52 research outputs found


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    The review presents current researches of peculiarities of hormonal status, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism of indigenous and migrant populations of the North and Siberia. It is known that extreme climatic and geographical conditions are more demanding to the metabolic status. Features of protein-lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in the North and Siberia are determined by biologically built adaptive type and are connected with adherence of indigenous population to traditional lifestyle and "Asian" type of food. However in the last two decades the decline of quality of health of ethnic groups is registered due to a number of social reasons. Changing lifestyles and food ration causes the development of dysadaptive reactions in the whole organism and the subsequent development of diseases. Numerous studies on metabolic changes in migrant population depending on the length of stay in the northern territories, latitude, seasons, age and gender are conducted


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    This article provides an overview of data on health, status depending on ethnicity and race. The influence of genetic, geographic, socioeconomic and. cultural factors. In recent years there has been deterioration in the quality of life of indigenous peoples living in the North and. Siberia. For members of the Buryat population, in comparison, with. Russian favorable characteristic for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, more severe reproductive disorders. Consideration of ethnic and. racial factors in evaluating the course and. outcomes of many diseases is necessary for understanding the mechanisms of the pathogenesis of pathological processes, the development of science-based, differentiated, treatment programs and. therapeutic activities for members of different populations

    Modern Understanding of the Gut Microbiotа in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

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    Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is one of the most common non-communicable diseases in the world. Despite the long struggle with this nosology, the medical community still does not have a clear answer to all the pathogenetic links of this disease. Every year, the number of sugar-lowering medications increases, but most patients develop complications of diabetes. This is probably because not all aspects of the pathogenesis of DM have yet been studied, and therefore it is impossible to fully influence the course of this disease. One of the promising directions in the study of additional aspects of the pathogenesis of DM is the study of the gut microbiota of patients. Science knows the influence of microflora on the formation of eating behavior, various pathological processes, including inflammation, but this knowledge is limited. What influences the microflora itself and whether it is possible to change its composition with the help of changes in external factors? Additional research is required on the mutual influence of microflora and host organism, as well as the possibility of correcting these interactions. Several studies have confirmed the positive effect of lactobacilli on the physiological processes of the body. However, the human gut microbiota is very diverse, and the question of identifying bacteria that can participate and correct pathological processes requires additional research. Probably, if it is possible to influence the composition of the gut microbiota, the medical community can get a powerful tool for correcting many pathological conditions. It may be that this  component is the missing component necessary for a more accurate impact in the treatment of many diseases, including diabetes


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    Diabetes mellitus remains one of the most pressing problems in the 21st century. The research objective was to study the level of glycotoxins and oxidation-reduction potential of a serum/cell at the complicated and uncomplicated course of diabetes mellitus type 2 was and find the ways to correct the disorder. Materials and methods. There were three groups of patients aged from 55 up to 70 years, a total of 80 people. The main group (group No. 3) was presented by 40 men suffering from a diabetes mellitus type 2 with a macrovascular disease of the lower extremities. Depending on the chosen remedy and the carried-out therapy, patients of the first group were sectioned into subgroups on 20 people, in the 2nd subgroup additionally N-acetylcysteine solution was introduced in a daily dose of 600 mg once, intravenously, within 7 days. Definition of the studied indicators was made by HPLS methods, prior to therapy, for the third and seventh day. Results. Obtained data confirm activation of polyol pathway of glucose disintegration. Antioxidant potential of the serum and cells decreases. Using N-acetylcysteini in complex therapy reduces implications of carbonyl and oxidative stresses, due to multiple decrease of the final products of glycation. Conclusions. When identifying the presented indicators in patients with diabetic macroangiopathy of the lower extremities, the administration of N-acetylcysteine, intravenously in a daily dose of 600 mg (7 days course) is recommended


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    An analysis of the researches showed that the indigenous ethnic group of Baikal region has high level of adaptation to a place of residence in comparison with migrant. Rate and clinical manifestations of diseases in the Buryat ethnic group have significant differences from the Russian (moderate type 1 diabetes, severe reproductive disorders). Also, there are some differences of redox protection state in indigenous ethnic group of Baikal region that could be an additional biochemical marker of disease severity

    Metabolic aspects of diabetes mellitus type 1 in representatives of different ethnic groups

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    Background. Oxidative stress is an acknowledged pathogenic mechanism in diabetes mellitus type 1. Incidence, severity, and rate of complications of diabetes mellitus type 1 are associated with many factors including geographic location and ethnicity. Material and methods. The features of POL-AOD processes, the levels of lactate, pyruvate, and their relationships in 30 women of Buryat and Russian ethnic groups with diabetes mellitus type 1. The materials for biochemical studies were blood serum and red cells. Spectrophotometric and fluorometric methods were used. Results. Increase of lipid peroxidation activity at the initial stages and increase of total antioxidant blood activity in Buryat patients were marked. Increase of primary and secondary lipid peroxidation products concentrations and decrease of superoxide dismutase activity in group of Russian patients were marked. It is confirmed to the oxidative stress factor. The reduced concentration of lactate and the ratio lactate/pyruvate levels in patients Buryat ethnic group were observed. More intensive accumulation of lactate and ratio of lactate/pyruvate can contribute to hypoxic events and worsen the prognosis of the disease in Russian patients. Conclusions. It was found that the degree of intensity lipid peroxidation process and lactate and the ratio lactate/pyruvate levels in patients Buryat ethnic group reduced in comparison with Russian patients. This work was supported by grant of the President of Russian Federation (№ 5646.2014.7)

    The Origin of Mitochondria and their Role in the Evolution of Life and Human Health

