1,965 research outputs found

    Electroweak structure of light nuclei within chiral effective field theory

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    We review the results of the most recent calculations for the electromagnetic structure of light nuclei, the weak muon capture on deuteron and 3He and the weak proton-proton capture reaction at energies of astrophysical interest, performed within the chiral effective field theory framework.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Few-Body System

    The hep reaction and the solar neutrino problem

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    The results of a new calculation of the astrophysical S-factor for the proton weak capture on 3He are here reviewed. The methods used to obtain very accurate initial and final state wave functions and to construct the nuclear weak current operator are described. Finally the implications of these results for the Super-Kamiokande solar neutrino data are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, XVII European Few-Body plenary talk, Evora, September 200

    Muon capture on deuteron and the neutron-neutron scattering length

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    We study the capture rate in the doublet hyperfine initial state for the muon capture reaction \mu^- + \,^2{\rm H} \rightarrow \nu_\mu + n + n (ΓD\Gamma^D) and the total capture rate for the reaction \mu^- + \,^3{\rm He} \rightarrow \nu_\mu + \,^3{\rm H} (Γ0\Gamma_0). We investigate whether ΓD\Gamma^D and Γ0\Gamma_0 could be sensitive to the nnnn SS-wave scattering length (anna_{nn}). To this aim, we consider nuclear potentials and weak currents derived within χ\chiEFT. We employ the N3LO chiral potential with cutoff Λ\Lambda=500 MeV, but the low-energy constant (LEC) determining anna_{nn} is varied so as to obtain anna_{nn}=-18.95 (the present empirical value), -16.0, -22.0, and +18.22 fm. The last value leads to a nnnn bound state with a binding energy of 139 keV. The LECs cDc_D and cEc_E, present in the three-nucleon potential and axial-vector current, are fitted to reproduce the A=3A=3 binding energies and the triton Gamow-Teller matrix element. The capture rate ΓD\Gamma^D is found to be 399(3) s−1^{-1} for anna_{nn}=-18.95 and -16.0 fm; and 400(3) s−1^{-1} for anna_{nn}=-22.0 fm. For anna_{nn}=+18.22 fm, we obtain 275(3) s−1^{-1} (135(3) s−1^{-1}), when the final nnnn system is unbound (bound). The rate Γ0\Gamma_0 is found to be 1494(15), 1491(16), 1488(18), and 1475(16) s−1^{-1} for anna_{nn}=-18.95, -16.0, -22.0, and +18.22 fm, respectively. The theoretical uncertainties are due to the fitting procedure and radiative corrections. Our results seem to exclude the possibility of constraining a negative anna_{nn} with an uncertainty of less than ∼±\sim \pm 3 fm through an accurate determination of the muon capture rates, but the uncertainty on the present empirical value will not complicate the interpretation of the (forth-coming) experimental results for ΓD\Gamma^D. Finally, a comparison with the already available experimental data discourages the possibility of a bound nnnn state.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; revisited version accepted for publication on Phys. Rev.

    Muon capture on light nuclei

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    This work investigates the muon capture reactions 2H(\mu^-,\nu_\mu)nn and 3He(\mu^-,\nu_\mu)3H and the contribution to their total capture rates arising from the axial two-body currents obtained imposing the partially-conserved-axial-current (PCAC) hypothesis. The initial and final A=2 and 3 nuclear wave functions are obtained from the Argonne v_{18} two-nucleon potential, in combination with the Urbana IX three-nucleon potential in the case of A=3. The weak current consists of vector and axial components derived in chiral effective field theory. The low-energy constant entering the vector (axial) component is determined by reproducting the isovector combination of the trinucleon magnetic moment (Gamow-Teller matrix element of tritium beta-decay). The total capture rates are 393.1(8) s^{-1} for A=2 and 1488(9) s^{-1} for A=3, where the uncertainties arise from the adopted fitting procedure.Comment: 6 pages, submitted to Few-Body Sys

    Second fundamental form of the Prym map in the ramified case

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    In this paper we study the second fundamental form of the Prym map Pg,r:Rg,r→Ag−1+rδP_{g,r}: R_{g,r} \rightarrow {\mathcal A}^{\delta}_{g-1+r} in the ramified case r>0r>0. We give an expression of it in terms of the second fundamental form of the Torelli map of the covering curves. We use this expression to give an upper bound for the dimension of a germ of a totally geodesic submanifold, and hence of a Shimura subvariety of Ag−1+rδ{\mathcal A}^{\delta}_{g-1+r}, contained in the Prym locus.Comment: To appear in Galois Covers, Grothendieck-Teichmueller Theory and Dessins d'Enfants - Interactions between Geometry, Topology, Number Theory and Algebra. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1711.0342

