6 research outputs found

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    Not AvailableTo counteract the alternate bearing in some litchi cultivars, an experiment was conducted on annual guided branch girdling for four consecutive fruit bearing years using a commercial plantation of litchi cv. China litchi at Ranchi, India. Trees were girdled by removing a bark strip (2, 4 and 6 mm width) circularly around the selected 25% and 50% primary branches. During OFF- years, the flowering was increased by 8.62 (2017) and 4.37 (2019) times whereas; it was 3.49 (2015) and 1.68 (2018) times higher during ON-years with the L2G2 treatment (4 mm width girdling of 50% primary branches). Treatment L2G2 also showed the highest cumulative yield with 201.19 kg/tree from four years, while the control showed the lowest cumulative yield with 96.98 kg/tree. After four years, the pooled fruit yield data showed that the highest average yield was recorded in L2G2 treatment (50.30 kg/ tree), and it was lowest in the control (24.24 kg/ tree). The pooled data also showed that the highest average alternate bearing index (I) value (0.73) was observed in the control treatment whereas it was lowest (0.32) in L2G1 (2 mm width girdling of 50% primary branches) followed by L2G2 (0.35) treatment. The Long- Term Yield Index (LTYI) ranged from 31.01% in control to 122.25% in L2G2 treatment. Therefore, 4 mm width girdling of 50% primary branches, reduces alternate bearing behaviour of litchi cv. China. In our experiment, cumulative yield was increased by 2.07 times (under L2G2) as compared to un-girdled trees during the four years of the trial.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableBamboos are the fast growing, durable and versatile natural resources which can be substituted against timber. Bamboo plantations not only can rehabilitate wastelands/ non-arable/ degraded lands but also can play a vital role in improving livelihood and nutritional security of rural people and thereby rural industry too. The direct and indirect benefits from the adoption of location specific bamboo based agroforestry systems or the technologies will lead towards economic prosperity and ecological security of the nation.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe coal mined areas require immediate attention for its rehabilitation, if the present situation is allowed to continue, it will degrade air quality, water quality and land productivity. Thus this will not only cause inconvenience to the people but also affect the health and environmental conditions. Hence, to create better condition and environment, one has to consider the various means and ways of rehabilitation, followed by area specific technological interventions. One of the interventions may be the plantations (e.g. afforestation/ reforestation/ agroforestry models). It is evident from earlier studies that, the performances of leguminous species like Acacia catechu, Albizia lebbeck, Dalbergia sissoo and Pongamia pinnata planted on mined areas are better than many others species. Even, bamboos like Dendrocalamus strictus, Bambusa sp., etc. are also found to grow well under such extreme mined situation. Hence, research efforts need to be strengthened further for identification of species with short gestation period suitable for coal mined areas and making available the quality planting material by establishing nursery.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe present study (during year 2014 and 2015) examined the various fruit traits of 10 popular varieties of mango, Mangifera indica in relation to resistance against B. dorsalis under field conditions. Results indicated significant variations among tested varieties in levels of fruit infestation and maggot density inside the fruit. The varieties Amrapali (6.67%), Gulab Khas (20.00%) and Dashehari (15.00%) were found resistant; Jardalu (21.67%) and Maldah (25.00%) were moderately resistant; Himsagar (36.67%) were susceptible while Chausa (40.00%), Mallika (58.33%), Fazli (58.33%) and Bombay Green (61.67%) were found the highly susceptible to B. dorsalis infestation. Principal components were extracted based on fruit traits and first four principal components explained cumulative variation of 89.97 % with eigenvalues >0.5 in B. dorsalis infestation. Mango varieties Amrapali, Gulab Khas and Dashehari were classified as resistant to B. dorsalis and these could be used in future breeding program as resistant sources.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableMost farming families have adopted traditional farming systems such as plantations, homegardens and other practices like Sericulture and Lac cultivations as mean of their livelihoods. In Jharkhand, Lac production is mainly associated with various host plants which are mostly found in forest areas. However, new technologies have made it possible to adopt it for cultivation as well. Outcome of many researches and findings revealed that, Lac based agroforestry system has the potential to use the free time of the farmer, generate additional employment and get additional income. Thus, there is a huge scope to the Lac growers to improve their livelihood by adopting science, technologies and rural innovations; but at the same time, they can preserve and maintain the green cover of the earth.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableJharkhand farmers are showing increased awareness and responsibility towards efficient production systems as well as farm sustainability. With the support of ICAR scientists, farmers in Phusri village are reaping multiple benefits by reforming degraded mining lands into productive farm lands.Not Availabl