862 research outputs found
Is the intrasexual competition in male red deer reflected in the ratio of stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in faeces?
Isotopic analysis of carbon and nitrogen in faeces is a reliable methodology for studying ecology in wildlife. Here, we tested this technique to detect variations in carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios (δ13C and δ15N) in two different intrasexual competition scenarios of male Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) using faeces of individuals collected during hunting actions in South-eastern Spain. The carbon isotopic ratio (δ13C) was not found to be significant, likely due to similar diet composition in all individuals. However, the nitrogen isotopic ratio (δ15N) was found to be lower in populations where sexual competition between males during the rut was higher compared to low-competition populations. Therefore, this study suggests a different use of proteins by an individual male red deer depending on the sexually competitive context in which he lives. Although further research is needed, these results show the potential of isotopic analysis as a tool for studying individual and populational variations in the level of intrasexual competition, with implications in evolutionary ecology and population management
Sobrevivencia de post larvas de bagre rayado (Pseudoplatystoma sp) en estanques en tierra bajo alimentación de zooplancton nativo
IMÁGENESEste proyecto se realizó en la finca Manantial, ubicada en el municipio de Cumaral – Meta; en donde se evaluaron los índices de sobrevivencia de larvas de bagre (Pseudoplatystoma sp), se manejó un total de 20.000 larvas, distribuidas en dos estanques denominados M13 y M14. Inicialmente se procedió a efectuar los procesos de reproducción, una vez obtenidas las larvas se diseñó la estrategia de alimentación, consistente en Artemia salina con una proteína del 60% y una ración de hígado licuado; así como la preparación de los estanques analizando los parámetros físico-químicos presentes en ellos. Este tipo de alimentación se utilizó durante los primeros ocho días, distribuida en seis raciones al día, las larvas se ubicaron en canaletas de fibra de vidrio con capacidad de ochenta litros de agua, se monitorean durante dos horas para medir temperatura y PH; posteriormente fueron llevadas a estanques de tierra, los cuales se fertilizaron con anterioridad con el fin de producir plancton (Fito-zoo), para la alimentación de las postlarvas durante un periodo de cuarenta y cinco días.
Estos estanques fueron fertilizados cada cuatro días con el fin de mantener la productividad de plancton, se identificó para el zooplancton poblaciones de rotíferos, cladóceros, copépodos, y se estableció que las variaciones bruscas del clima como la lluvias, causan un recambio excesivo de agua la cual baja la turbidez del estanque, afectando la producción del fitoplancton, del cual se alimenta el zooplancton presente en el desarrollo del cultivo, esto incide directamente en el crecimiento de las postlarvas de bagre, ya que se reduce el alimento vivo (zooplancton), puede presentar canibalismo en el cultivo bajando drásticamente la producción .
En el caso de los parámetros físico -químicos del estanque se encontró una variación del PH de 7 a 8.1, el oxígeno presentó promedios entre 6 y 10 mg/lt. Y finalmente la temperatura oscilo entre los valores de 26.2 a 28°C. Se tomaron muestreos cada dos días a las post larvas de bagre, en donde se obtuvo resultados satisfactorios en cuanto al tamaño, de 3 a 3.5 cm a las cinco semanas de ser sembradas y una sobrevivencia de 43% y 50%; para cada estanque, la cual es superior a los resultados obtenidos en el laboratorio.This project was carried out in the Manantial estate, located in the municipality of Cumaral - Meta; In which the survival rates of catfish larvae (Pseudoplatystoma sp) were evaluated, a total of 20,000 larvae were distributed in two ponds called M13 and M14. Initially, the breeding process was performed. Once the larvae were obtained, the feeding strategy was designed, consisting of Artemia Salina with 60% protein and a liquefied liver ration; As well as the preparation of the ponds by analyzing the physical-chemical parameters present in them. This type of feeding was used during the first eight days, distributed in six servings per day, the larvae were placed in fiberglass gutters with capacity of eighty liters of water, monitored for two hours to measure temperature and Ph.; They were then taken to soil ponds, which were previously fertilized in order to produce plankton (Phyto-zoo), for feeding postlarvae during a period of forty-five days.
