113 research outputs found

    On the static Lovelock black holes

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    We consider static spherically symmetric Lovelock black holes and generalize the dimensionally continued black holes in such a way that they asymptotically for large r go over to the d-dimensional Schwarzschild black hole in dS/AdS spacetime. This means that the master algebraic polynomial is not degenerate but instead its derivative is degenerate. This family of solutions contains an interesting class of pure Lovelock black holes which are the Nth order Lovelock {\Lambda}-vacuum solu- tions having the remarkable property that their thermodynamical parameters have the universal character in terms of the event horizon radius. This is in fact a characterizing property of pure Lovelock theories. We also demonstrate the universality of the asymptotic Einstein limit for the Lovelock black holes in general.Comment: 19 page

    Black Holes in Gravity with Conformal Anomaly and Logarithmic Term in Black Hole Entropy

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    We present a class of exact analytic and static, spherically symmetric black hole solutions in the semi-classical Einstein equations with Weyl anomaly. The solutions have two branches, one is asymptotically flat and the other asymptotically de Sitter. We study thermodynamic properties of the black hole solutions and find that there exists a logarithmic correction to the well-known Bekenstein-Hawking area entropy. The logarithmic term might come from non-local terms in the effective action of gravity theories. The appearance of the logarithmic term in the gravity side is quite important in the sense that with this term one is able to compare black hole entropy up to the subleading order, in the gravity side and in the microscopic statistical interpretation side.Comment: Revtex, 10 pages. v2: minor changes and to appear in JHE

    Glucose-induced down regulation of thiamine transporters in the kidney proximal tubular epithelium produces thiamine insufficiency in diabetes

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    Increased renal clearance of thiamine (vitamin B1) occurs in experimental and clinical diabetes producing thiamine insufficiency mediated by impaired tubular re-uptake and linked to the development of diabetic nephropathy. We studied the mechanism of impaired renal re-uptake of thiamine in diabetes. Expression of thiamine transporter proteins THTR-1 and THTR-2 in normal human kidney sections examined by immunohistochemistry showed intense polarised staining of the apical, luminal membranes in proximal tubules for THTR-1 and THTR-2 of the cortex and uniform, diffuse staining throughout cells of the collecting duct for THTR-1 and THTR-2 of the medulla. Human primary proximal tubule epithelial cells were incubated with low and high glucose concentration, 5 and 26 mmol/l, respectively. In high glucose concentration there was decreased expression of THTR-1 and THTR-2 (transporter mRNA: −76% and −53% respectively, p<0.001; transporter protein −77% and −83% respectively, p<0.05), concomitant with decreased expression of transcription factor specificity protein-1. High glucose concentration also produced a 37% decrease in apical to basolateral transport of thiamine transport across cell monolayers. Intensification of glycemic control corrected increased fractional excretion of thiamine in experimental diabetes. We conclude that glucose-induced decreased expression of thiamine transporters in the tubular epithelium may mediate renal mishandling of thiamine in diabetes. This is a novel mechanism of thiamine insufficiency linked to diabetic nephropathy

    Spin-2 spectrum of defect theories

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    We study spin-2 excitations in the background of the recently-discovered type-IIB solutions of D'Hoker et al. These are holographically-dual to defect conformal field theories, and they are also of interest in the context of the Karch-Randall proposal for a string-theory embedding of localized gravity. We first generalize an argument by Csaki et al to show that for any solution with four-dimensional anti-de Sitter, Poincare or de Sitter invariance the spin-2 excitations obey the massless scalar wave equation in ten dimensions. For the interface solutions at hand this reduces to a Laplace-Beltrami equation on a Riemann surface with disk topology, and in the simplest case of the supersymmetric Janus solution it further reduces to an ordinary differential equation known as Heun's equation. We solve this equation numerically, and exhibit the spectrum as a function of the dilaton-jump parameter Δϕ\Delta\phi. In the limit of large Δϕ\Delta\phi a nearly-flat linear-dilaton dimension grows large, and the Janus geometry becomes effectively five-dimensional. We also discuss the difficulties of localizing four-dimensional gravity in the more general backgrounds with NS5-brane or D5-brane charge, which will be analyzed in detail in a companion paper.Comment: 41 pages, 6 figure

    Shaping black holes with free fields

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    Starting from a metric Ansatz permitting a weak version of Birkhoff's theorem we find static black hole solutions including matter in the form of free scalar and p-form fields, with and without a cosmological constant \Lambda. Single p-form matter fields permit multiple possibilities, including dyonic solutions, self-dual instantons and metrics with Einstein-Kaelher horizons. The inclusion of multiple p-forms on the other hand, arranged in a homogeneous fashion with respect to the horizon geometry, permits the construction of higher dimensional dyonic p-form black holes and four dimensional axionic black holes with flat horizons, when \Lambda<0. It is found that axionic fields regularize black hole solutions in the sense, for example, of permitting regular -- rather than singular -- small mass Reissner-Nordstrom type black holes. Their cosmic string and Vaidya versions are also obtained.Comment: 38 pages. v2: minor changes, published versio

