27 research outputs found

    Antiarrhythmic drugs for pharmacological cardioversion of atrial fibrillation and sex differences: Insights from the CANT II Study

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    Background: Data on sex differences in terms of action of antiarrhythmic agents (AADs) are limited. This study aimed to evaluate the clinical profile of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), and efficacy and safety of AADs used for pharmacological cardioversion (PCV) of AF.Methods: This research was a sub-analysis of the retrospective multicenter Cardioversion with ANTazoline II (CANT) registry, which comprised 1365 patients with short-duration AF referred for urgent PCV with the use of AAD. Patients were categorized according to and compared in terms of clinical parameters and PCV outcomes. The primary endpoint was return of sinus rhythm within 12 hours after drug infusion, and the composite safety endpoint involved bradycardia <45 bpm, hypotension, syncope, or death.Results: The sex distribution of patients qualified for PCV was even (men, n = 725; 53.1%). Females were older and more symptomatic and had higher CHA2DS2-VASc scores, higher prevalence of tachyarrhythmia, and higher use of chronic anticoagulation. The overall efficacy (71.4% vs. 70.1%; P = 0.59) and safety (5.2% vs. 4.6%; P = 0.60) of PCV was comparable in men and women. Amiodarone (68.3% vs. 65.9%; P = 0.66) and antazoline (77.1% vs. 80.0%; P = 0.19) had similar efficacy in men and women, but propafenone had a lower rate of rhythm conversion in men (64.7% vs. 79.3%; P = 0.046). None of the assessed AADs differed in terms of safety profile in both sexes.Conclusion: Female patients with AF have different clinical profiles but similar efficacy and safety of AADs as compared to male participants. Propafenone has significantly lower efficacy in men, which requires further investigation

    DTA Thermal Analysis of Alloys from Nickel-Rich Part of Ni-Al-Cr System

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    Thermal analysis allows for determination of temperature specific for the beginning and the end of phase transitions occurring in studied samples. In this paper results obtained from DTA (Differential Thermal Analysis) of alloys of chemical composition referring to nickel-rich part of Ni-Al-Cr system, specifically from section Ni75Al25÷Ni65Cr35 are presented. Those alloys are based on intermetallic phase Ni3 Al. Referring to measurements obtained during heating and cooling, characteristic peaks related to occurrence of phase transition of order-disorder type were noted as well as melting and solidification temperature of alloys was determined. Results of thermal analysis DTA of studied range were compared with results obtained for section Ni75Al25÷Ni75Cr25 and Ni75Al25÷Ni87Cr13, additionally results of measurements performed on high-temperature solution calorimeter were collated. Both methods presented good compatibility

    Determination of γ′+γ / γ Phase Boundary in Ni-Al-Cr System Using DTA Thermal Analysis

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    Mechanical properties at elevated temperature, in modern alloys based on intermetallic phase Ni3Al are connected with phase composition, especially with proportion of ordered phase γ′ (L12) and disordered phase γ (A1). In this paper, analysis of one key systems for mentioned alloys - Ni-Al-Cr, is presented. A series of alloys with chemical composition originated from Ni-rich part of Ni-Al-Cr system was prepared. DTA thermal analysis was performed on all samples. Based on shape of obtained curves, characteristic for continuous order-disorder transition, places of course of phase boundaries γ′+γ / γ were determined. Moreover, temperature of melting and freezing of alloys were obtained. Results of DTA analysis concerning phase boundary γ′+γ / γ indicated agreement with results obtained by authors using calorimetric solution method

    Analiza DSC przemian typu porządek-nieporządek w stopach na osnowie Ni3Al z układu Ni-Al-Cr