These ponds were fertilized every four days in order to maintain the productivity of plankton, zooplankton populations were identified for rotifers, cladocerans, copepods, Cyclopoida and Harpacticoida; And it was established that abrupt variations in the presence of phytoplankton directly affect the amount of zooplankton present in the ponds, which directly affects the development of catfish larvae. In the case of the physical-chemical parameters of the pond was found a variation of Ph from 7 to 8.1, the oxygen presented averages between 6 and 10 mg / lt. And finally the temperature oscillates between the values of 26.2 to 28 ° C. Samples were taken every two days to catfish postlarvae, where satisfactory results were obtained in size, from 3 to 3.5 cm at five weeks of sowing and a survival of 43% and 50%; For each pond, highly superior to laboratory test
Orientacion al mercado de las vinas chilenas
143 p.Este estudio investiga el grado de orientación al mercado que presentan las viñas chilenas y el efecto que dicha orientación provoca en el desempeño financiero. Determina cuáles son los factores más relevantes considerados por las viñas, al momento de tomar sus decisiones estratégicas y se evalúa si tales decisiones tienen un efecto positivo en su rendimiento empresarial. Su desarrollo se basa, inicialmente, en una recopilación bibliográfica del concepto de la orientación al mercado, considerando sus principales autores, además de las escalas existentes para la medición de la misma, con el propósito de conocer los estudios empíricos anteriores, los resultados obtenidos en ellos y descubrir la importancia de la orientación al mercado para las empresas. Por otra parte, se recopiló antecedentes sobre la situación actual de la economía chilena, de la industria del vino en Chile y la importancia que representa la orientación al mercado en las viñas chilenas. Con esta revisión bibliográfica, se estableció la utilización de dos escalas de medición de la orientación al mercado, MARKOR por un lado y la escala MKTOR por otro, en el diseño de un cuestionario que además de medir este concepto, solicitó información de desempeño financiero e innovación. La encuesta tuvo una tasa de respuesta del 25%, destacando que el estudio se aplicó a toda la población. Los resultados de la investigación, revelaron que la escala MARKOR mide de mejor forma la orientación al mercado. Y se descubrió que gran parte de las viñas chilenas, presentan un alto grado de orientación al mercado. Además, se comprobó, que las viñas orientadas al mercado, se ven influenciadas a innovar, generando ello, un mejor desempeño organizacional. Palabras claves: orientación al mercado, innovación, desempeño organizacional
El dengue como problema de salud publica
En el presente trabajo se enfatizara en la problemática sobre dengue, considerando que es un campo muy amplio y difícil de tratar, nos concentraremos en la percepción y conocimientos que tienen las personas del municipio Valle del Guamuez sobre el tema y trataremos afianzar los conocimientos de sensibilización, prevención de dicha problemática la cual consideramos importante de tratar ya que según estadísticas de la OPS/OMS el dengue se ha vuelto la segunda enfermedad más común de las transmitidas por mosquitos y que afectan a los seres humanos, considerando así una problemática de salud pùblica.
Lo que se pretende con esta investigación es identificar, concientizar a los habitantes sobre los riesgos que pueden estar expuestos al contraer esta enfermedad, y como durante la última década, en Sudamérica se ha registrado el más dramático incremento de la incidencia del dengue, especialmente en Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Perú, Venezuela y Brasil. Actualmente, en este último país se produce aproximadamente el 70% de todos los casos en América, mientras que Colombia es donde se ha registrado el mayor número de casos de dengue hemorrágico y de casos fatales en los últimos años.
La investigación busca la concientización sobre los conceptos básicos sobre el dengue, y de esta manera dar un apoyo a los problemas relacionados con el mismoEn el presente trabajo se enfatizara en la problemática sobre dengue, considerando que es un campo muy amplio y difícil de tratar, nos concentraremos en la percepción y conocimientos que tienen las personas del municipio Valle del Guamuez sobre el tema y trataremos afianzar los conocimientos de sensibilización, prevención de dicha problemática la cual consideramos importante de tratar ya que según estadísticas de la OPS/OMS el dengue se ha vuelto la segunda enfermedad más común de las transmitidas por mosquitos y que afectan a los seres humanos, considerando así una problemática de salud pùblica.
