84 research outputs found
Posibility of Genetical Introgresion of Nordmann fir (Abies nordmaniana /Steven/ Spach) in Common Fir Forests (Abies alba Mill.) of Macelj and TrakoÅ”Äan
U radu su prikazani rezultati molekularnih istraživanja varijabilnosti obiÄne jele. Upotrebom PCR-a analizirana je mitohondrijska DNA (mtDNA), fragment DNA gena nad5-4. Istraživanja su provedena na biljkama iz 25 hrvatskih provenijencija i dvije slovenske provenijencije obiÄne jele. Provedenim istraživanjem pronaÄena su dva haplotipa obiÄne jele, apeninski i balkanski.
Kod biljaka iz provenijencija Macelj i TrakoÅ”Äan pronaÄeni su haplotipovi kavkaske jele, koja je najvjerovatnije unesena sadnjom sadnica, te je slobodnim križanjem s obiÄnom jelom doÅ”lo do daljnje introgresije gena kavkaske jele u tamoÅ”nje populacije.European fir (Abies alba Mill.) is one of the most significant forest species of the Republic of Croatia. This paper presents research results of variability of mitohondrial DNA (mtDNA) fragment nad5-4.
By the use of molecular methods and PCR, two halotypes of European fir were found within the distribution range for this species in Croatia and a part of Slovenia.
In provenances Macelj and TrakoÅ”Äan, haplotypes of Nordmannās silver fir (Abies nordmaniana /Steven/ Spach) were found and it is most likely that it was introduced by planting of seedlings and that further introgression of NordmannĀ“s silver fir genes into local population occurred through random cross-breeding with European fir
Comparative values of supra and subfascial approaches to insufficient preforant veins of the lower leg
Autor svoja zapažanja zasniva na rezultatima retrospektivne i prospektivne kliniÄke studije, kao i na ispitivanjima udaljenih rezultata operativnog lijeÄenja. Retrospektivna studija obuhvaÄa analizu 106 operativno lijeÄenih bolesnika sa insuficijencijom komunikantnih vena, u vremenu od 1. 01. 1980 do 31. 12. 1984 godine. U prospektivnoj studiji analizi je podvrgnuto 29 operiranih u vremenu od 1. 01. 1985. do 31. 12. 1985. Kod obje ove studije praÄene su neposredne komplikacije i rezultati lijeÄenja postignuti supra i subfascijalnim pristupima na insuficijentne komunikantne vene potkoljenice. U sijeÄnju 1987. godine izvrÅ”ena su ispitivanja udaljenih rezultata operativnog lijeÄenja kod 91 bolesnika, Å”to Äini 67,4% od ukupnog broja operiranih. Rezultati dobijenih podataka kreÄu se u intervalu od 2 do 7 godina. Ukupan broj neposrednih komplikacija iznosi 17,7%, a najmanji je kod Edwardsova skubfascijalnog pristupa (4,8%). Bez obzira na izbor operativnog pristupa insuficijentnim komunikantnim venama, svuda su postignuti znaÄajni rezultati, tj. svuda je preko 50% bolesnika izlijeÄeno. NeÅ”to povoljniji rezultati su postignuti kod subfascijalnih nego li kod suprafascijalnih pristupa, a kao najefikasniji se pokazao Edvvardsov pristup (91,7% izljeÄenja kod insuficijentnih komunikantnih vena i variksa te 88,8% izljeÄenja kod insuficijentnih komunikantnih vena, variksa i ulkusa). Udaljeni postoperativni rezultati povoljniji su kod subfascijalnih pristupa, a naroÄito kod Edvvardsove metode kada se ona kombinira sa stripingom insuficijentnih povrÅ”nih vena i ekstirpacijom variksa (izljeÄenje u 43,7% sluÄajeva, a poboljÅ”anje u 56,3%). Primjena raznih operativnih pristupa ukazuje na Äinjenicu da se joÅ” uvijek traži najprikladniji pristup za uklanjanje insuficijentnih komunikantnih vena i venske hipertenzije. Ako se usporede neposredni i udaljeni rezultati suprafascijalnih i subfascijalnih pristupa, onda je prednost na strani subfascijalnih metoda, a naroÄito Edwardsova pristupa. Sistematske operacije po Lintonu i Cockettu sve viÅ”e ustupaju mjesto pojedinaÄnim subfascijalnim, odnosno suprafascijalnim resekcijama (ligiranje i presijecanje) insuficijentnih komunikantnih vena.The authorās own conclusions are based on the results of retrospective and prospective clinical studies as well as on the investigations of the long-term results of the operative treatment. The retrospective study comprises the analysis of 106 patients treated operatively for the insufficiency of perforant veins in the period from 1st January, 1980 to 31st December, 1984. The prospective study comprises the analysis of 29 patients treated