13 research outputs found

    Kemahiran berfikir dan kemahiran menyelesaikan masalah dalam Bahasa Melayu

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    Findings from studies by TIMSS (201 I), and PISA (2012) had revealed that the thinking skills of Malaysian students are at a very low level.In lie with Vision 2020 and Malaysian Education Blueprint (2013-2025) we need to create a generation equipped with thinking skills and problem solving skills.The objective of this research is to identify the ability of thinking skills and problem solving skills in Malay Language among primary school pupils in Peninsula Malaysia.This study employed a survey method whereby pupils are given a test to measure their thinking skills and problem solving skills.This test is developed by the researcher and based on de Bono's CoRT thinking tools. Pupils were asked to utilize their creativity to the maximum level while responding to questions related to thinking skills and problem solving skills.Pupils thinking skills are measured based on originality,appropriateness, and fluency.Their problem solving skills are measured based on appropriateness and novelty.The findings indicate that the thinking skills and problem solving skills of rural pupils are significantly higher than the urban pupils. Besides that, the thinking skills and problem solving skills of female pupils are significantly higher compared to their male counter parts.This study concludes that de Bono's thinking tools can be used as an alternative to enhance pupils' thinking skills and problem solving skills

    Kesan Penggunaan Kaedah Pembelajaran Masteri Terhadap Pencapaian Dan Minat Pelajar Dalam Mata Pelajaran Pengajian Am (The Effectiveness Of Mastery Learning Method On Lower Six Students’ Achievement And Interest In The General Paper)

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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk meninjau kesan penggunaan kaedah pembelajaran masteri terhadap pencapaian dan minat pelajar Tingkatan Enam Rendah dalam mata pelajaran Pengajian Am. Pengkaji menggunakan reka bentuk kuasi eksperimen. Objektif kajian ialah untuk mengenal pasti sama ada penggunaan kaedah pembelajaran masteri dalam mata pelajaran Pengajian Am dapat meningkatkan pencapaian dan tahap minat pelajar Kumpulan Eksperimen secara signifikan berbanding pelajar Kumpulan Kawalan yang diajar dengan menggunakan kaedah konvensional. Sampel kajian ini terdiri daripada 73 orang pelajar Tingkatan Enam Rendah Aliran Sastera dari sebuah sekolah. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan ialah praujian dan pascaujian untuk mengukur pencapaian pelajar, manakala soal selidik minat digunakan untuk meninjau tahap minat pelajar terhadap mata pelajaran Pengajian Am. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa penggunaan kaedah pembelajaran masteri dalam mata pelajaran Pengajian Am mampu meningkatkan pencapaian dan minat pelajar Kumpulan Eksperimen secara signifikan berbanding pelajar Kumpulan Kawalan yang diajar dengan menggunakan kaedah konvensional

    Patriotism among Secondary School Students and Its Relationship with their Interests towards Learning History

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    In this modern era, students are found to be lacking in their sprit of patriotism. This paper is based on a descriptive study using questionnaires to collect the data. The objective of the study is to identify patriotism among form four students (16 years old) according to gender, race and subject streams. The study also aims to determine the relationship between patriotism and students’ interests towards learning history. The sample of the study consists of 120 students who were chosen randomly from two secondary schools in Penang (40 Malays, 40 Chinese and 40 Indians). The questionnaires using 4 Likert scales consists of 40 items (30 items were on patriotism and 10 items were on students’ interest towards learning history) were distributed to students. The data obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed using Independent Samples t- test, one way ANOVA and Pearson correlation. Findings indicated that there was no significant difference in students’ mean score for patriotism according to gender and subject streams. This study revealed that the Malay students’ mean score for patriotism was significantly higher compared with the Chinese and Indian students. In addition, the findings also showed that there was a significant correlation between the students’ mean score for patriotism and their interests towards learning History. These findings have strong theoretical, pedagogical and practical implications. In terms of theoretical implication the findings support constitutional patriotism by Muller. In terms of practical implications teachers should employ the right strategies and use effective teaching materials to enhance students’ interest and understanding of History which will also help to enhance their level of patriotism. In terms of practical implication Ministry of Education, Teachers Training Division and other stake holders should find ways to unite young generation by bridging their gap in patriotism

    Membanding kesan penggunaan kaedah peta konsep dan kaedah konvensional dalam pengajaran cerpen KOMSAS tingkatan satu

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    Pembelajaran KOMSAS bertujuan untuk memantapkan penguasaan murid dalam bahasa Melayu namun banyak kajian memaparkan murid menghadapi masalah dalam pembelajaran KOMSAS dan guru juga kurang yakin dalam memilih kaedah yang sesuai untuk mengajar KOMSAS.Kertas kerja ini berasaskan kajian kuasai eksperimen yang membanding kesan penggunaan kaedah peta konsep dan kaedah konvensional dalam pembelajaran cerpen KOMSAS Tingkatan Satu.Kumpulan eksperimen diajar dengan menggunakan kaedah peta konsep dan kumpulan kawalan pula diajar dengan menggunakan kaedah konvensional.Objektif kajian adalah untuk mengenal pasti sama ada penggunaaan kaedah peta konsep dapat membantu meningkatkan pencapaian pemahaman cerpen murid kumpulan eksperimen berbanding dengan murid kumpulan kawalan.Selain itu pengkaji juga memastikan sama ada terdapat peningkatan yang signifikan dalam minat kumpulan eksperimen dan kumpulan kawalan terhadap pembelajaran cerpen selepas pengajaran selama enam minggu.Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 72 orang murid tingkatan Satu daripada dua buah sekolah menengah di daerah Kulim, Kedah, Darul Aman.Ujian-t (independent samples t- test) digunakan untuk menganalisis data.Dapatan kajian memperlihatkan penggunaan kaedah peta konsep mampu meningkatkan pencapaian murid kumpulan eksperimen bagi soalan tersurat, soalan tentang tema, soalan tentang persoalan,soalan tentang perwatakan dan soalan latar masyarakat.Dapatan kajian ini juga menunjukkan minat murid kumpulan ekserimen terhadap pembelajaran cerpen meningkat secara signifikan berbanding dengan minat kumpulan kawalan.Kertas kerja ini juga memberi panduan kepada guru tentang cara melakar peta konsep dan cara merancang pengajaran cerpen dengan menggunakan peta konsep