Lo que se pretende con esta investigación es identificar, concientizar a los habitantes sobre los riesgos que pueden estar expuestos al contraer esta enfermedad, y como durante la última década, en Sudamérica se ha registrado el más dramático incremento de la incidencia del dengue, especialmente en Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Perú, Venezuela y Brasil. Actualmente, en este último país se produce aproximadamente el 70% de todos los casos en América, mientras que Colombia es donde se ha registrado el mayor número de casos de dengue hemorrágico y de casos fatales en los últimos años.
La investigación busca la concientización sobre los conceptos básicos sobre el dengue, y de esta manera dar un apoyo a los problemas relacionados con el mism
El Caso Gabriel y la PPR en la prensa: continuidades y contradicciones entre discursos mediáticos sobre delincuencia y sobre política penal
Existe una estrecha vinculación entre el tratamiento mediático de los delitos (sobre
todo los más horrendos o espectaculares), la percepción social de la delincuencia, y la
evolución de la política penal de una sociedad dada. Un aspecto hasta ahora escasamente estudiado de ese tema son las maneras en que los discursos mediáticos sobre
delincuencia interactúan con los discursos mediáticos sobre política penal. Este capítulo expone los presupuestos teórico-metodológicos y primeros resultados de una propuesta de investigación que aborda este problema teórico desde el análisis de un caso
de estudio concreto: la comparación entre los discursos con que una serie de periódicos
(El País, El Mundo, Público y OK Diario) trataron, durante los mismos días, el asesinato conocido como Caso Gabriel y el debate público en torno a la Prisión Permanente
Revisable (PPR). La hipótesis de partida es que, en dicho debate, cada periódico mantuvo un discurso coherente con su adscripción ideológica (algunos a favor, y otros en
contra, de la PPR), mientras que al hablar del Caso Gabriel, todos los medios manejaron discursos muy parecidos, mucho más coherentes con una posición política pro-PPR que con su opuesta. De ser así, esto colocaría a los periódicos anti-PPR en una
posición de enorme debilidad discursiva, casi de incapacidad para intervenir con solvencia en ese debate, frente a la solidez y fortaleza lógicas y retóricas de los periódicos
Transcriptome profiling of gene expression during immunisation trial against Fasciola hepatica : Identification of genes and pathways involved in conferring immunoprotection in a murine model
Background: Fasciolosis remains a significant food-borne trematode disease causing high morbidity around the world and affecting grazing animals and humans. A deeper understanding concerning the molecular mechanisms by which Fasciola hepatica infection occurs, as well as the molecular basis involved in acquiring protection is extremely important when designing and selecting new vaccine candidates. The present study provides a first report of microarray-based technology for describing changes in the splenic gene expression profile for mice immunised with a highly effective, protection-inducing, multi-epitope, subunit-based, chemically-synthesised vaccine candidate against F. hepatica. Methods: The mice were immunised with synthetic peptides containing B- and T-cell epitopes, which are derived from F. hepatica cathepsin B and amoebapore proteins, as novel vaccine candidates against F. hepatica formulated in an adjuvant adaptation vaccination system; they were experimentally challenged with F. hepatica metacercariae. Spleen RNA from mice immunised with the highest protection-inducing synthetic peptides was isolated, amplified and labelled using Affymetrix standardised protocols. Data was then background corrected, normalised and the expression signal was calculated. The Ingenuity Pathway Analysis tool was then used for analysing differentially expressed gene identifiers for annotating bio-functions and constructing and visualising molecular interaction networks. Results: Mice immunised with a combination of three peptides containing T-cell epitopes induced high protection against experimental challenge according to survival rates and hepatic damage scores. It also induced differential expression of 820 genes, 168 genes being up-regulated and 652 genes being down-regulated, p value <0.05, fold change ranging from -2.944 to 7.632. A functional study of these genes revealed changes in the pathways related to nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species production, Interleukin-12 signalling and production in macrophages and Interleukin-8 signalling with up-regulation of S100 calcium-binding protein A8, Matrix metallopeptidase 9 and CXC chemokine receptor 2 genes. Conclusion: The data obtained in the present study provided us with a more comprehensive overview concerning the possible molecular pathways implied in inducing protection against F. hepatica in a murine model, which could be useful for evaluating future vaccine candidates. © 2017 The Author(s)
