14 research outputs found

    The hepatic sinusoid in aging: phenotypic changes and novel therapeutic approaches

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    [eng] The socioeconomic and medical improvements of the last decades have led to a relevant increase in the median age of worldwide population. Although numerous studies described the impact of aging in different organs and the systemic vasculature, relatively little is known about liver function and hepatic microcirculatory status in the elderly. In this study, we aimed at characterizing the phenotype of the aged liver in a rat model of healthy aging, particularly focusing on the microcirculatory function and the molecular status of each hepatic cell type in the sinusoid. Moreover, major findings of the study were validated in young and aged human livers. Our results demonstrate that healthy aging is associated with hepatic and sinusoidal dysfunction, with elevated hepatic vascular resistance and increased portal pressure. Underlying mechanisms of such hemodynamic disturbances included typical molecular changes in the cells of the hepatic sinusoid and deterioration in hepatocyte function. In a specific manner, liver sinusoidal endothelial cells presented a dysfunctional phenotype with diminished vasodilators synthesis, hepatic macrophages exhibited a proinflammatory state, while hepatic stellate cells spontaneously displayed an activated profile. In an important way, major changes in sinusoidal markers were confirmed in livers from aged humans. In conclusion, our study demonstrates for the first time that aging is accompanied by significant liver sinusoidal deregulation suggesting enhanced sinusoidal vulnerability to chronic or acute injuries. Advanced chronic liver disease (aCLD) represents a major public health concern. aCLD is more prevalent and severe in the elderly, carrying a higher risk of decompensation. We aimed at understanding how aging may impact on the pathophysiology of aCLD in aged rats and humans and secondly, at evaluating simvastatin as a therapeutic option in aged animals. aCLD was induced in young (1 month) and old (16 months) rats. A subgroup of aCLD-old animals received simvastatin (5 mg/kg) or vehicle (PBS) for 15 days. Hepatic and systemic hemodynamic, liver cells phenotype and hepatic fibrosis were evaluated. Additionally, the gene expression signature of cirrhosis was evaluated in a cohort of young and aged cirrhotic patients. Aged animals developed a more severe form of aCLD. Portal hypertension and liver fibrosis were exacerbated as a consequence of profound deregulations in the phenotype of the main hepatic cells: hepatocytes presented more extensive cell-death and poorer function, LSEC were further capillarized, HSC over-activated and macrophage infiltration was significantly increased. The gene expression signature of cirrhosis significantly differed comparing young and aged patients, indicating alterations in sinusoidal-protective pathways and confirming the pre-clinical observations. Simvastatin administration for 15-day to aged cirrhotic rats improved the hepatic sinusoidal milieu, leading to significant amelioration in portal hypertension. This study provides evidence that aCLD pathobiology is different in aged individuals. As the median age of patients with aCLD is increasing, we propose a real-life pre-clinical model to develop more reliable therapeutic strategies. Simvastatin effects in this model further demonstrate its translational potential.[cat] La població als països desenvolupats està envellint degut a l’increment en l’esperança de vida. Per tant, es de vital importància estudiar les bases moleculars de l’envelliment per identificar possibles dianes terapèutiques i d’intervenció. La majoria d’alteracions associades amb l’envelliment al fetge han estat descrites en els hepatòcits i per tant, l’efecte que té l’envelliment sobre les cèl·lules del sinusoide hepàtic i la funció microcirculatòria es gairebé desconegut. La malaltia hepàtica crònica afecta 844 milions de persones a nivell mundial, i l’envelliment es el major factor de risc pel seu desenvolupament. A més, el risc-benefici de les intervencions mèdiques a la sub-població vella es pot veure afectada per l’envelliment. Les estatines són una potent estratègia terapèutica proposada per tractar les malalties hepàtiques cròniques però es desconegut com responen el subgrup de pacients ancians. La present tesis té com a objectiu estudiar la funció microvascular i l’estatus molecular de les cèl·lules del sinusoide hepàtic en diferents models experimentals d’envelliment. A l’estudi 1 es va caracteritzar l’impacte de l’envelliment sobre el sinusoide hepàtic en la salut, analitzant especialment la funció microvascular i l’estatus molecular de les cèl·lules que formen el sinusoide hepàtic. Els resultats del primer estudi demostren que rates velles sanes presenten un increment moderat però significatiu de la pressió portal com a conseqüència de l’increment de la resistència vascular hepàtica, la qual comporta una reducció del flux de perfusió hepàtic. L’envelliment s’associa amb un moderada disfunció, un estat pro-inflamatori i dany hepatocitàri, l’endoteli es troba pseudocapil·laritzat i en un estat pro contràctil, les cèl·lules estrellades presenten una activació espontània. En conclusió, l’envelliment s’acompanya de desregulacions significatives en el sinusoide hepàtic, en rosegadors i humans, suggerint vulnerabilitat sinusoïdal en front a un dany agut o crònic. A l’estudi 2 es va estudiar l’efecte de la cirrosi hepàtica sobre la microcirculació hepàtica i el fenotip de les cèl·lules del sinusoide hepàtic en un model d’envelliment. A més, vam definir i proposar el tractament amb estatines per la sub població anciana amb malaltia hepàtica crònica. El principal resultat de l’estudi 2 es que els animals ancians desenvolupen una forma més severa de malaltia hepàtica crònica, la qual es caracteritza per una funció hepàtica pobre i una síndrome d’hipertensió portal, fibrosi i inflamació exacerbada. La deterioració de la microcirculació hepàtica observada amb l’envelliment es conseqüència de la disfunció de les cèl·lules del sinusoide hepàtic. El perfil d’expressió gènica dels fetges amb cirrosi de pacients vells es significativament divergent de l’observada en pacients joves. En aquest estudi observem que l’administració de simvastatina durant dues setmanes en rates cirròtiques ancianes millora de manera significativa la disfunció microvascular i hipertensió portal, acompanyat de millores hemodinàmiques sistèmiques i en la funció hepàtica així com disminució de la fibrosi. Com a conclusió del segon estudi proposem que utilitzar models animals més propers per investigar la fisiopatologia de la malaltia hepàtica crònica per poder desenvolupar bones estratègies terapèutiques. A més, el nostre estudi recomana l’ús de la simvastatina pel tractament de la malaltia hepàtica crònica, incloent el subgrup de pacients d’edat avançada