    An analysis of descriptive essay writing among Nigerian undergraduates: An analysis of variance in English writing skills

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    Background: English writing among Nigerian students prove to be difficult at various academic levels; including pre-university and university levels. Precisely, poor command in English writing among Nigerian students hinders proper academic achievement of most undergraduates.Objective: The objective of the present article is to ascertain the level of variation in English writing among Nigerian undergraduate students’ in terms of gender and in terms of major ethnic groups. Results: The findings indicated that the mean scores for the overall scores of the students’ descriptive essay are at an average score. Conclusion: This study affirms that there is crucial need for intervention concerning Nigerian undergraduates’ English writing. As such, the results of the findings are hopeful to contribute and provide insights to Nigerian education administrative personals, the national education boards, as well as the international education planners concerning ways of enhancing students’ English writing

    The effects of using the STAD method in teaching the short story, flipping fantastic on form one students

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    Since the year 2000 literature components have been introduced in the English language syllabus of the secondary schools in Malaysia.However until today not all teachers are aware of the possible best ways of teaching literature components effectively.This study discusses the Student Teams Achievements Divisions (STAD) method and the effect of using the method in the teaching of a short story on Form One students.The researchers used a quasi experimental design to investigate the effects of using the STAD method on the achievement of students in comprehending the short story, and their interest in learning the short story.The experimental group was taught using the STAD method and the control group was taught using the conventional method.Independent sample T-test was used to analyze the data obtained from the pre-test, post-test and the questionnaires. The findings indicate that the utilization of the STAD method significantly enhanced students’ achievement in answering questions related to setting, plot, characterization, theme and moral values compared with the control group (using the conventional method).The interest of the experimental group in reading short story was also significantly enhanced

    Exploring Malaysian students’ perception of homework, time spent on homework and how they do their homework

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    Background: Several researchers had stressed the importance of homework in enhancing students’ academic achievements and improving their self-regulatory learning (Cooper, 2007; Bembenutty, 2011).Debates on the importance of homework in enhancing students’ academic achievements are ongoing among researchers, parents and teachers. This paper is based on a descriptive study carried out on 876 Year Five (11 years old) primary school students in Malaysia.The data was collected using questionnaires.Objective: The objective of the study is to explore students’ perception of homework, investigate the time spent on homework and how students do their homework.Results: The findings revealed that majority of Year Five students have positive perception towards homework. The study also revealed that there is a significant difference in students’ perception towards homework according to school type and gender.The findings also indicated that 61% of Year Five students spent between one to two hours daily in doing their homework.The results also showed that most of the students did homework on their own (81.2%), 72.5% sought help from teachers and 68.9% sought help from their parents or family members. Conclusion: It is hoped that this study can shed some light and provide guidelines for teachers and Malaysian Education Ministry in planning homework for primary school children as a tool in assisting student learning

    Integrating knowledge of science in the teaching of children’s nursery rhymes

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    Background: Science subject is difficult to understand especially for children at preschool level.Integrating the knowledge of science in the teaching of nursery rhymes facilitates the process of learning and children are able to connect nursery rhymes with science.This paper is based on an action research carried out on six year old children in a preschool.It employs qualitative research whereby the headmistress, the teacher and the researcher reflected on the various actions carried out in the classroom.Objective: The objective of the research is to integrate the knowledge of science in the teaching of children’s nursery rhymes.Results: The findings indicated that the teacher showed enthusiasm and creativity in integrating knowledge of science in teaching nursery rhymes.Various activities carried out by the teacher in this study had influenced the practice of the teacher and students’ learning. Besides learning the nursery rhymes students were able to broaden their scientific knowledge on spiders.Conclusion: This study affirms that knowledge of science can be integrated in the teaching of nursery rhymes.In addition, this study has strong pedagogical implication on teaching and learning of science through nursery rhymes

    The effects of using the STAD method in reading comprehension among secondary students

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    Background: Reading skills of many Malaysian students at secondary level are not with desirable or acceptable level.Objective: The objective of this study is to ascertain the effectiveness of using the STAD method (one of the cooperative approaches) in reading comprehension among Form Four students.In this study the researchers investigated whether the utilization of the STAD method enhanced the achievement of the experimental group in reading comprehension compared to the control group which was taught using the conventional method.The researchers also investigated whether the STAD method significantly enhanced the social skills of the subjects from the experimental group compared to the control group.Results: The findings indicated that the mean scores of the experimental group in reading comprehension enhanced significantly compared to the control group.The findings also revealed that social skills of students from the experimental group enhanced significantly compared to the control group.Conclusion: The findings of this study show that the STAD method is a good alternative for ESL teachers to make a paradigm shift from teacher-centered to one that is student-centered in teaching comprehension