33 research outputs found

    Analysis of glycoprotein processing in the endoplasmic reticulum using synthetic oligosaccharides

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    Protein quality control (QC) in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) comprises many steps, including folding and transport of nascent proteins as well as degradation of misfolded proteins. Recent studies have revealed that high-mannose-type glycans play a pivotal role in the QC process. To gain knowledge about the molecular basis of this process with well-defined homogeneous compounds, we achieved a convergent synthesis of high-mannose-type glycans and their functionalized derivatives. We focused on analyses of UDP-Glc: glycoprotein glucosyltransferase (UGGT) and ER Glucosidase II, which play crucial roles in glycoprotein QC; however, their specificities remain unclear. In addition, we established an in vitro assay system mimicking the in vivo condition which is highly crowded because of the presence of various biomacromolecules

    Fine mapping and DNA fiber FISH analysis locates the tobamovirus resistance gene L3 of Capsicum chinense in a 400-kb region of R-like genes cluster embedded in highly repetitive sequences

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    The tobamovirus resistance gene L3 of Capsicum chinense was mapped using an intra-specific F2 population (2,016 individuals) of Capsicum annuum cultivars, into one of which had been introduced the C. chinenseL3 gene, and an inter-specific F2 population (3,391 individuals) between C. chinense and Capsicum frutescence. Analysis of a BAC library with an AFLP marker closely linked to L3-resistance revealed the presence of homologs of the tomato disease resistance gene I2. Partial or full-length coding sequences were cloned by degenerate PCR from 35 different pepper I2 homologs and 17 genetic markers were generated in the inter-specific combination. The L3 gene was mapped between I2 homolog marker IH1-04 and BAC-end marker 189D23M, and located within a region encompassing two different BAC contigs consisting of four and one clones, respectively. DNA fiber FISH analysis revealed that these two contigs are separated from each other by about 30 kb. DNA fiber FISH results and Southern blotting of the BAC clones suggested that the L3 locus-containing region is rich in highly repetitive sequences. Southern blot analysis indicated that the two BAC contigs contain more than ten copies of the I2 homologs. In contrast to the inter-specific F2 population, no recombinant progeny were identified to have a crossover point within two BAC contigs consisting of seven and two clones in the intra-specific F2 population. Moreover, distribution of the crossover points differed between the two populations, suggesting linkage disequilibrium in the region containing the L locus

    Neutron diffraction and thermal studies of amorphous

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    We have succeeded in preparing amorphous carbon disulphide (\chem{CS_2}) by depositing its vapour on a cold substrate at 10\un{K}. Complete formation of the amorphous state has been confirmed by neutron diffraction and differential thermal analysis (DTA). The amorphous sample crystallised at ca. 70\un{K}, which is lower than the hypothetical glass transition temperature (92\un{K}) estimated from the DTA data of the (\chem{CS_2})x(\chem{S_2Cl_2})1x_{1-x} binary mixture. \chem{CS_2}, a symmetric linear tri-atomic molecule, is the simplest of the amorphised molecular substances whose structural and thermal information has been reported so far. Comparison of the static structure factors S(Q)S(Q) has shown that the orientational correlation of \chem{CS_2} molecules may be much stronger in the amorphous state than in the liquid state at higher temperature