7 research outputs found

    Kesetimbangan Energi Termal Dan Efisiensi Transient Pengering Aliran Alami Memanfaatkan Kombinasi Dua Energi

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    The energy used as a dryer is usually only a single type of energy. In this case, study is conducted on the natural flow dryer system by using the chimney. This combination of energy utilization of solar energy and biomass that can be used simultaneously or one turns in accordance with the needs or circumstances. It has been tested against a dryer prototype by performing measurements on the temperature of the inlet air and exit on biomass furnace, the temperature of the inlet air and exit on the solar collector, the temperature of inlet air and exit on the drying chamber, the water content of dried material, the temperature of dried material, the surface temperature of inside and outside of wall on drying chamber, and the intensity of solar radiation. Data were collected at an interval of 30 minutes and do the processing of such data. Next made in a graphical form of thermal energy balance and system efficiency versus the time. Results obtained that: the drying time was 7.5 hours. Thermal energy balance versus the time found that the increase of energy losses lead to useful energy reduction system

    Performansi Pengering Ikan Aliran Alami memanfaatkan Energi Kombinasi Kolektor Surya dan Tungku Biomassa

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    In a drying process usually used forced flow condition. The energy used a dryer is usually only a single type of energy. Thus,the study is conducted on the natural flow dryer system by using the chimney. The energy used as a dryer is solar energy andbiomass that can be used simultaneously or one turns in accordance with the needs and circumstances. Has done testing of aprototype natural flow dryers utilize a combination of solar collectors energy and biomass furnace. Testing is done threetimes a process by measuring the following: the inlet air temperature of the biomass furnace, the outlet air temperature of thebiomass furnace, the inlet air temperature of the solar collector, the outlet air temperature of the solar collector, airtemperature into the drying chamber, air temperature out of the drying chamber, the mass decreasing of dried material, andthe intensity of solar radiation. Data were collected at each interval of 30 minutes was followed by processing of these datato obtain system performance, then made in the form of performance versus time graph. Results obtained in the form ofdrying time is achieved for one-time drying process is 7,5 hours, the average Solar collector efficiency is 54.4%, the averagebiomass furnace efficiency is12.57 %, the average drying efficiency is 22%, and the average system total efficiency is 2,8%

    Transient Performance of Radiator on Engine Rpm Variation with AC Loading

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    Radiator is one of heat exchanger applications that has a function to remove out of heat must be able to operate properly for allowed engine temperature limit. Vehicles that operate on the street usually driving with varying rpm so that the heat produced by the combustion process is not constant and then this study analyze the performance of radiators as a function of time (transient condition). Tests is done on the condition of operating the engine with five rpm variations, each for one hour with air conditioning load and without air-conditioning load. The data to be collected includ the inlet and outlet temperature of radiator and radiator fluid volume flow. The results obtained is heat exhausted rate as a performance radiator is increasing as with increasing of engine rpm and at load conditions with the AC produces heat exhausted rate is greater than AC without AC load. The heat exhausted rate in an hour of machine operation still shows the system operates at a transient condition due to there still exists a numerical increase in the heat exhausted rate as a function of time


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    Mobil yang digunakan untuk menempuh perjalanan yang jauh biasanya dipacu dengan kecepatan yang cukup tinggi dengan putaran mesin berkisar pada rpm 2000 dan dalam jangka waktu yang cukup lama. Agar tidak terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan akibat suhu mesin melebihi suhu normal mesin saat bekerja, maka penelitian ini perlu dilakukan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian perbandingan laju pembuangan panas mesin antara pemakaian 100% air dengan campuran 80% air dan 20% radiator coolant dengan metode paired comparison pada rpm 2000. Dari penelitian tersebut diambil data antara lain temperatur masuk dan keluar radiator, dan volume aliran fluida radiator (Q) yang kemudian dilakukan pengolahan data untuk menentukan laju aliran massa (m), panas spesifik fluida (Cp), laju pembuangan panas radiator (q), dan pengolahan data secara statistik. Hasil pengujian terhadap campuran fluida radiator 80% air dan 20% radiator coolant menunjukkan rata – rata selisih temperatur inlet radiator dengan temperatur outlet radiator yang lebih tinggi sebesar 4,725?C serta rata-rata laju pembuangan panas radiator yang lebih tinggi juga sebesar 8,0378 kJ/s. Kondisi ini menunjukkan pada rpm 2000, campuran 80% air dan 20% radiator coolant memiliki kemampuan penyerapan dan pembuangan panas mesin yang lebih tinggi daripada 100% air

    Balance of Transient Thermal Energy on the Forced Flow Rotary dryer

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    There have been many studies about the dryer with a static bed so dry material produced is not uniform. Thus, drying withrotating bed can produce the dry material uniformly. Usually a prototype closest to the efficiency of the system as aperformance, but it has not been able to show its thermal energy balance. So the target of this research is a transient thermalenergy balance. Data taken in the testing include: the temperature inlet fluid of drying chamber channel (Tin), the velocity offluid flow into drying chamber channel (V), the outlet fluid temperature from drying chamber channel (Tout), the temperatureof dried material (Tmtl), the mass of dried material (mmtl), the surface temperature in the drying chamber wall (Tdlm), surfacetemperature out the drying chamber wall (Tluar). Next step is to get the results of data processing in the form of transientthermal energy balance in tables and graphs. From the results it can be seen that the useful energy decreases with timealthough the incoming energy drying system increased slightly. From the energy balance of thermal performance is obtainedalso in the form of thermal efficiency and average thermal efficiency is 18%. Decrease in useful energy as a function of time,causes the thermal efficiency as a function of time was also decreased, it is characterized by a decrease in the mass ofmaterial because the condition is getting dry

    Output voltage characteristic in system lighting road based on heat pipe and thermoelectric

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    A novel design of a thermal management pavement system is introduced in this paper. The basic concept behind this design is a utilize of waste heat from asphalt pavement have as a base a heat pipe and thermoelectric for energy of street lighting. In this system, output voltage is influenced by difference in temperature between hot side and cold side of thermoelectric. The intensity of solar radiation at hourly is variant, so the resulting of output voltage fluctuated. The research method by field testing direct exposed solar radiation on the variation time at 09.00; 10.00; 11.00; 12.00; 13.00; 14.00; 15.00; 16.00 Indonesia Central Standard Time. The data of this research are surface temperature of asphalt pavement, difference in temperature between hot side and cold side of thermoelectric, and output voltage of system. The analysis process by quantitative experimental. In this research, the output voltage increased from 09.00 until 13.00, and after that time the output voltage decreased

    Output voltage characteristic in system lighting road based on heat pipe and thermoelectric

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    A novel design of a thermal management pavement system is introduced in this paper. The basic concept behind this design is a utilize of waste heat from asphalt pavement have as a base a heat pipe and thermoelectric for energy of street lighting. In this system, output voltage is influenced by difference in temperature between hot side and cold side of thermoelectric. The intensity of solar radiation at hourly is variant, so the resulting of output voltage fluctuated. The research method by field testing direct exposed solar radiation on the variation time at 09.00; 10.00; 11.00; 12.00; 13.00; 14.00; 15.00; 16.00 Indonesia Central Standard Time. The data of this research are surface temperature of asphalt pavement, difference in temperature between hot side and cold side of thermoelectric, and output voltage of system. The analysis process by quantitative experimental. In this research, the output voltage increased from 09.00 until 13.00, and after that time the output voltage decreased