operatively in the period from 1st January, 1985 to 31st December, 1985. In both studies immediate complications were followed-up as well as the results of the treatment by supra and subfascial approaches to the insufficient perforant vein of the lower leg. In January 1987 the investigation of the long-term results was performed in 91 patients, which is 67.4% of all operations. The results of the collected data range between 2 and 7 years. The total number of immediate complications is 17.7%, the least being with Edwardsā subfascial approach (4.8%). Regardless of the operative approach on insufficient perforant veins, significant results are always achieved, i.e. over 50% of patients are cured. Somewhat better results are achieved with the subfascial approach, as compared to the suprafascial, but Edwardsā approach seems to be the best (91% of patients with perforant vein insufficiency and varices and 88.8% of patients with perforant vein insufficiency, varices and ulcus completely cured). Long-term postoperative results are also better with subfascial approaches, especially with Edwardsā method combined with striping of the insufficient superficial veins and extirpation of varices (43.7% of cases cured and 56.3% improved). The application of different operative methods points to the fact that in the treatment of insufficient perforant veins and vein hypertension the best approach is still looked for. The comparison of immediate and long-term results of supra and subfascial methods gives advantage to the subfascial method, especially Edwardsā approach. More and more often, systematic operations according to Linton and Cockett give way to single supra or subfascial resections (ligation and dissection) of insufficient perforant veins
Medical treatment of the acute trombosis of the profound veins of inferior extremites : our experiences and results
U toku Äetiri godine (1983ā1986), na Odsjeku za vaskularnu kirurgiju Odjela za kirurgiju OpÄe bolnice Osijek, lijeÄena su 142 bolesnika od akutne tromboze dubokih vena donjih ekstremiteta. Autori iznose iskustva i rezultate lijeÄenja ove bolesti, sa posebnim osvrtom na uspjeÅ”nost pojedinih vidova primijenjene terapije. NaglaÅ”ava se znaÄaj pravovremene dijagnostike kao bitnoga elementa prilikom izbora terapijskog postupka.During the 4 year period (1983-1986) 142 patients with the trombosis of profound veins of inferior extremities were treated at the Department of Vascular surgery. The authors present their experience and results in the treatment of that disease, emphasising the specially good results of various treatments. An Ā»in-timeĀ« diagnosis is essential for good results
Urban Planning and Development of Zagreb 1945-1952
U Älanku temeljenom na dokumentima gradske uprave i struÄnoj publicistici autori donose pregled planiranja i izgradnje Zagreba 1945.-1952. Po stupnju projektantske kvalitete i kronologiji planiranja i izgradnje diferenciraju nekoliko gradskih podruÄja i dvije etape 1945.-1946. i 1947.-1952. NajveÄa su dostignuÄa hrvatske arhitekture tada bili projekti zgrada upravnoga sklopa nove federalne Vlade u Beogradu i izgradnja u danaÅ”njoj Ulici grada Vukovara
u Zagrebu.Based on city administration documents and professional literature the paper brings an overview of planning and development of Zagreb in 1945-52. According to the quality of architectural design and the development timeline it is possible to differentiate several city areas and two phases - 1945-46 and 1947-52. The greatest accomplishments of Croatian architecture in those periods were the Federal Yugoslav Government building in Belgrade and the buildings
in the present Grada Vukovara Street
Forest genetic resources to support global bioeconomy