Reversion of Severe Mitral Insufficiency in Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Using Levosimendan
Idiopathic peripartum cardiomyopathy presenting with heart failure is a true diagnostic and treatment challenge. Goal oriented clinical management aims at the relapse of left ventricular systolic dysfunction. A 35-year-old patient on her 12th day post-delivery presents progressive signs of heart failure. Transthoracic echocardiography showed severe mitral insufficiency, mild left ventricular dysfunction, mild tricuspid insufficiency, severe pulmonary hypertension, and right atrial enlargement. With wet and cold heart failure signs, the patient was a candidate for inodilator cardiovascular support and volume depletion therapy. As the patient presented a persistent tachycardia at rest, levosimendan was chosen over dobutamine. Levosimendan was administered at a dose of 0.2 g/kg/min during a period of 24 hours. After inodilator therapy, the patient's signs and symptoms of heart failure began to decrease, showing improvement of dyspnea, mitral murmur grade went from IV/IV to II/IV, filling pressures and systemic and pulmonary resistance indexes decreased, arterial blood gases improved, and an echocardiography performed 72 h later showed non-dilated cardiomyopathy, mild cardiac contractile dysfunction, mild mitral insufficiency, type I diastolic dysfunction and improvement of pulmonary hypertension. Cardiovascular function in peripartum cardiomyopathy tends to go back to normality in 23-41% of the cases, but in a large group of patients, severe ventricle dysfunction remains months after initial symptoms. This article describes the diagnostic process of a patient with peripartum cardiomyopathy and a successful reversion of a severe case of mitral insufficiency using levosimendan as a new therapeutic strategy in this clinical context
NMR And Isotopic Fingerprinting For Food Characterisation
Numerous analytical methods have been developed during the past decades and have proven to be extremely efficient, for instance, in the case of single, high purity compounds for the measurements of concentration and/or structure elucidation. However, real-world applications often require the characterization of complex mixtures containing tens to thousands of compounds, such as biofluids, food matrices, industrial products, etc. The complete characterisation of such mixtures would be tedious, not to say impossible in the case of mixtures containing hundreds of compounds, and certainly unfeasible for monitoring purposes. In fact, one can concentrate on one or a few molecules which entail the non-negligible issue of the choice of the molecules of interest, and therefore require an a priori knowledge. Nevertheless this approach usually requires molecular separation and purification, which is time, money and human resource consuming.
In contrast the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) fingerprinting aims at establishing a holistic approach: the mixture is submitted to the NMR experiment as a whole. A simple quantification of the major compounds, which are characterised by one or several signals in the NMR spectrum, can be performed. This type of analysis is particularly attractive for several reasons: it is non-destructive, non selective and cost effective; requires little or no sample pre-treatment; uses small amounts of organic solvents or reagents; and typically takes only a few minutes per sample.
The spectra of complex mixtures show hundreds of signals, coming from numerous molecules. This and the overlap of signal make it difficult to extract information, either visually or by simple processing of the data. The most effective way to analyse these holistic profiles is by using chemometric tools which enable the visualisation of the data in a reduced dimension and the classification of the samples into established classes based on inherent patterns in a set of spectral measurements. Moreover, these techniques also allow to trace the NMR spectral variables responsible of this classification, and thus, identify molecular markers of interest.
