence to the diet among CeD people and HCPs. Specific questionnaires were designed and distributed to assess the knowledge of CeD people (Q1 questionnaire) (n = 2437) and to analyze the follow-up of the disease from the perspective of patients (Q2 questionnaire) (n = 1294) and HCPs (Q3 questionnaire) (n = 346). Two-thirds of HCPs specialized in pediatric care, while one-third did so in adult care. In CeD people, general questions regarding food classification and cross-contamination are well understood. When patients have doubts, 51.4% reported using the Internet and social networks. Thus, it is crucial that resources like social media are reliable and provide valuable information. Q3 revealed the lack of time to follow up the diet after diagnosis (48% of HCPs allocate < 15 min), the interest in further training, and the need for a professional specialized in diets within the healthcare system. In conclusion, it is essential to enhance nutritional education to increase awareness of a GFD.Maialen Vázquez-Polo has a fellowship at the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU. The GLUTEN3S research group is supported by a grant (GIU21/053) from the UPV/EHU, the grant I+D+iPID2021-125695OA-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the grant University-Society US22/22 funded by the UPV/EHU
Azido linoleiko konjokatua: obesitatearen aurkako irtenbidea ala mehatxua?
Obesitatea etengabe nagusitzen doa, bereziki mendebaldeko gizarteetan, eta oraindik ez da aurkitu gaixotasun horren aurkako tratamendu arrakastatsurik. Aukera posibleen artean, azpimagarria da elikagai funtzionalek azken urteotan hartu duten indarra. Elikagai horien osagaietako bat Azido Linoleiko Konjokatua (CLA) da, animalia hausnarkarien haragian eta esne eta esnekietan naturalki dagoen gantz azidoa. 80. hamarkadatik gaur arte ugari izan dira lipido horren inguruan egindako ikerketak eta berari esleitutako efektu onuragarriak. Horrela, frogatu da gantz horrek gorputz-pisua eta gantz-masa erregula ditzakeela, minbizi-sormena ekidin dezakeela eta gaixotasun kardiobaskularren arriskua ere jaitsi dezakeela. In vitro zein esperimentazio-animalietan in vivo eginiko hainbat ikerketak agerian utzi dute CLAk gantz-ehunaren pisua murriz dezakeela gantz-pilaketa inhibituz eta gantzaren oxidazioa suspertuz. Gizakietan lorturiko datuak, ordea, askoz urriagoak dira, ez dira horren erabakiorrak eta emaitz gehiagoren beharra dago. Molekula horren segurtasunaren ildoan ere, emaitza kontrajarriak plazaratu dira eta beraz, ez da oraindik efektu desiragaitz zehatzik azpimarratzen. Dena den, merkaturatu den molekula funtzional baten aurrean egoteak zuhurtasuna eskatzen du, are gehiago oraindik gizakietan aski frogatu diren zenbait efektu egotzi zaizkiolarik eta bere albo ondorioei buruzko datu nahikorik ere ez dagoelarik
Elikagaien Erosketa Jasangarrirako Estrategia Osakidetzako Ospitaleetan: Euskal Osasun Sisteman elikadura sistema jasangarria sustatzeko hazi bat
UPV/EHU buru duen RENASCENCE proiektuak euskal osasun-sisteman elikadura-sistema iraunkorrak garatzeko beharrezkoak diren erronkei buruzko gogoeta egiten du.
Elikagaien erosketa publikoa funtsezko tresnatzat jotzen da egungo elikadura sistemako paradigma aldatzeko eta helburu politiko iraunkor eta espezifikoak garatzen laguntzeko. Are gehiago, ospitaleen erosteko ahalmena aprobetxatzeak, tokiko elikagai jasangarriak lehenetsiz, elikagaiak ekoizteko egungo ereduak erresilienteagoa eta iraunkorragoak bihurtzeko gaitasuna eskaintzen du. Europatik datozen estrategiak betetzeko ahalbidetzen delarik (Itun Berdearen baitan dagoen Baserritik Mahaira estrategia adibide).
RENASCENCE proiektuko ikertzaileek lan-dokumentu bat argitaratu berri dute, Osakidetzako eta Euskal Elikadura Sistemako hainbat eragilerekin elkarlanean egindako bi lan-saiotatik eratorria. Bertan, Deustu Fundazioko Orkestra institutoko ikertzaileekin lankidetzan aritu ziren ikerketa honetarako. Lan-saio horietan, Osakidetzan elikagaien erosketa jasangarriaren egungo egoera aztertu zen, eta elikadura-estrategia iraunkorra garatzeko beharrezkoak diren erronkak eta ekintza-planak identifikatu ziren.
Osakidetzan elikagaien hornidura iraunkorra hasi berria da. Lan-dokumentu honek ibilbide-orri bat eskaintzen du. Proposamen hau oinarrizkoa izanik ere, beharrezkoa eta erabilgarria izango da, Osakidetzan elikadura-sistema iraunkorretara igarotzeko abiapuntu gisa.
