949 research outputs found

    Oral squamous cell carcinoma; some epidemiological and clinicopathological aspects

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    Waal, I. van der [Promotor

    The International Journal of Wellbeing: An open access success story

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    Academics have long had the advantage of access to university libraries and their expensive subscriptions to scholarly journals. Critics of traditional journal publishing have complained that placing science and scholarship behind a paywall limits its potential. One solution to this problem is the emergence of open access journals. In this chapter, authors Weijers and Jarden offer a case study of a platinum open access journal they founded: the International Journal of Wellbeing. In their discussion of this new journal they offer both philosophical and practical insights that guide their work. They also point to often overlooked issues regarding open scholarship. One of these is the huge numbers of unaffiliated faculty or faculty from non-Western universities, all of whom suffer barriers to access to expensive journals. The authors look to increasing openness of journals to solve this and other problems

    Authentieke contexten in wiskundemethoden in het vmbo

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    Centrale vraag Zijn de bestaande wiskundemethoden die gebruikt worden in de beroepsgerichte leerwegen van het vmbo bruikbaar in verband met authentiek leren en wat is daarvoor eventueel nog extra nodig. Belangrijkste conclusies De bestaande wiskundemethoden bevatten enkele authentieke leertaken, maar over het algemeen bevatten de opdrachten weinig kenmerken passend bij authentiek leren. Wel bevatten de boeken diverse aangrijpingspunten om, dicht bij de methode, meer authentieke leertaken te ontwikkelen. In deze publicatie worden aanbevelingen gedaan en enkele mogelijkheden daartoe beschreven. Dit is een Ico-Isor rapport

    The Imagined and Real Jerusalem in Art and Architecture

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    In The Imagined and Real Jerusalem in Art and Architecture specialists in various fields of art history, from Early Christian times to the present, discuss in depth a series of Western artworks, artefacts, and buildings, which question the visualization of Jerusalem