581 research outputs found

    Recovering pyramid WS gain in non-common path aberration correction mode via deformable lens

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    It is by now well known that pyramid based wavefront sensors, once in closed loop, have the capability to improve more and more the gain as the reference natural star image size is getting smaller on the pyramid pin. Especially in extreme adaptive optics applications, in order to correct the non-common path aberrations between the scientific and sensing channel, it is common use to inject a certain amount of offset wavefront deformation into the DM(s), departing at the same time the pyramid from the optimal working condition. In this paper we elaborate on the possibility to correct the low order non-common path aberrations at the pyramid wavefront sensor level by means of an adaptive refractive lens placed on the optical path before the pyramid itself, allowing the mitigation of the gain loss

    Deviation of behavioural and productive parameters in dairy cows due to a lameness event: a synthesis of reviews

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    Lameness is a widespread multifactorial condition affecting the health and performance of dairy cows. Despite the growing support by precision farming technologies, farmers still lack reliable data-driven tools to early identify lame cows. This study used a synthesis of reviews to identify cow’s behavioural and productive parameters most related to lameness and estimate their deviation due to a lameness event. The methodological approach used reviews as starting point to identify the most pertinent studies with the intention of extracting and analysing data from these primary studies. The final dataset used information collected from 31 research papers, cited in 15 reviews, and involved more than 25,000 dairy cows. Five parameters were suitable for the meta-analysis: one about eating behaviour (eating time), three regarding activity and resting behaviour (lying bouts, lying bout duration and lying time) and milk yield. The meta-analysis revealed that all parameters had a significant deviation in cows affected by lameness. The calculation of the pooled means allowed to quantify a mean value for the deviation imposed by a severe lameness event from the value recorded on nonlame cows. Compared to a nonlame animal, a lame cow had a significant negative deviation for eating time (−39 min/day), number of lying bouts (−0.5/day), and milk yield (−3 kg/day). Lame cows had positive deviations for lying bout duration (+12 min/bout) and daily lying time (+42 min/day). The individual or combined use of these mean deviation values as alarm reference thresholds could improve the accuracy of the current automated lameness detection systems

    Spectroscopic properties and radiation damage investigation of a diamond based Schottky diode for ion-beam therapy microdosimetry

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    In this work, a detailed analysis of the properties of a novel microdosimeter based on a synthetic single crystal diamond is reported. Focused ion microbeams were used to investigate the device spectropscopic properties as well as the induced radiation damageeffects. A diamond based Schottky diode was fabricated by chemical vapor deposition with a very thin detecting region, about 400 nm thick (approximately 1.4 μm water equivalent thickness), corresponding to the typical size in microdosimetric measurements. A 200 × 200 μm2 square metallic contact was patterned on the diamond surface by standard photolithography to define the sensitive area. Experimental measurements were carried out at the Ruder Boškovic′ Institute microbeam facility using 4 MeV carbon and 5 MeV silicon ions. Ion beam induced charge maps were employed to characterize the microdosimeter response in terms of its charge collection properties. A stable response with no evidence of polarization or memory effects was observed up to the maximum investigated ion beam flux of about 1.7 × 109 ions·cm−2·s−1. A homogeneity of the response about 6% was found over the sensitive region with a well-defined confinement of the response within the active area. Tests of the radiation damageeffect were performed by selectively irradiating small areas of the device with different ion fluences, up to about 1012 ions/cm2. An exponential decrease of the charge collection efficiency was observed with a characteristic decay constant of about 4.8 MGy and 1 MGy for C and Si ions, respectively. The experimental data were analyzed by means of GEANT4 Monte Carlo simulations. A direct correlation between the diamond damaging effect and the Non Ionizing Energy Loss (NIEL) fraction was found. In particular, an exponential decay of the charge collection efficiency with an exponential decay as a function of NIEL is observed, with a characteristic constant of about 9.3 kGy-NIEL for both carbon and silicon ions

    A novel microdosimeter based upon artificial single crystal diamond

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    A survey on sensor systems used in Italian dairy farms and comparison between performances of similar herds equipped or not equipped with sensors