    The proton-proton weak capture in chiral effective field theory

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    The astrophysical S-factor for proton-proton weak capture is calculated in chiral effective field theory over the center-of-mass relative-energy range 0--100 keV. The chiral two-nucleon potential derived up to next-to-next-to-next-to leading order is augmented by the full electromagnetic interaction including, beyond Coulomb, two-photon and vacuum-polarization corrections. The low-energy constants (LEC's) entering the weak current operators are fixed so as to reproduce the A=3 binding energies and magnetic moments, and the Gamow-Teller matrix element in tritium beta decay. Contributions from S and P partial waves in the incoming two-proton channel are retained. The S-factor at zero energy is found to be S(0)=(4.030 +/- 0.006) x 10^{-23} MeV fm^2, with a P-wave contribution of 0.020 x 10^{-23} MeV fm^2. The theoretical uncertainty is due to the fitting procedure of the LEC's and to the cutoff dependence.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; revisited version accepted for publication on Phys. Rev. Lett. A misprint in Table II has been correcte


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    City logistics policies require an understanding of several issues (e.g. freight distribution context, preferences and relationship among agents) seldom accounted for in current research. Policies run the risk of producing unsatisfactory results because behavioural and contextual aspects are not considered. The acquisition of relevant data is crucial to test hypothesis and forecast agents' reactions to policy changes. Despite recent methodological advances in modelling interactive behaviour the development of apt survey instruments is still lacking to test innovative policies acceptability. This paper expands and innovate the methodological literature by describing a stated ranking experiment to study freight agent interactive behaviour and discusses the experimental design implemented to incorporate agent-specific priors when efficient design techniques are employed.urban freight distribution, group decision making, agent-specific interaction, stated preference, stated ranking experiments

    Electromagnetic Structure of the Trinucleons

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    The electromagnetic form factors of the trinucleons 3H and 3He are calculated with wave functions obtained with the Argonne AV18 two-nucleon and Urbana IX three-nucleon interactions. Full account is taken of the two-body currents required by current conservation with the AV18 interaction as well as those associated with N-Delta transition currents and the currents of Delta resonance components in the wave functions. Explicit three-nucleon current operators associated with the two-pion exchange three-nucleon interaction arising from irreducible S-wave pion-nucleon scattering is constructed and shown to have very little effect on the calculated magnetic form factors. The calculated magnetic form factor of 3H, and charge form factors of both 3H and 3He are in satisfactory agreement with the experimental data. However, the position of the zero in the magnetic form factor of 3He is slightly underpredicted.Comment: 27 pages RevTex file, 19 PostScript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Astrophysical implications of the proton-proton cross section updates

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    The p(p,e^+ \nu_e)^2H reaction rate is an essential ingredient for theoretical computations of stellar models. In the past several values of the corresponding S-factor have been made available by different authors. Prompted by a recent evaluation of S(E), we analysed the effect of the adoption of different proton-proton reaction rates on stellar models, focusing, in particular, on the age of mid and old stellar clusters (1-12 Gyr) and on standard solar model predictions. By comparing different widely adopted p(p,e^+ \nu_e)^2H reaction rates, we found a maximum difference in the temperature regimes typical of main sequence hydrogen-burning stars (5x10^6 - 3x10^7 K) of about 3%. Such a variation translates into a change of cluster age determination lower than 1%. A slightly larger effect is observed in the predicted solar neutrino fluxes with a maximum difference, in the worst case, of about 8%. Finally we also notice that the uncertainty evaluation of the present proton-proton rate is at the level of few \permil, thus the p(p,e^+ \nu_e)^2H reaction rate does not constitute anymore a significant uncertainty source in stellar models.Comment: accepte

    Comparative study of three-nucleon force models in A=3,4A=3,4 systems

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    Using modern nucleon-nucleon interactions in the description of the A=3,4A=3,4 nuclei, it is not possible to reproduce both the three- and four-nucleon binding energies simultaneously. This is one manifestation of the necessity of including a three-nucleon force in the nuclear Hamiltonian. In this paper we will perform a comparative study of some, widely used, three-nucleon force models. We will analyze their capability to describe the aforementioned binding energies as well as the n−dn-d doublet scattering length. A correct description of these quantities can be considered a stringent requirement for a nuclear Hamiltonian containing two- and three-nucleon interaction terms. As we will show, this requirement is not fulfilled by several of the models available in the literature. To satisfy it, we propose modifications in the parametrization of the three-nucleon forces and we study their effects on few selected N−dN-d low energy scattering observables.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure
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