    Holographic GB gravity in arbitrary dimensions

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    We study the properties of the holographic CFT dual to Gauss-Bonnet gravity in general D5D \ge 5 dimensions. We establish the AdS/CFT dictionary and in particular relate the couplings of the gravitational theory to the universal couplings arising in correlators of the stress tensor of the dual CFT. This allows us to examine constraints on the gravitational couplings by demanding consistency of the CFT. In particular, one can demand positive energy fluxes in scattering processes or the causal propagation of fluctuations. We also examine the holographic hydrodynamics, commenting on the shear viscosity as well as the relaxation time. The latter allows us to consider causality constraints arising from the second-order truncated theory of hydrodynamics.Comment: 48 pages, 9 figures. v2: New discussion on free fields in subsection 3.3 and new appendix B on conformal tensor fields. Added comments on the relation between the central charge appearing in the two-point function and the "central charge" characterizing the entropy density in the discussion. References adde

    High-Throughput Analysis of Calcium Signalling Kinetics in Astrocytes Stimulated with Different Neurotransmitters

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    Astrocytes express a wide range of receptors for neurotransmitters and hormones that are coupled to increases in intracellular Ca2+ concentration, enabling them to detect activity in both neuronal and vascular networks. There is increasing evidence that astrocytes are able to discriminate between different Ca2+-linked stimuli, as the efficiency of some Ca2+ dependent processes – notably release of gliotransmitters – depends on the stimulus that initiates the Ca2+ signal. The spatiotemporal complexity of Ca2+ signals is substantial, and we here tested the hypothesis that variation in the kinetics of Ca2+ responses could offer a means of selectively engaging downstream targets, if agonists exhibited a “signature shape” in evoked Ca2+ response. To test this, astrocytes were exposed to three different receptor agonists (ATP, glutamate and histamine) and the resultant Ca2+ signals were analysed for systematic differences in kinetics that depended on the initiating stimulus. We found substantial heterogeneity between cells in the time course of Ca2+ responses, but the variation did not correlate with the type or concentration of the stimulus. Using a simple metric to quantify the extent of difference between populations, it was found that the variation between agonists was insufficient to allow signal discrimination. We conclude that the time course of global intracellular Ca2+ signals does not offer the cells a means for distinguishing between different neurotransmitters

    Improving validity of informed consent for biomedical research in Zambia using a laboratory exposure intervention.

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    BACKGROUND: Complex biomedical research can lead to disquiet in communities with limited exposure to scientific discussions, leading to rumours or to high drop-out rates. We set out to test an intervention designed to address apprehensions commonly encountered in a community where literacy is uncommon, and where complex biomedical research has been conducted for over a decade. We aimed to determine if it could improve the validity of consent. METHODS: Data were collected using focus group discussions, key informant interviews and observations. We designed an intervention that exposed participants to a detailed demonstration of laboratory processes. Each group was interviewed twice in a day, before and after exposure to the intervention in order to assess changes in their views. RESULTS: Factors that motivated people to participate in invasive biomedical research included a desire to stay healthy because of the screening during the recruitment process, regular advice from doctors, free medical services, and trust in the researchers. Inhibiting factors were limited knowledge about samples taken from their bodies during endoscopic procedures, the impact of endoscopy on the function of internal organs, and concerns about the use of biomedical samples. The belief that blood can be used for Satanic practices also created insecurities about drawing of blood samples. Further inhibiting factors included a fear of being labelled as HIV positive if known to consult heath workers repeatedly, and gender inequality. Concerns about the use and storage of blood and tissue samples were overcome by a laboratory exposure intervention. CONCLUSION: Selecting a group of members from target community and engaging them in a laboratory exposure intervention could be a useful tool for enhancing specific aspects of consent for biomedical research. Further work is needed to determine the extent to which improved understanding permeates beyond the immediate group participating in the intervention

    Endoplasmic Reticulum Remodeling Tunes IP3-Dependent Ca2+ Release Sensitivity

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    The activation of vertebrate development at fertilization relies on IP3-dependent Ca2+ release, a pathway that is sensitized during oocyte maturation. This sensitization has been shown to correlate with the remodeling of the endoplasmic reticulum into large ER patches, however the mechanisms involved are not clear. Here we show that IP3 receptors within ER patches have a higher sensitivity to IP3 than those in the neighboring reticular ER. The lateral diffusion rate of IP3 receptors in both ER domains is similar, and ER patches dynamically fuse with reticular ER, arguing that IP3 receptors exchange freely between the two ER compartments. These results suggest that increasing the density of IP3 receptors through ER remodeling is sufficient to sensitize IP3-dependent Ca2+ release. Mathematical modeling supports this concept of ‘geometric sensitization’ of IP3 receptors as a population, and argues that it depends on enhanced Ca2+-dependent cooperativity at sub-threshold IP3 concentrations. This represents a novel mechanism of tuning the sensitivity of IP3 receptors through ER remodeling during meiosis