1,986 research outputs found
Panduan Model Bahan Ajar Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Teks
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Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis Teks
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Speech acts in appeals for social distancing and public compliance intentions during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia
Government-issued communication messages are critical in resolving health problems such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The decision of linguistic speech acts also influences the behavior of obedient and disciplined individuals. Gender, age, and race are all predictors of social distancing compliance (Pedersen Favero, 2020). However, no studies have been published examining the form of speech acts that can control public conduct in accordance with social distancing on each of these social variables. Thus, this study examined the intention of public compliance through the pragmatic interpretation of the government’s appeal for social distancing. The present study was conducted with a cross-sectional design survey involving 1339 respondents through online data collection. The findings of this study reveal that different speech acts have varying effects on people’s intentions to follow the health protocol appeal. This study makes a theoretical contribution by demonstrating that gender, age, and education level influence the perlocutionary style of speech actions in critical health communication. These findings will aid the government in developing effective messages on health risk reduction behavior through the selection of appropriate speech acts
Perilaku Pengendalian Bahaya Kecelakaan Kerja di Rumah Tangga Pada Masyarakat Kota Samarinda
Abstract—The potential hazards and risks in the household consist of many physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic and psychological factors. This study aims to obtain information about the accident hazard factors and efforts to control the occupational accident hazard in the household. This study uses a descriptive qualitative design with selected informants as many as 7 families. Information collection was carried out in November 2020 in Teluk Lerong Ulu Village, Samarinda City. The technique of collecting information is in-depth interviews using interview guidelines and qualitative data analysis. The results of the study obtained information that various hazard factors or risks of workplace accidents in the household include electric short circuit, danger factors from insects and venomous animals, unsafe use of kitchen knives, dangers posed when cleaning the house, and ergonomic hazards due to moving goods or objects. These hazard factors cause various complaints and accidents such as allergies, itching and skin diseases, respiratory problems, MSDS complaints, fatigue and eye health problems due to poor lighting, burns, scratches or injuries from sharp objects, pinched, crushed and crushed by falling objects. Efforts to control the danger of accidents are carried out by residents of the house such as being careful when doing activities in the kitchen, using an ironing board when ironing clothes, using stairs when doing work to reach objects in high places, storing or placing dangerous objects out of reach of children, and other precautions.
Keywords: control of hazard, household, work accident
Abstrak—Potensi bahaya dan risiko di rumah tangga begitu banyak terdiri dari bahaya faktor fisika, kimia, biologi, ergonomi dan psikologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai faktor bahaya kecelakaan dan upaya pengendalian bahaya kecelakaan kerja tersebut di rumah tangga. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kualitatif deskriptif dengan informan yang dipilih sebanyak 7 kepala keluarga. Pengumpulan informasi dilakukan pada bulan November 2020 di Kelurahan Teluk Lerong Ulu Kota Samarinda. Teknik pengumpulan informasi adalah wawancara mendalam menggunakan pedoman wawancara dan analisis data secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian diperoleh informasi bahwa berbagai faktor bahaya atau risiko kecelakaan kerja di rumah tangga antara lain korsleting listrik, faktor bahaya dari serangga dan binatang berbisa, penggunaan pisau dapur yang tidak aman, bahaya yang ditimbulkan saat membersihkan rumah, dan bahaya ergonomis akibat memindahkan barang atau benda. Faktor bahaya tersebut menimbulkan berbagai keluhan dan kecelakaan seperti alergi gatal dan penyakit kulit, gangguan pernapasan, keluhan MSDS, kelelahan dan gangguan kesehatan mata akibat penerangan yang buruk, luka bakar, tergores atau terluka akibat benda tajam, terjepit, tertimpa dan tertindih benda jatuh. Upaya pengendalian bahaya kecelakaan tersebut perlu dilakukan oleh penghuni rumah seperti berhati-hati saat beraktivitas di bagian dapur, menggunakan meja setrika saat menyetrika pakaian, menggunakan tangga saat melakukan pekerjaan menjangkau benda di tempat tinggi, menyimpan atau menempatkan benda berbahaya dari jangkauan anak-anak, dan tindakan pencegahan lainnya.
Kata kunci: kecelakaan kerja, pengendalian bahaya, rumah tangga
Pure Cross-Docking as Strategy of Distribution for Courier Services: A Quantitative Study on Perceived Benefits Associated with Inventory Cost
Cross-Docking is adopted by many companies not only to decrease cost of operations but also to increase level of customer satisfaction and optimize goodwill. Although implementation of the strategy is much complex specially in uncertain courtiers like Pakistan therefore majority of warehouses are opting this strategy in combination with limited warehousing in order to avoid the risk of stock out cost. Therefore there is minimal knowledge available regarding the use and benefits of the strategy. Although the strategy has been used across the world and with CPEC implementation Pakistan might also be included in the list of developed economies and companies coming from abroad require this strategy to work properly. Thus there is a need of study to identify benefits associated with the strategy of pure cross-docking but quantifying numerous benefits through single study is quire impossible. There this study focused specifically upon inventory holding cost as the benefit of cross-docking and after analysis it has been determined that the strategy would not bring impact on the inventory holding cost unless it is impaired with proper communication. Keywords: Pure Cross-Docking, Uncertain Countries, Perceived Benefits of Cross-Docking & Inventory Cost DOI: 10.7176/IEL/9-4-02 Publication date:May 31st 201
The Role of Microfinance on Poverty Alleviation and Its Impacts on People and Society: Evidence From the Grameen Bank
The Origin of Microfinance has started in 1976 by Muhammad Yunus in Bangladesh it has positive impacts on poor people and societies. Grameen Bank (GB) provides microfinance services for people in rural regions so they can use the capital for productive work and become financially stable and independent. According to the (Report of the Post Enumeration Check of the Population and Housing Census: 2011: 23) 78.3% of the population still lives in rural areas, the development of rural Bangladesh depends to a large extent the development of poor people. In this article, we have described the role of microfinance in poverty alleviation and its impacts on people and society. Here we have Grameen Bank's model explained, the main purpose of this article is to present Microfinance and how it can be useful for the well-being of society and the reduction of poverty. The first section we described the history of Microfinance Grameen Bank, and then we explained the consequences Microfinance, and in the last section, we discussed the conclusions and the recommendations. Keywords: Financing, Microfinance, Grameen Bank, Poverty Alleviation, rural poor, women empowerment, Group lending, economic growth, credi
Analyzing the Effect of Outsourcing by SMEs on Company’s Performance Moderating Role of Risks Associated with Decision of Outsourcing: Evidence from SMEs operating in Karachi
Outsourcing is a strategy which is even treated as a risk free for the conduction of business but the decision might not always ensure desired quality and results. Thus there is significant need of evaluation of outcomes associated with outsourcing decision, especially in Under Developed Countries (UDC) and Least Developed Countries (LDC) where there is significant lacking of research work on this strategy. Thus the aim of this research is to check the results associated with outsourcing in terms of its importance, especially for the most important sector of Pakistan’s economy (SMEs). Thus data has been collected from all those who are working on managerial positions in SMEs operating in Karachi and after detailed statistical testing through AMOS it has been revealed that outsourcing is fruitful for SMEs but results might be different for different types of SMEs as well as if we analyze small enterprises and medium enterprises on separate basis.. Keywords: Outsourcing, SMEs, Cost, Quality, Firms Performanc
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