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    Ni-Al-Cr system is significant for industrial alloys based on intermetallic phase Ni3Al, that crystallizes in crystal lattice L12. It is indicated as γ′, contrary to disordered phase γ which occurs with addition of chromium. DSC analysis was performed on alloys of chemical composition from Ni75Al25÷Ni75Cr25 range of Ni-rich part of Ni-Al-Cr system. In addition, few measurements were conducted using DTA method. Based on curves registered, it was possible to identify characteristic temperature during heating and cooling of the sample. It corresponds to existence of phase boundary γ′+γ / γ in examined alloys. Results of thermal analysis were compared with results obtained with other method performed by authors which is solution calorimetric method.Układ Ni-Al-Cr jest ważnym układem dla przemysłowych stopów na osnowie fazy międzymetalicznej Ni3Al, która krystalizuje w uporządkowanej sieci L12. Oznacza się ją jako γ′ w odróżnieniu od fazy nieuporządkowanej γ, która pojawia się wraz z dodatkiem stopowym chromu. Wykonano serię stopów, których skład chemiczny leży na linii Ni75Al25÷Ni75Cr25 w bogatej w nikiel części układu Ni-Al-Cr i poddano je analizie DSC. Dodatkowo wykonano kilka pomiarów metodą DTA. Na podstawie zarejestrowanych krzywych udało się zidentyfikować charakterystyczne temperatury podczas nagrzewania i studzenia próbki. Odpowiadają one miejscom występowania granicy międzyfazowej γ′+γ / γ w stopach. Wyniki analiz termicznych zestawiono z wynikami innej metody zastosowanej przez autorów tj. kalorymetrycznej metody typu rozpuszczania

    Badanie założeń towarzyszących kalibracji wysokotemperaturowego kalorymetru typu rozpuszczania

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    The main thesis of the research was the problem concerning calibration of high-temperature solution calorimeter with aluminum. The important assumptions applied at calibration of a device with aluminum were verified. Enthalpy values determined during the experiment clearly suggest that the level of deformation and diameters of aluminum samples used for calibration are negligible. The assumption that the temperature of the samples at the moment they reach the bath level is very close to room temperature, is appropriate.W pracy badano problemy dotyczące istotnych zagadnień związanych z kalibracją wysokotemperaturowego kalorymetru typu rozpuszczania za pomocą aluminium. Sprawdzono założenia wprowadzane przy kalibracji przyrządu z wykorzystaniem tego metalu. Wyznaczone podczas eksperymentów wartości entalpii świadczą, że nie ma znaczenia stopień odkształcenia oraz średnica użytych do kalibracji próbek aluminiowych. W tym ostatnim przypadku potwierdza to słuszność istotnego założenia, że próbki w momencie osiągania poziomu kąpieli mają temperaturę bardzo zbliżoną do temperatury pokojowej

    Surface Analysis of ABS 3D Prints Subjected to Copper Plating

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    3D printing in FDM (Fused Deposition Modelling) technology is commonly used, mainly in the preparation of prototypes, but also for the production of ready-made elements. Objects printed using the FDM method have characteristic, adverse surface features related to the limitations of this technology. That is why surface treatment of 3D prints becomes crucial. One of the method is metal plating of elements. The most frequently used material in FDM technology is PLA (polylactic acid) and ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene). Study of surface parameters determination for ABS prints after galvanic copper plating is presented in this paper. For this purpose, samples printed with ABS were smoothed in acetone vapour. Most favorable parameters of the surface were obtained for samples that had contact with acetone vapour for 60 minutes. Ultimately, surface analysis of samples after graphite coating and subjected to copper plating was performed. It was found that surface parameters are close to results obtained with traditional methods of metal processing

    DSC Analysis Of Order–Disorder Transition In Ni3Al Based Alloys From Ni-Al-Cr System

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    Ni-Al-Cr system is significant for industrial alloys based on intermetallic phase Ni3Al, that crystallizes in crystal lattice L12. It is indicated as γ′, contrary to disordered phase γ which occurs with addition of chromium. DSC analysis was performed on alloys of chemical composition from Ni75Al25÷Ni75Cr25 range of Ni-rich part of Ni-Al-Cr system. In addition, few measurements were conducted using DTA method. Based on curves registered, it was possible to identify characteristic temperature during heating and cooling of the sample. It corresponds to existence of phase boundary γ′+γ / γ in examined alloys. Results of thermal analysis were compared with results obtained with other method performed by authors which is solution calorimetric method

    Parameters Selection for Electropolishing Process of Products Made of Copper and its Alloys

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    Electropolishing is electrochemical method used in metal working that has a vital role in production of medical apparatus, in food or electric industry. The purpose of this paper is to determine optimal current parameters and time required for conducting electropolishing process from the perspective of changes of surface microgeometry. Furthermore, effect of different types of mechanical working used before electropolishing on final surface state was evaluated by observation in changes of topography. Research was conducted on electrolytic copper and brass. Analysis of surface geometry and its parameters (Ra, Sa) was used as criterion describing efficiency of chemical electropolishing. Results of the experiment allow for current parameter optimization of electrochemical polishing process for selected non-ferrous alloys with preliminary mechanical preparation of the surface