    Ischemia/reperfusion injury in the aged liver: The importance of the sinusoidal endothelium in developing therapeutic strategies for the elderly.

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    The liver endothelium plays a key role in the progression and resolution of liver diseases in young and adult individuals. However, its role in older people remains unknown. We have herein evaluated the importance of the sinusoidal endothelium in the pathophysiology of acute liver injury, and investigated the applicability of simvastatin, in aged animals.18 months old male Wistar rats underwent 60 min of partial warm ischemia followed by 2h of reperfusion (WIR). A group of aged rats received simvastatin for 3 days before WIR. Endothelial phenotype, parenchymal injury, oxidative and nitrosative stress, and fenestrae dynamics were analysed. The effects of WIR and simvastatin were investigated in primary LSEC from aged animals.The results of this study demonstrated that WIR significantly damages the liver endothelium and its effects are markedly worse in old animals. WIR-aged livers exhibited reduced vasodilation and sinusoidal capillarization, associated with liver damage and cellular stress. Simvastatin prevented the detrimental effects of WIR in aged livers.In conclusion, the liver sinusoidal endothelium of old animals is highly vulnerable to acute insult, thus targeted protection is especially relevant in preventing liver damage. Simvastatin represents a useful therapeutic strategy in aging

    Resemblance of the human liver sinusoid in a fluidic device with biomedical and pharmaceutical applications

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    Maintenance of the complex phenotype of primary hepatocytes in vitro represents a limitation for developing liver support systems and reliable tools for biomedical research and drug screening. We herein aimed at developing a biosystem able to preserve human and rodent hepatocytes phenotype in vitro based on the main characteristics of the liver sinusoid: unique cellular architecture, endothelial biodynamic stimulation, and parenchymal zonation. Primary hepatocytes and liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSEC) were isolated from control and cirrhotic human or control rat livers and cultured in conventional in vitro platforms or within our liver-resembling device. Hepatocytes phenotype, function, and response to hepatotoxic drugs were analyzed. Results evidenced that mimicking the in vivo sinusoidal environment within our biosystem, primary human and rat hepatocytes cocultured with functional LSEC maintained morphology and showed high albumin and urea production, enhanced cytochrome P450 family 3 subfamily A member 4 (CYP3A4) activity, and maintained expression of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha (hnf4α) and transporters, showing delayed hepatocyte dedifferentiation. In addition, differentiated hepatocytes cultured within this liver-resembling device responded to acute treatment with known hepatotoxic drugs significantly different from those seen in conventional culture platforms. In conclusion, this study describes a new bioengineered device that mimics the human sinusoid in vitro, representing a novel method to study liver diseases and toxicology

    Dopaminergic control of ADAMTS2 expression through cAMP/CREB and ERK: molecular effects of antipsychotics