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    Sensor systems (SS) were developed over the last few decades to help dairy farmers manage their herds. Such systems can provide both data and alerts to several productive, behavioral, and physiological indicators on individual cows. Currently, there is still a lack of knowledge on both the proportion of dairy farms that invested in SS and type of SS installed. Additionally, it is still unclear whether the performances of herds equipped with SS differ from those of similar herds managed without any technological aid. Therefore, the aims of this study were (1) to provide an insight into SS spread among Italian dairy farms and (2) to analyze the performances of similar herds equipped or not equipped with SS. To reach the former goal, a large survey was carried out on 964 dairy farms in the northeast of Italy. Farmers were interviewed by the technicians of the regional breeders association to collect information on the type of SS installed on farms and the main parameters recorded. Overall, 42% of the surveyed farms had at least 1 SS, and most of them (72%) reared more than 50 cows. Sensors for measuring individual cow milk yield were the most prevalent type installed (39% of the surveyed farms), whereas only 15% of farms had SS for estrus detection. More sophisticated parameters, such as rumination, were automatically monitored in less than 5% of the farms. To reach the latter goal of the study, a subset of 100 Holstein dairy farms with similar characteristics was selected: half of them were equipped with SS for monitoring at least individual milk yield and estrus, and the other half were managed without any SS. Average herd productive and reproductive data from official test days over 3 yr were analyzed. The outcomes of the comparison showed that farms with SS had higher mature-equivalent milk production. Further clustering analysis of the same 100 farms partitioned them into 3 clusters based on herd productive and reproductive data. Results of the Chi-squared test showed that the proportion of farms equipped with SS was greater in the cluster with the best performance (e.g., higher milk yield and shorter calving interval). However, the presence of a few farms equipped with SS in the least productive cluster for the same parameters pointed out that although the installation of SS may support farmers in time- and labor-saving or in data recording, it is not a guarantee of better herd performance

    On the measurement uncertainty of microdosimetric quantities using diamond and silicon microdosimeters in carbon-ion beams

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to compare the response of two different types of solid-state microdosimeters, that is, silicon and diamond, and their uncertainties. A study of the conversion of silicon microdosimetric spectra to the diamond equivalent for microdosimeters with different geometry of the sensitive volumes is performed, including the use of different stopping power databases. Method: Diamond and silicon microdosimeters were irradiated under the same conditions, aligned at the same depth in a carbon-ion beam at the MedAustron ion therapy center. In order to estimate the microdosimetric quantities, the readout electronic linearity was investigated with three different methods, that is, the first being a single linear regression, the second consisting of a double linear regression with a channel transition and last a multiple linear regression by splitting the data into odd and even groups. The uncertainty related to each of these methods was estimated as well. The edge calibration was performed using the intercept with the horizontal axis of the tangent through the inflection point of the Fermi function approximation multi-channel analyzer spectrum. It was assumed that this point corresponds to the maximum energy difference of particle traversing the sensitive volume (SV) for which the residual range difference in the continuous slowing down approximation is equal to the thickness of the SV of the microdosimeter. Four material conversion methods were explored, the edge method, the density method, the maximum-deposition energy method and the bin-by-bin transformation method. The uncertainties of the microdosimetric quantities resulting from the linearization, the edge calibration and the detectors thickness were also estimated. Results: It was found that the double linear regression had the lowest uncertainty for both microdosimeters. The propagated standard (k = 1) uncertainties on the frequency-mean lineal energy y¯FyˉF{\bar{y}}_{\rm{F}} and the dose-mean lineal energy y¯DyˉD{\bar{y}}_{\rm{D}} values from the marker point, in the spectra, in the plateau were 0.1% and 0.2%, respectively, for the diamond microdosimeter, whilst for the silicon microdosimeter data converted to diamond, the uncertainty was estimated to be 0.1%. In the range corresponding to the 90% of the amplitude of the Bragg Peak at the distal part of the Bragg curve (R90 ) the uncertainty was found to be 0.1%. The uncertainty propagation from the stopping power tables was estimated to be between 5% and 7% depending on the method. The uncertainty on the y¯FyˉF{\bar{y}}_{\rm{F}} and y¯DyˉD{\bar{y}}_{\rm{D}} coming from the thickness of the detectors varied between 0.3% and 0.5%. Conclusion: This article demonstrate that the linearity of the readout electronics affects the microdosimetric spectra with a difference in y¯FyˉF{\bar{y}}_{\rm{F}} values between the different linearization methods of up to 17.5%. The combined uncertainty was dominated by the uncertainty of stopping power on the edge
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