57 research outputs found

    Treatment of Emulsion from Mould Machining and Washing

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    Import 05/08/2014Tématem diplomové práce je návrh úpravy odpadů při výrobě odlitků z neželezných kovů. Práce je především zaměřena na technologii ve firmě Aisan Industry Czech s.r.o., kde tyto odpady vznikají při procesech odlévání hliníkových výrobků a následném obrábění. Emulze z obrábění a oplachu forem tvoří poměrně velký podíl odpadů z celého procesu. Jejich redukcí by se významně snížily náklady na likvidaci.The topic of the thesis is the proposal of waste treatment in the production of castings of non-ferrous metals. The work is mainly focused on technology in the company Aisan Industry Czech sro, where this waste is generated in the processes of casting aluminum products and subsequent machining. Emulsions of machining and washing of forms make up a relatively large amount of waste from the process. Their reduction would significantly reduce the cost of disposal.Prezenční546 - Institut environmentálního inženýrstvívelmi dobř

    QoS model for Mobile ad hoc network

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    Diplomová práce "QoS model pro mobilní ad hoc síť" se zabývá problematikou zajištění kvality služeb v MANET (Mobile ad hoc) sítích. V této diplomové práci je proveden popis MANET sítí a teoretický rozbor směrovacích protokolů s podporou QoS (Quality of Service). Dále je v zpracován postup tvorby modelu MANET sítě s podporou směrovacího protokolu DSDV (Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector) v simulačním prostředí NS-3 (Network Simulator 3) a jeho doplnění o podporu QoS. Použitý QoS model je následně upraven s důrazem na zlepšení klíčových parametrů provozu. Simulací funkčního modelu je ověřena implementace QoS, zlepšení parametrů zpoždění a jitter (zpoždění mezi vybranými pakety).The diploma thesis "QoS model for Mobile ad hoc network" focuses on the quality of services in MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc) networks. It describes MANET networks and covers the theoretical analysis of routing protocols with QoS (Quality of Service) support. Furthermore, there is processed the creation process of model MANET networks with the routing protocol DSDV (Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector) in the simulation environment NS-3 (Network Simulator 3) and its extension of QoS support. The used QoS model is subsequently modified to improve core operating parameters. The implementation of QoS parameters as well as the improvement of delay and jitter (the delay between selected packets) is verified by the functional simulation.

    IP Television

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    Hlavním cílem této bakalářské práce je návrh a realizace softwarového programu, který bude schopen přijímat a přehrávat multimediální tok vysílaný ze serveru prostřednictvím paketové sítě. Pro navázání spojení mezi serverem a koncovým bodem je využit protokol pro přenos multimediálních dat RTP. V bakalářské práci jsou proto popsány protokoly zajišťující přenos dat RTP/RTCP, RTSP a také protokoly SDP a SAP. Popis zmíněných protokolů není proveden do nejmenších detailů, ale jedná se o seznámení s problematikou. Dále jsou stručně popsány knihovny, které byly při navrhování aplikace uvažovány a také použité aplikace, které fungují jako zdroj vysílání multimediálních dat. V práci poté následuje návrh řešení a popis jednotlivých kroků při tvorbě aplikace. V poslední části této práce je proveden rozbor fungování programu.The main objective of thesis is proposal and realization programme, which can be able to receive and play up multimedia stream broadcasted from server via packet networks. Protocol for transmission multimedia data is used to join connection between server and end point. And therefore protocols which handle data transmission like RTP/RTCP, RTSP and also SDP and SAP are described in thesis. Description mentioned records isn't effected to the smallest details, but acts about acquaint with problems. Further be brief described libraries that the stand by drafting application in view as well as used application that the function as the source of transmission multimedia. Than follows proposal solving and single step description of programme design in thesis. Analysis of working programme is performed in the last part of thesis.