Zehazki, “Elikagaien Erosketa Jasangarrirako Estrategia Osakidetzako Ospitaleetan, Euskal Osasun sisteman elikadura sistema jasangarria sustatzeko hazi bat” tituludun txosten honek, orotara 13 erronka eta 30 ekintza plan aurreikusten ditu.Europar Batasuneko Horizonte 2020 ikerketa eta berrikuntza programaren bitartez finantziatua, Marie Sklodowska-Curie 836353 dirulaguntzarako akordioaren baitan
Celiac Male’s Gluten-Free Diet Profile: Comparison to that of the Control Population and Celiac Women
The aim of the present work was to analyze the body composition and dietary profile of Spanish celiac men and to compare them to control men and celiac women from our previous studies. Forty-two celiac men (31.5 +/- 11.9 years) were recruited and anthropometric measurements were taken. Analysis of energy consumption, macro-and micronutrient intake and food frequency consumption was carried out. Celiac men were more overweight and obese than celiac women, but less than the control population, reporting the same energy intake and macronutrient distribution. Most micronutrient deficiencies in celiac men were not directly related to a gluten free diet; these were also observed for the entire population. The least adherence to Dietary Reference Intakes in women was reported for iron, iodine, potassium and selenium, whereas magnesium intake was higher than in men. Among celiac participants (both genders), cereal, vegetable and legume consumption was poor and meat intake was contrastingly excessive. In conclusion, the dietary profile of celiac men is as unbalanced as that of control men but slightly more than that of celiac women. General nutritional education should be given to both general and celiac populations, and specific advices to celiac men, in order to decrease the risk of celiac disease-related pathologies.Idoia Larretxi is a fellowship of the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU (Euskararen eta Etengabeko Prestakuntzaren arloko Errektoreordetza). This research was funded by University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Basque Government, grant numbers US12/10 and GV2008111042, respectively. We thank the participation of all patients, and the collaboration of "Asociacion de Celiacos de Euskadi (EZE)", specifically that of Mireia Apraiz, Beatriz Zulueta, Nerea Segura, Estibaliz Olabarri Elena Perez-Estevez, Lissette Delgado, Aranzazu Sainz-Espiga, Sagrario Martinez and Lorea Martinez-Indart
Uncovering the Concerns and Needs of Individuals with Celiac Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study
The treatment for celiac disease (CD) involves a strict gluten-free diet, which can be challenging and lead to questions for patients. Pinpointing these uncertainties can enable the creation of efficient educational resources. In this study, a questionnaire was specifically designed to gain insights into the knowledge, concerns, and needs of individuals with CD and their supporters. The questionnaire was distributed through the Instagram social network and received adequate responses from 300 participants, 258 (86%) being female and 152 (50.7%) falling in the age range of 25–44 years. The concerns of individuals with celiac disease and celiac supporters were rated on a 1–4 scale, with a mean score of 3.5 indicating significant concern. A total of 255 (85%) of all participants expressed that their principal concern was the social limitations they faced, such as difficulties in eating out and sharing food with others. Every participant evaluated their overall disease knowledge, averaging at 2.92 out of 4, indicating a reasonable level of awareness. When asked if they believed that improving general knowledge about CD in the general population would enhance their quality of life, the vast majority responded affirmatively. This finding underscores the importance of not only educating individuals with CD but also reaching out to the wider population, especially those who have a direct impact on the daily lives of individuals with CD, such as family members, friends, and food service providers.Maialen Vázquez-Polo and Gesala Perez-Junkera are fellowships of the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, and the Basque Government, respectively. The GLUTEN3S research group is supported by a grant (GIU18/78, GIU21/053) from the UPV/EHU, and it is recognized by the Basque Government (IT-1419-19). This research was funded by two grants from the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU (University-Society US20/16 and US22/22)
Gluten and FODMAPs Relationship with Mental Disorders: Systematic Review
Nowadays, gluten and FODMAP food components (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols) are increasingly studied due to their possible relation with extraintestinal-associated conditions. In recent years, gluten-free diets (GFD) and low-FODMAP diets (LFD) are becoming more popular not only in order to avoid the food components that cause intolerances or allergies in some people, but also due to the direct influence of marketing movements or diet trends on feeding habits. Likewise, neurological and psychiatric diseases are currently of increasing importance in developed countries. For this reason, a bibliographic systematic review has been carried out to analyse whether there is a pathophysiological relationship between the dietary intake of gluten or FODMAPs with mental disorders. This review collects 13 clinical and randomized controlled trials, based on the PRISMA statement, which have been published in the last ten years. Based on these results, limiting or ruling out gluten or FODMAPs in the diet might be beneficial for symptoms such as depression, anxiety (7 out of 7 articles found any positive effect), or cognition deficiency (improvements in several cognition test measurements in one trial), and to a lesser extent for schizophrenia and the autism spectrum. Nevertheless, further studies are needed to obtain completely reliable conclusions.Silvia Matias is IKASIKER fellowships of the Education Department of the Basque Government. The GLUTEN3S research group is supported by a grant (GIU 18/78) from the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU
New Software for Gluten-Free Diet Evaluation and Nutritional Education
Following a gluten-free diet (GFD) is the only treatment for celiac disease. This diet must ensure the absence of gluten but also needs to be nutritionally balanced. Dietitians working in this field cannot properly evaluate energy and nutrient intake of celiac people because dietary programs available on the market do not contain the nutritional composition of gluten-free products (GFP). Here we present a new GFD evaluation software that contains more than 700 gluten-free rendered foodstuffs and their macronutrient composition. Apart from diet evaluation and design, the software represents a tool for nutritional education as well, since it shows diet appropriacy and indicates how to promote balanced self-care. Moreover, anthropometric and biochemical data or symptoms presence and diet adherence can be recorded and evaluated. This open free software, can be downloaded in its app format for mobiles and tablets. Software evaluation indicated its correct functionality and the importance of assessing a GFD with GFP instead of with their gluten-containing analogues. Thus, this software represents an essential e-Health tool, not only for proper GFD evaluation, but also for improving life quality of celiac and gluten sensitive people.This research was supported by two grants from the University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain (UPV/EHU) (University-Society US15/06 and US18/15)
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