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    In studies of many medical and biological problems, there is a clear underestimation of the fundamental role of mitochondria in the evolution of eukaryotic organisms on the planet, including fungi, plants and fauna. It is  important to take into consideration numerous fundamental functions of mitochondria when studying the  human physiology and pathology, aging mechanisms. In this lecture, we briefly discuss the origin of mitochondria and their importance in the emergence of plants, which appeared on the planet 1–1.5 billion years later than eukaryotes with mitochondria, and served as the food basis for the rapid evolution of all species of the animal world. In the course of transformation of protobacteria into mitochondria, approximately 1000–1500 genes were transferred to the nucleus of eukaryotes, and the remaining 37 mitochondrial genes (mtDNA) exist in all types of animals. The presence of mitochondria in eukaryotes led to increased production  of reactive oxygen species and accelerated mutations in mtDNA. The spread of sexual reproduction may have been the way of protection against the accumulation of harmful mutations in mtDNA. At the same time, in all animal species mtDNA is inherited only maternally. In humans, the maternal inheritance of mtDNA led to uneven distribution, in small or inbred populations in particular, of a number of diseases with large prevalence in men, as well as male infertility, and in general accelerated aging and shorter lifespan in men, as compared with women. These negative consequences of the maternal inheritance of mtDNA were termed as “mother’s curse”. Recent studies have shown that mtDNA mutations are not the cause of human aging. The crisis of the mitochondrial free radical theory of aging is largely associated with the neglect of the protonated form of the superoxide radical, the perhydroxyl radical, which activates the peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in mitochondrial phospholipids. This results in production of various biologically active molecules and toxins. Therefore, initially aging may lack the manifestation of specific symptoms because of gradual accumulation of a wide variety of disorders and damages to the structure and functions of mitochondria and cells that finally lead to the development of diseases. The pathologies appear primarily in those organs that have a wide range of functional activity and a high dependence on oxygen consumption, namely the heart, brain, skeletal muscles and vascular epithelium

    State of lipid peroxidation - antioxidant system in men with diabetes mellitus type 1

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    The aim of study is to assess lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system in men with diabetes mellitus type 1. The objective of this study was to identify features of the lipid peroxidation-antioxidant defense system in men of reproductive age with diabetes mellitus type 1. 22 men with diabetes mellitus type 1 (the average age of 27.1 ± 7.38years) and30 healthy men of the same age (control group) (the average age of 28.0 ± 4.3 years) were involved in the study. The main and control groups were formed on the principle of "copy - pair". Standard clinical examination methods were used: history taking, physical examination and consultation of specialists to identify complications of diabetes. To determine the indicators of the system of free-radical lipid oxidation and activity of antioxidant protection, the spectrophotometric and fluorometric methods were used. In men with diabetes mellitus 1 type, there is increase in the level of active products reacting with thiobarbituric acid compared to the same indicator in the control group. The level of antioxidant protection in men with diabetes mellitus 1 type unlike the control was characterized by decrease in total antioxidant activity. However, stability of processes of superoxide dismutase activity and the glutathione system in comparison with control is observed against the backdrop of intensity increase of oxidative processes. Activation of lipid peroxidation is observed in men with diabetes mellitus type 1

    Antioxidant defense system: regulation of metabolic processes, genetic determinants, methods of determination

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    An increase in peroxidation activity is considered as a nonspecific process characteristic of the pathogenesis of various diseases accompanied by antioxidant deficiency. As bioregulators that can increase defense, antioxidants are important links in a multi-stage system of regulation and coordination of various body functions. The structure and function of enzymes involved in the regulation of oxidative stress can be significantly affected by genetic polymorphism. To date, the role of genes encoding the activity of enzymes of the antioxidant system in the pathogenesis of many diseases remains unexplored, which is of great interest to researchers from various fields. The article presents a review and analysis of data from modern scientific literature on the role of antioxidant defense components in the regulation of metabolic processes, their genetic determinant, and summarizes data on modern methods for the determination of some antioxidants. When writing the review, the database of the scientific electronic library eLibrary was used, the keywords are oxidative stress, free radical oxidation, antioxidant protection, antioxidants, antioxidant enzymes, enzyme genes, antioxidant response element, research methods; filters – publication years 2012–2022, publications with full text, publications available for viewing; English-language database of medical and biological publications, created by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), keywords – lipid peroxidation, antioxidant protection, antioxidants, antioxidant enzymes, enzyme genes, oxidative stress, metabolism, methods

    Neuroendocrine regulation and ovarian reserve in HIV-infected women with reproductive disorders

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    Background: Among the subjects of the Russian Federation, Irkutsk region is an area with an unfavorable epidemiological situation for HIV-infection. Women living with HIV in Russia and visiting AIDS-centers represent a socially and economically active part of the population are at a young reproductive age and plan to have children. Aims: to study the state of the neuroendocrine system and the ovarian reserve in HIV-infected women with reproductive disorders. Materials and methods. We examined in 17 HIV-infected women with reproductive disorders and 33 women with HIV-infection and reproductive health at the age of 18-45 years (mean age 31,1 ± 4,4 years). The determination of hormone levels was carried out by a competitive solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results. The obtained results testify to neuroendocrine disorders in the form of a decrease in the level of total testosterone, 17-OH progesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, as a manifestation of androgen deficiency of the body, as a result of ovarian dysfunction. Decrease in the level of Anti-Mullerian Hormone and increase the content of follicle-stimulating hormone, as a manifestation of the beginning of early menopause or a factor leading to infertility. Conclusions. The results of this study show that a woman's body on the background of HIV-infection reveals disorders of the neuroendocrine system dysfunction and decreased ovarian ovarian reserve, and as a result, reproductive disorders