    Distributed Ledger Technology: State-of-the-Art and Current Challenges

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    Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is making the first steps toward becoming a solution for the growing number of various decentralized systems world wide. Unlike pure Blockchain, DLT finds many uses across different industries, including eHealth, finance, supply chain monitoring, and the Internet of Things (IoT). One of the vital DLT features is the ability to provide an immutable and commonly verifiable ledger for larger-scale and highly complex systems. Today’s centralized systems can no longer guarantee the required level of availability and reliability due to the growing number of the involved nodes, complicated heterogeneous architectures, and task load, while the publicly available distributed systems are still in their infancy. This paper aims to provide an exhaustive topical review of the state-of-the art of Distributed Ledger Technology applicability in various sectors. It outlines the importance of the practical integration of technology-related challenges, as well as potential solutions

    Upotreba pivskoga kvasca u hranidbi kopuna.

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    The use of yeast in feeding capons was investigated. An Investigation was carried out on 40 capons of the hybrid line Ross 308, caponized at 28 days. For 22 weeks the capons were given feed and water ad libitum and kept in controlled zoo-hygienic conditions. The experimental capons obtained yeast in feed mixtures as protein feed, while the control capons were given commercial feed mixtures for fattening chickens with fish meal in the starter and oil grits in finisher 1 and finisher 2. The results of the study showed no statistically significant differences (P<0.05) between the final body weights of the capons, feed conversion, growth performance and share of breast weight in the carcass weight, which supports the conclusion that fish meal proteins can be successfully substituted with yeast proteins for feeding capons.Istražena je upotreba pivskoga kvasca u hranidbi kopuna. Istraživanje je provedeno na 40 kopuna hibridne linije Ross 308 kopuniziranih u dobi od 28 dana. Tijekom 22 tjedna kopuni su hranjeni i napajani po volji te držani u kontroliranim zoohigijenskim uvjetima. Pokusni kopuni u krmnim su smjesama kao bjelančevinasto krmivo dobivali pivski kvasac dok su kontrolni kopuni u komercijalnim smjesama za tov pilića dobivali u starteru riblje brašno, a u finišeru 1 i finišeru 2 sačme uljarica. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da nema statistički značajnih razlika (P<0,05) između završnih tjelesnih masa kopuna, konverzije hrane, randmana i udjela mase prsa u masi trupa što govori u prilog zaključku da se u hranidbi kopuna bjelančevine ribljeg brašna mogu uspješno zamijeniti bjelančevinama pivskog kvasca

    Upotreba pivskoga kvasca u hranidbi kopuna.

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    The use of yeast in feeding capons was investigated. An Investigation was carried out on 40 capons of the hybrid line Ross 308, caponized at 28 days. For 22 weeks the capons were given feed and water ad libitum and kept in controlled zoo-hygienic conditions. The experimental capons obtained yeast in feed mixtures as protein feed, while the control capons were given commercial feed mixtures for fattening chickens with fish meal in the starter and oil grits in finisher 1 and finisher 2. The results of the study showed no statistically significant differences (P<0.05) between the final body weights of the capons, feed conversion, growth performance and share of breast weight in the carcass weight, which supports the conclusion that fish meal proteins can be successfully substituted with yeast proteins for feeding capons.Istražena je upotreba pivskoga kvasca u hranidbi kopuna. Istraživanje je provedeno na 40 kopuna hibridne linije Ross 308 kopuniziranih u dobi od 28 dana. Tijekom 22 tjedna kopuni su hranjeni i napajani po volji te držani u kontroliranim zoohigijenskim uvjetima. Pokusni kopuni u krmnim su smjesama kao bjelančevinasto krmivo dobivali pivski kvasac dok su kontrolni kopuni u komercijalnim smjesama za tov pilića dobivali u starteru riblje brašno, a u finišeru 1 i finišeru 2 sačme uljarica. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da nema statistički značajnih razlika (P<0,05) između završnih tjelesnih masa kopuna, konverzije hrane, randmana i udjela mase prsa u masi trupa što govori u prilog zaključku da se u hranidbi kopuna bjelančevine ribljeg brašna mogu uspješno zamijeniti bjelančevinama pivskog kvasca