5 research outputs found

    Municipal distribution of ovarian cancer mortality in Spain

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Spain was the country that registered the greatest increases in ovarian cancer mortality in Europe. This study describes the municipal distribution of ovarian cancer mortality in Spain using spatial models for small-area analysis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Smoothed relative risks of ovarian cancer mortality were obtained, using the Besag, York and Molliè autoregressive spatial model. Standardised mortality ratios, smoothed relative risks, and distribution of the posterior probability of relative risks being greater than 1 were depicted on municipal maps.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During the study period (1989–1998), 13,869 ovarian cancer deaths were registered in 2,718 Spanish towns, accounting for 4% of all cancer-related deaths among women. The highest relative risks were mainly concentrated in three areas, i.e., the interior of Barcelona and Gerona (north-east Spain), the north of Lugo and Asturias (north-west Spain) and along the Seville-Huelva boundary (in the south-west). Eivissa (Balearic Islands) and El Hierro (Canary Islands) also registered increased risks.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Well established ovarian cancer risk factors might not contribute significantly to the municipal distribution of ovarian cancer mortality. Environmental and occupational exposures possibly linked to this pattern and prevalent in specific regions, are discussed in this paper. Small-area geographical studies are effective instruments for detecting risk areas that may otherwise remain concealed on a more reduced scale.</p

    Trets comuns de les Start up amb èxit a Catalunya

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    Objecte: El treball que presentem en aquest document és la primera part d’una investigació realitzada per el Grup de Treball de la Comissió de Valoració d’Empreses de l’ACCID, que té com a objectiu analitzar els factors d’èxit de les empreses de nova creació. En concret en aquest primera part del treball hem analitzat els factors financers que defineixen l’èxit de les empreses que han estat creades a Catalunya en els últims cinc anys. Disseny/metodologia: Per la realització de l’estudi s’han analitzat determinats ratis financers de les empreses que han estat creades a Catalunya en els últims cinc anys. Les dades s’han obtingut a partir de la base de dades SABI. El període de referència han estat el 2010-2012. Aportacions i resultats: Els resultats obtinguts mostren que el sector on hi ha un major nombre d’empreses amb èxit és el de comerç tan a l’ engròs com al detall. Però el que mostra uns millors ratis financers és el sector sanitari. Valor afegit: Determinar quins son els factors d’èxit de les empreses de nova creació catalanes.Purpose: This present work is the first part of an investigation made by the Companies Assessment Commission in the Associació Catalana de Comptabilitat i Direcció (ACCID), the aim of this paper is to analyze the key success in the start up companies. Specifically we are going to analyze the financial factors in the Catalonian start up companies created in the last five year. Design/methodology/approach: To make the study we have analyze the financial ratios from the companies creates in Catalonia in the last five years. Data has been obtained from the data base SABI. The period of the study has been from 2010-2012. Findings and originality/value: The results show the fact that the sector where most of the successful companies are is the commerce sector, both wholesale and retail. Specially the most successful one is the heath sector. Originality/value: To determine which are the successful agents in the Catalonian star up companies