A biobased economy implies sustainable and effective use of the biomass. This includes new products from forestry. The sustainable production, use, consumption and waste management of biomass all contribute to a bioeconomy (The European Bioeconomy in 2030).Ā In the context of bioeconomy the conservation of forest genetic resources assumes a key significance in overcoming global challenges such as climate change. Forests are expected to play a key role in climate change mitigation, but they will only be able to fulfil that role if the trees themselves are able to survive and adapt to changing climate conditions. Genetic diversity provides the fundamental basis for the evolution of forest tree species and for their adaptation to change. The enormous range of goods and services provided by trees and forests is both a function of and testimony to the genetic variability contained within them.Ā Conserving forestĀ geneticĀ resourcesĀ isĀ thereforeĀ vital, asĀ theyĀ constituteĀ aĀ uniqueĀ andĀ irreplaceable resource for the future, including for sustainable economic growth and progress and environmental adaption (The State of the Worlds Forest Genetic Resources 2014).Previous research of population characteristics and the effects of natural and artificial selection on the genetic structure of populations contribute to the conservation and enhancement of the gene pool of the native tree species. The balance model of the population genetic structure reveals the new properties of the populations and requires further investigations, especially of the relations of subpopulations, half-sib families and organisms and the effect of variable factors of the environment, on the exchange of genetic material within natural and cultural populations.Being of national and international significance, these resources require intensive protection and enhancement in situ and ex situ. In this paper a general introduction is given to conservation of forest genetic resources in Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia in the context of bio-economy. Based on the current situation of conservation of forest genetic resources, some strategic suggestions concerning the future development of genetic conservation is given, taking into consideration the conservation objectives and future trends of great impact on existing forest genetic resources.
Forest genetic resources to support global bioeconomy
A biobased economy implies sustainable and effective use of the biomass. This includes new products from forestry. The sustainable production, use, consumption and waste management of biomass all contribute to a bioeconomy (The European Bioeconomy in 2030).Ā In the context of bioeconomy the conservation of forest genetic resources assumes a key significance in overcoming global challenges such as climate change. Forests are expected to play a key role in climate change mitigation, but they will only be able to fulfil that role if the trees themselves are able to survive and adapt to changing climate conditions. Genetic diversity provides the fundamental basis for the evolution of forest tree species and for their adaptation to change. The enormous range of goods and services provided by trees and forests is both a function of and testimony to the genetic variability contained within them.Ā Conserving forestĀ geneticĀ resourcesĀ isĀ thereforeĀ vital, asĀ theyĀ constituteĀ aĀ uniqueĀ andĀ irreplaceable resource for the future, including for sustainable economic growth and progress and environmental adaption (The State of the Worlds Forest Genetic Resources 2014).Previous research of population characteristics and the effects of natural and artificial selection on the genetic structure of populations contribute to the conservation and enhancement of the gene pool of the native tree species. The balance model of the population genetic structure reveals the new properties of the populations and requires further investigations, especially of the relations of subpopulations, half-sib families and organisms and the effect of variable factors of the environment, on the exchange of genetic material within natural and cultural populations.Being of national and international significance, these resources require intensive protection and enhancement in situ and ex situ. In this paper a general introduction is given to conservation of forest genetic resources in Serbia, Croatia and Macedonia in the context of bio-economy. Based on the current situation of conservation of forest genetic resources, some strategic suggestions concerning the future development of genetic conservation is given, taking into consideration the conservation objectives and future trends of great impact on existing forest genetic resources.