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    A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms that participate in the development and clinical manifestations of schizophrenia can lead to improve our ability to diagnose and treat this disease. Previous data strongly associated the levels of deregulated ADAMTS2 expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from patients at first episode of psychosis (up) as well as in clinical responders to treatment with antipsychotic drugs (down). In this current work, we performed an independent validation of such data and studied the mechanisms implicated in the control of ADAMTS2 gene expression. Using a new cohort of drug-naïve schizophrenia patients with clinical follow-up, we confirmed that the expression of ADAMTS2 was highly upregulated in PBMCs at the onset (drug-naïve patients) and downregulated, in clinical responders, after treatment with antipsychotics. Mechanistically, ADAMTS2 expression was activated by dopaminergic signalling (D1-class receptors) and downstream by cAMP/CREB and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/ERK signalling. Incubation with antipsychotic drugs and selective PKA and MEK inhibitors abrogated D1-mediated activation of ADAMTS2 in neuronal-like cells. Thus, D1 receptors signalling towards CREB activation might participate in the onset and clinical responses to therapy in schizophrenia patients, by controlling ADAMTS2 expression and activity. The unbiased investigation of molecular mechanisms triggered by antipsychotic drugs may provide a new landscape of novel targets potentially associated with clinical efficacy.Acknowledgements: We are highly indebted to the participants and their families for their cooperation in this study. We also thank IDIVAL biobank (Inés Santiuste and Jana Arozamena) for clinical samples and data as well as the PAFIP members (Marga Corredera) for the data collection. This work was supported by: SAF2016-76046-R and SAF2013-46292-R (MINECO and FEDER) to B.C.F., PI16/00156 (isciii and FEDER) to J.P.V., LUCHAMOS POR LA VIDA project to F.R.J. and J.P.V., SAF2017-83702-R (MINECO and FEDER), Red TERCEL RD12/0019/0024 (ISCIII) and GVA-PROMETEO 2018/041 (Generalitat Valenciana) to S.M. J.P.V. is supported by the RyC research programme (RYC-2013-14097) and F.R.J. by the predoctoral research programme (BES-2014-070615), from MINECO and FEDER

    Dopaminergic control of ADAMTS2 expression through cAMP/CREB and ERK: molecular effects of antipsychotics

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    © The Author(s) 2019.A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms that participate in the development and clinical manifestations of schizophrenia can lead to improve our ability to diagnose and treat this disease. Previous data strongly associated the levels of deregulated ADAMTS2 expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from patients at first episode of psychosis (up) as well as in clinical responders to treatment with antipsychotic drugs (down). In this current work, we performed an independent validation of such data and studied the mechanisms implicated in the control of ADAMTS2 gene expression. Using a new cohort of drug-naïve schizophrenia patients with clinical follow-up, we confirmed that the expression of ADAMTS2 was highly upregulated in PBMCs at the onset (drug-naïve patients) and downregulated, in clinical responders, after treatment with antipsychotics. Mechanistically, ADAMTS2 expression was activated by dopaminergic signalling (D1-class receptors) and downstream by cAMP/CREB and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/ERK signalling. Incubation with antipsychotic drugs and selective PKA and MEK inhibitors abrogated D1-mediated activation of ADAMTS2 in neuronal-like cells. Thus, D1 receptors signalling towards CREB activation might participate in the onset and clinical responses to therapy in schizophrenia patients, by controlling ADAMTS2 expression and activity. The unbiased investigation of molecular mechanisms triggered by antipsychotic drugs may provide a new landscape of novel targets potentially associated with clinical efficacy.This work was supported by: SAF2016-76046-R and SAF2013-46292-R (MINECO and FEDER) to B.C.F., PI16/00156 (isciii and FEDER) to J.P.V., LUCHAMOS POR LA VIDA project to F.R.J. and J.P.V., SAF2017-83702-R (MINECO and FEDER), Red TERCEL RD12/0019/0024 (ISCIII) and GVA-PROMETEO 2018/041 (Generalitat Valenciana) to S.M. J.P.V. is supported by the RyC research programme (RYC-2013-14097) and F.R.J. by the predoctoral research programme (BES-2014-070615), from MINECO and FEDER

    Liraglutide improves liver microvascular dysfunction in cirrhosis: Evidence from translational studies

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    Hepatic stellate cells (HSC) play a key role in the development of chronic liver disease (CLD). Liraglutide, well-established in type 2 diabetes, showed anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. We evaluated the effects of liraglutide on HSC phenotype and hepatic microvascular function using diverse pre-clinical models of CLD. Human and rat HSC were in vitro treated with liraglutide, or vehicle, and their phenotype, viability and proliferation were evaluated. In addition, liraglutide or vehicle was administered to rats with CLD. Liver microvascular function, fibrosis, HSC phenotype and sinusoidal endothelial phenotype were determined. Additionally, the effects of liraglutide on HSC phenotype were analysed in human precision-cut liver slices. Liraglutide markedly improved HSC phenotype and diminished cell proliferation. Cirrhotic rats receiving liraglutide exhibited significantly improved liver microvascular function, as evidenced by lower portal pressure, improved intrahepatic vascular resistance, and marked ameliorations in fibrosis, HSC phenotype and endothelial function. The anti-fibrotic effects of liraglutide were confirmed in human liver tissue and, although requiring further investigation, its underlying molecular mechanisms suggested a GLP1-R-independent and NF-κB-Sox9-dependent one. This study demonstrates for the first time that liraglutide improves the liver sinusoidal milieu in pre-clinical models of cirrhosis, encouraging its clinical evaluation in the treatment of chronic liver disease

