45 research outputs found

    Can gravitational dynamics be obtained by diffeomorphism invariance of action?

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    It has recently been suggested that the gravitational dynamics could be obtained by requiring the action to be invariant under diffeomorphism transformations. We argue that the action constructed in usual way is automatically diffeomorphism invariant in nature, which thus invalidates this alternative perspective to obtain gravitational dynamics. Especially, we also show what is wrong with the technical derivation of gravitational dynamics in the alternative approach.Comment: version published in PR

    Note on the thermal history of decoupled massive particles

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    This note provides an alternative approach to the momentum decay and thermal evolution of decoupled massive particles. Although the ingredients in our results have been addressed in Ref.\cite{Weinberg}, the strategies employed here are simpler, and the results obtained here are more general.Comment: JHEP style, 4 pages, to appear in CQ

    Holographic non-relativistic fermionic fixed point and bulk dipole coupling

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    Inspired by the recently discovered non-relativistic fermionic fixed points, we investigate how the presence of bulk dipole coupling modifies the spectral function at one of these novel fixed points. As a result, although the infinite flat band is always visible in the presence of the bulk dipole coupling as well as chemical potential, the band is modified in a remarkable way at small momenta up to the order of magnitude of bulk dipole coupling. On the other hand, like a phoenix, a new Fermi surface sprouts from the formed gap when the bulk dipole coupling is pushed up further such as to overshadow the charge parameter, which is obviously different from what is found at the relativistic fixed points.Comment: JHEP style, 1+17 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, typos corrected, references added, version to appear in JHE

    Quantum Entanglement of Electromagnetic Fields in Non-inertial Reference Frames

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    Recently relativistic quantum information has received considerable attention due to its theoretical importance and practical application. Especially, quantum entanglement in non-inertial reference frames has been studied for scalar and Dirac fields. As a further step along this line, we here shall investigate quantum entanglement of electromagnetic fields in non-inertial reference frames. In particular, the entanglement of photon helicity entangled state is extensively analyzed. Interestingly, the resultant logarithmic negativity and mutual information remain the same as those for inertial reference frames, which is completely different from that previously obtained for the particle number entangled state.Comment: more explanatory material added in the introduction, version to appear in Journal of Physics

    Consistency Conditions on S-Matrix of Spin 1 Massless Particles

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    Motivated by new techniques in the computation of scattering amplitudes of massless particles in four dimensions, like BCFW recursion relations, the question of how much structure of the S-matrix can be determined from purely S-matrix arguments has received new attention. The BCFW recursion relations for massless particles of spin 1 and 2 imply that the whole tree-level S-matrix can be determined in terms of three-particle amplitudes (evaluated at complex momenta). However, the known proofs of the validity of the relations rely on the Lagrangian of the theory, either by using Feynman diagrams explicitly or by studying the effective theory at large complex momenta. This means that a purely S-matrix theoretic proof of the relations is still missing. The aim of this paper is to provide such a proof for spin 1 particles by extending the four-particle test introduced by P. Benincasa and F. Cachazo in arXiv:0705.4305[hep-th] to all particles. We show how n-particle tests imply that the rational function built from the BCFW recursion relations possesses all the correct factorization channels including holomorphic and anti-holomorphic collinear limits. This in turn implies that they give the correct S-matrix of the theory.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    SL(2,R)SL(2,R) symmetry and quasi-normal modes in the BTZ black hole

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    With the help of two new intrinsic tensor fields associated with the SL(2,R)SL(2,R) quadratic Casimir of Killing fields, we uncover the SL(2,R)SL(2,R) symmetry satisfied by the solutions to the equations of motion for various fields in the BTZ black hole in a uniform way by performing tensor and spinor analysis without resorting to any specific coordinate system. Then with the standard algebraic method developed recently, we determine the quasi-normal modes for various fields in the BTZ black hole. As a result, the quasi-normal modes are given by the infinite tower of descendants of the chiral highest weight mode, which is in good agreement with the previous analytic result obtained by exactly solving equations of motion instead.Comment: JHEP style, 1+13 pages, version to appear in JHE

    Covariant entropy conjecture and concordance cosmological models

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    Recently a covariant entropy conjecture has been proposed for dynamical horizons. We apply this conjecture to concordance cosmological models, namely, those cosmological models filled with perfect fluids, in the presence of a positive cosmological constant. As a result, we find this conjecture has a severe constraint power. Not only does this conjecture rule out those cosmological models disfavored by the anthropic principle, but also it imposes an upper bound 106010^{-60} on the cosmological constant for our own universe, which thus provides an alternative macroscopic perspective for understanding the long-standing cosmological constant problem.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure, JHEP style, references added, published versio

    Can the Copernican principle be tested by cosmic neutrino background?

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    The Copernican principle, stating that we do not occupy any special place in our universe, is usually taken for granted in modern cosmology. However recent observational data of supernova indicate that we may live in the under-dense center of our universe, which makes the Copernican principle challenged. It thus becomes urgent and important to test the Copernican principle via cosmological observations. Taking into account that unlike the cosmic photons, the cosmic neutrinos of different energies come from the different places to us along the different worldlines, we here propose cosmic neutrino background as a test of the Copernican principle. It is shown that from the theoretical perspective cosmic neutrino background can allow one to determine whether the Copernican principle is valid or not, but to implement such an observation the larger neutrino detectors are called for.Comment: JHEP style, 10 pages, 4 figures, version to appear in JCA

    Quantum Helicity Entropy of Moving Bodies

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    Lorentz transformation of the reduced helicity density matrix for a massive spin 1/2 particle is investigated in the framework of relativistic quantum information theory for the first time. The corresponding helicity entropy is calculated, which shows no invariant meaning as that of spin. The variation of the helicity entropy with the relative speed of motion of inertial observers, however, differs significantly from that of spin due to their distinct transformation behaviors under the action of Lorentz group. This novel and odd behavior unique to the helicity may be readily detected by high energy physics experiments. The underlying physical explanations are also discussed.Comment: version to appear in Journal of Physics A as a Fast Track Communicatio

    Holographic non-relativistic fermionic fixed point by the charged dilatonic black hole

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    Driven by the landscape of garden-variety condensed matter systems, we have investigated how the dual spectral function behaves at the non-relativistic as well as relativistic fermionic fixed point by considering the probe Dirac fermion in an extremal charged dilatonic black hole with zero entropy. Although the pattern for both of the appearance of flat band and emergence of Fermi surface is qualitatively similar to that given by the probe fermion in the extremal Reissner-Nordstrom AdS black hole, we find a distinctly different low energy behavior around the Fermi surface, which can be traced back to the different near horizon geometry. In particular, with the peculiar near horizon geometry of our extremal charged dilatonic black hole, the low energy behavior exhibits the universal linear dispersion relation and scaling property, where the former indicates that the dual liquid is a Fermi one while the latter implies that the dual liquid is not exactly of Landau Fermi type