ZaÄetak oplemenjivanja božiÄnih drvaca u Hrvatskoj
U Hrvatskoj je registrirano 1305 uzgajivaÄa (tzv. dobavljaÄa) i 358 ha nasada božiÄnih drvaca. U 2016. godini proizvedeno je 2 574 212 božiÄnih drvaca (minimalne visine 20 cm). NaÅ”i uzgajivaÄi uglavnom nemaju genetski kvalitetan, testiran reprodukcijski materijal koji bi se odlikovao stabilnoÅ”Äu poželjnih fenotipskih svojstava, Å”to, meÄu ostalim, rezultira velikim varijacijama u kvaliteti njihova konaÄnoga proizvoda. MeÄutim, za proizvodnju ornamentalno visokovrijednih božiÄnih drvaca potrebno je raspolagati kvalitetnim genotipovima koji Äe se uzgajati u primjereno optimalnim okoliÅ”nim uvjetima. Samo podjednakom brigom za obje navedene sastavnice (genotip i okoliÅ”) može se postiÄi uspjeÅ”na proizvodnja visokokvalitetnih drvaca. Zbog toga smo odluÄili pokrenuti proces oplemenjivanja radi stvaranja i proizvodnje domaÄega genetski poboljÅ”anoga reprodukcijskoga materijala božiÄnih drvaca. U ovom su radu opisane faze i dinamika izvedbe zapoÄetoga oplemenjivanja naÅ”ih dviju autohtonih vrsta ā obiÄne smreke i obiÄne jele. Kao ciljna fenotipska svojstva izabrane su gustoÄa kroÅ”nje, oblik kroÅ”nje i debla te raspored iglica na izbojcima. Definirani su i opisani kriteriji za ocjenjivanje ciljnih fenotipskih svojstava odnosno kriteriji provedene selekcije plus stabala u dostupnim matiÄnim populacijama. Kandidati jedinke su izabrani u kategoriju plus jedinke ako im je ponderirana ukupna ocjena fenotipske kvalitete bila barem jednu standardnu devijaciju viÅ”a od aritmetiÄke sredine pripadajuÄe populacije. Teorijski raspon ponderiranih ocjena kretao se od 2,0 (2,6) do 5,0, pri Äemu je viÅ”a ocjena znaÄila veÄu fenotipsku kvalitetu. Ukupno je ocijenjeno 65 kandidata stabala obiÄne smreke. Selekcijski kriterij zadovoljilo je Å”est kandidata s ocjenama u rasponu od 4,0 do 4,5. U matiÄnoj populaciji obiÄne jele ukupno je ocijenjeno 90 kandidata stabala. Od toga je selekcijski kriterij zadovoljilo 15 kandidata s ocjenama u rasponu od 4,1 do 4,8. Izabrane plus jedinke zaÄetak su kolekcije biljnoga materijala koji Äe poslužiti za daljnje faze procesa oplemenjivanja
Use of a Common Garden Experiment in Selecting Adapted Beech Provenances for Artificial Stand Restoration
Increased frequency of extreme weather events has seriously affected forestry operations in south-eastern Europe. A precondition for effective artificial restoration of disturbed forest stands is site-adapted forest reproductive material (FRM). Common garden experiments (provenance trials) may assist in selecting such FRM. The main objective of this study was to establish among-provenance variation pattern using data from a beech provenance trial. Usefulness of the results in selecting seed sources for restoration of European beech stands is discussed. The trial was set up in 2007, at a slope of Medvednica mount facing north-west at 730-750 m above sea level. Plant heights were measured and survival scored in 2008 and 2015. Height increments were calculated and processed to determine variance components due to various effects. Highly significant provenance-by-block interaction was revealed, indicating strong microsite effects on provenance performances. Therefore, corrections were made and provenance mean height increments recalculated. Provenance mean height increment multiplied with survival was used as a measure of a provenanceās adaptedness. Regression tree (RT) analysis was used to determine the pattern of among-provenance variations. A set of provenance clusĀters was grown using climatic variables related to the provenance stands of origin as criteria. All analyzed effects were significant (provenance: F=2.07, p750m), had the highest mean AI (143.9Ā±8.4 cm). The lowest mean AI (106.7Ā±14.8 cm) had cluster 1, containing provenances from lower altitudes with lower mean July temperatures (ā¤18.4Ā°C). Provenances originating from lower elevations with higher mean July temperatures (>18.4Ā°C) were further divided into two clusters due to the SHM variable. Cluster 2 had the second highest mean AI (141.2Ā±1.5 cm) and contained provenances from relatively wetter habitats (SHMā¤48.2). Cluster 3, containing provenances from relatively arid habitats (SHM>48.2), had significantly lower mean AI (116.8Ā±8.6 cm). Established among-provenance variation pattern might be used as a tool in selecting seed sources for artificial restoration of beech stands at mount Medvednica. It is advisable to use FRM from higher altitudes and/or from slightly lower altitudes (up to 150 m lower than a restoring site) but featured with warmer and drier conditions compared to the trial. Generally, provenance trials should be utilized as a valuable decision tool in restoring disturbed forest stands but may also be misleading if not well designed and analyzed
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