    Aging and Chronic Liver Disease.

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    Aging increases the incidence of chronic liver disease (CLD), worsens its prognosis, and represents the predominant risk factor for its development at all different stages. The hepatic sinusoid, which is fundamental for maintaining liver homeostasis, is composed by hepatocytes, liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, hepatic stellate cells, and hepatic macrophages. During CLD progression, hepatic cells suffer deregulations in their phenotype, which ultimately lead to disease development. The effects of aging on the hepatic sinusoid phenotype and function are not well understood, nevertheless, studies performed in experimental models of liver diseases and aging demonstrate alterations in all hepatic sinusoidal cells. This review provides an updated description of age-related changes in the hepatic sinusoid and discusses the implications for CLD development and treatment. Lastly, we propose aging as a novel therapeutic target to treat liver diseases and summarize the most promising therapies to prevent or improve CLD and extend healthspan

    New Rat Model of Advanced NASH Mimicking Pathophysiological Features and Transcriptomic Signature of The Human Disease.

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    Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a major cause of chronic liver disease. However, most available animal models fail to reflect the whole spectrum of the disease. Liver fibrosis and portal hypertension are the strongest prognostic markers in advanced NASH. We herein aimed at developing a new model of NASH in male rats, obtained using a multi-hit protocol that combines the administration of a high fat and high-cholesterol diet with CCl4 and phenobarbital. Following this protocol, rats showed the full characteristics of advanced human NASH after 10 weeks and NASH with cirrhosis by 24 weeks. Specifically, our NASH rats exhibited: steatosis and metabolic syndrome, lipotoxicity, hepatocellular ballooning necrosis, inflammation and importantly, marked hepatic fibrosis and significant portal hypertension. Furthermore, a whole transcriptomic analysis of liver tissue from our rat model using next generation sequencing was compared with human NASH and illustrated the similarity of this pre-clinical model with the human disease. Pathway enrichment analysis showed that NASH animals shared a relevant number of central pathways involved in NASH pathophysiology, such as those related with cell death, as well as inflammatory or matrix remodeling. The present study defines a pre-clinical model of moderate and advanced NASH that mimics the human disease, including pathophysiologic characteristics and transcriptomic signature

    Emricasan Ameliorates Portal Hypertension and Liver Fibrosis in Cirrhotic Rats Through a Hepatocyte-Mediated Paracrine Mechanism.

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    In cirrhosis, liver microvascular dysfunction is a key factor increasing hepatic vascular resistance to portal blood flow, which leads to portal hypertension. De-regulated inflammatory and pro-apoptotic processes due to chronic injury play important roles in the dysfunction of liver sinusoidal cells. The present study aimed at characterizing the effects of the pan-caspase inhibitor emricasan on systemic and hepatic hemodynamics, hepatic cells phenotype, and underlying mechanisms in preclinical models of advanced chronic liver disease. We investigated the effects of 7-day emricasan on hepatic and systemic hemodynamics, liver function, hepatic microcirculatory function, inflammation, fibrosis, hepatic cells phenotype, and paracrine interactions in rats with advanced cirrhosis due to chronic CCl4 administration. The hepato-protective effects of emricasan were additionally investigated in cells isolated from human cirrhotic livers. Cirrhotic rats receiving emricasan showed significantly lower portal pressure than vehicle-treated animals with no changes in portal blood flow, indicating improved vascular resistance. Hemodynamic improvement was associated with significantly better liver function, reduced hepatic inflammation, improved phenotype of hepatocytes, liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, hepatic stellate cells and macrophages, and reduced fibrosis. In vitro experiments demonstrated that emricasan exerted its benefits directly improving hepatocytes' expression of specific markers and synthetic capacity, and ameliorated nonparenchymal cells through a paracrine mechanism mediated by small extracellular vesicles released by hepatocytes. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that emricasan improves liver sinusoidal microvascular dysfunction in cirrhosis, which leads to marked amelioration in fibrosis, portal hypertension and liver function, and therefore encourages its clinical evaluation in the treatment of advanced chronic liver disease