253 research outputs found

    Correlations in an expanding gas of hard-core bosons

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    We consider a longitudinal expansion of a one-dimensional gas of hard-core bosons suddenly released from a trap. We show that the broken translational invariance in the initial state of the system is encoded in correlations between the bosonic occupation numbers in the momentum space. The correlations are protected by the integrability and exhibit no relaxation during the expansion

    Singlet-triplet transition in a lateral quantum dot

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    We study transport through a lateral quantum dot in the vicinity of the singlet-triplet transition in its ground state. This transition, being sharp in an isolated dot, is broadened to a crossover by the exchange interaction of the dot electrons with the conduction electrons in the leads. For a generic set of system's parameters, the linear conductance has a maximum in the crossover region. At zero temperature and magnetic field, the maximum is the strongest. It becomes less pronounced at finite Zeeman splitting, which leads to an increase of the background conductance and a decrease of the conductance in the maximum

    Phase randomness in a one-dimensional disordered absorbing medium

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    Analytical study of the distribution of phase of the transmission coefficient through 1D disordered absorbing system is presented. The phase is shown to obey approximately Gaussian distribution. An explicit expression for the variance is obtained, which shows that absorption suppresses the fluctuations of the phase. The applicability of the random phase approximation is discussed.Comment: submitted to Phys.Rev.
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