Isotopic measurements such as Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectroscopy (IRMS) or Site-specific Natural Isotopic Fractionation (SNIF-NMR) provide few variables, but these contain unique information on geographical origin and metabolic or production pathways. Thus, isotopic measurements provide complementary data to NMR fingerprinting.JRC.I.5-Physical and chemical exposure
Tetrodotoxin-insensitive electrical field stimulation-induced contractions on crotalus durissus terrificus corpus cavernosum
FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ – CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOReptiles are the first amniotes to develop an intromitent penis, however until now the mechanisms involved in the electrical field stimulation-induced contraction on corpora cavernosa isolated from Crotalus durissus terrificus were not investigated. Crotalus and rabbit corpora cavernosa were mounted in 10 mL organ baths for isometric tension recording. Electrical field stimulation (EFS)-induced contractions were performed in presence/absence of phentolamine (10 mu M), guanethidine (30 mu M), tetrodotoxin (1 mu M and 1mM), A-803467 (10 mu M), 3-iodo-L-Tyrosine (1 mM), salsolinol (3 mu M) and a modified Krebs solution (equimolar substitution of NaCl by N-methyl-D-glucamine). Immuno-histochemistry for tyrosine hydroxylase was also performed. Electrical field stimulation (EFS; 8 Hz and 16 Hz) caused contractions in both Crotalus and rabbit corpora cavernosa. The contractions were abolished by previous incubation with either phentolamine or guanethidine. Tetrodotoxin (1 mu M) also abolished the EFS-induced contractions of rabbit CC, but did not affect EFS-induced contractions of Crotalus CC. Addition of A-803467 (10 mu M) did not change the EFS-induced contractions of Crotalus CC but abolished rabbit CC contractions. 3-iodo-L-Tyrosine and salsolinol had no effect on EFS-induced contractions of Crotalus CC and Rabbit CC. Replacement of NaCl by N-Methyl-D-glucamine (NMDG) abolished EFS-induced contractions of rabbit CC, but did not affect Crotalus CC. The presence of tyrosine hydroxylase was identified in endothelial cells only of Crotalus CC. Since the EFS-induced contractions of Crotalus CC is dependent on catecholamine release, insensitive to TTX, insensitive to A803467 and to NaCl replacement, it indicates that the source of cathecolamine is unlikely to be from adrenergic terminals. The finding that tyrosine hydroxylase is present in endothelial cells suggests that these cells can modulate Crotalus CC tone128FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ – CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCNPQ – CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO2011/11828-4140731/2013-
Outcomes measured by mortality rates, quality of life and degree of autonomy in the first year in stroke units in Spain
Altres ajuts: The study has been funded by an unrestricted grant from Boehringer Ingelheim Spain.The primary objective of this sub analysis of the CONOCES study was to analyse outcomes in terms of mortality rates, quality of life and degree of autonomy over the first year in patients admitted to stroke units in Spain. The secondary objective was to identify the factors determining good prognosis. We studied a sample of patients who had suffered a confirmed stroke and been admitted to a Stroke Unit in the Spanish healthcare system. Socio-demographic and clinical variables and variables related to the level of severity (NIHSS), the level of autonomy (Barthel, modified Rankin) and quality of life (EQ-5D) were recorded at the time of admission and then three months and one year after the event. Factors determining prognosis were analysed using logistic regression and ROC curves. A total of 321 patients were recruited, 33% of whom received thrombolytic treatment, which was associated with better results on the Barthel and the modified Rankin scales and in terms of the risk of death. Mean quality of life measured through EQ-5D improved from 0.57 at discharge to 0.65 one year later. Full autonomy level measured by Barthel index increased from 30.1% at discharge to 52.8% at one year and by the modified Rankin scale from 51% to 71%. The rates for in-hospital and 1-year mortality were 5.9% and 17.4% respectively. Low NIHSS scores were associated with a good prognosis with all the outcome variables. The three instruments applied (NIHSS, Barthel and modified Rankin scales) on admission showed good discriminative ability for patient prognosis in the ROC curves. There has been a change in the prognosis for stroke in Spain in recent years as the quality of life at 1 year observed in our study is clearly higher than that obtained in other Spanish studies conducted previously. Moreover, survival and functional outcome have also improved following the introduction of a new model of care. These results clearly promote extension of the model based on stroke units and reinforced rehabilitation to the majority of the more than 100,000 strokes that occur annually in Spain
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