407 research outputs found

    Opacity calculation for target physics using the ABAKO/RAPCAL code

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    Radiative properties of hot dense plasmas remain a subject of current interest since they play an important role in inertial confinement fusion (ICF) research, as well as in studies on stellar physics. In particular, the understanding of ICF plasmas requires emissivities and opacities for both hydro-simulations and diagnostics. Nevertheless, the accurate calculation of these properties is still an open question and continuous efforts are being made to develop new models and numerical codes that can facilitate the evaluation of such properties. In this work the set of atomic models ABAKO/RAPCAL is presented, as well as a series of results for carbon and aluminum to show its capability for modeling the population kinetics of plasmas in both LTE and NLTE regimes. Also, the spectroscopic diagnostics of a laser-produced aluminum plasma using ABAKO/RAPCAL is discussed. Additionally, as an interesting application of these codes, fitting analytical formulas for Rosseland and Planck mean opacities for carbon plasmas are reported. These formulas are useful as input data in hydrodynamic simulation of targets where the computation task is so hard that in line computation with sophisticated opacity codes is prohibitive

    Surface acoustic wave modulation of single photon emission from GaN/InGaN nanowire quantum dots

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    On-chip quantum information processing requires controllable quantum light sources that can be operated on-demand at high-speeds and with the possibility of in-situ control of the photon emission wavelength and its optical polarization properties. Here, we report on the dynamic control of the optical emission from core-shell GaN/InGaN nanowire (NW) heterostructures using radio frequency surface acoustic waves (SAWs). The SAWs are excited on the surface of a piezoelectric lithium niobate crystal equipped with a SAW delay line onto which the NWs were mechanically transferred. Luminescent quantum dot (QD)-like exciton localization centers induced by compositional fluctuations within the InGaN nanoshell were identified using stroboscopic micro-photoluminescence (micro-PL) spectroscopy. They exhibit narrow and almost fully linearly polarized emission lines in the micro-PL spectra and a pronounced anti-bunching signature of single photon emission in the photon correlation experiments. When the nanowire is perturbed by the propagating SAW, the embedded QD is periodically strained and its excitonic transitions are modulated by the acousto-mechanical coupling, giving rise to a spectral fine-tuning within a ~1.5 meV bandwidth at the acoustic frequency of ~330 MHz. This outcome can be further combined with spectral detection filtering for temporal control of the emitted photons. The effect of the SAW piezoelectric field on the QD charge population and on the optical polarization degree is also observed. The advantage of the acousto-optoelectric over other control schemes is that it allows in-situ manipulation of the optical emission properties over a wide frequency range (up to GHz frequencies).Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1902.0791

    "En euskera y en cristiano". Gènere, religió i nació al País Basc durant el franquisme [“En euskera y en cristiano”. Gender, religion and nation in the Basque Country during Francoism]

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    Des dels seus orígens, el vincle entre nacionalisme basc i religió catòlica ha estat prou estret. Aquest article pretén estudiar aquesta relació des d'una perspectiva de gènere durant la dictadura de Franco. Mitjançant la metodologia de la història oral, s'analitzaran els testimoniatges de quatre dones nascudes i/o residents al País Basc les dècades centrals del segle i que van militar en diferents grups catòlics. Amb el suport de fonts hemerogràfiques publicades per alguns d'aquests moviments, es tractaran també les diferències de discurs en l'àmbit urbà i rural. Així, es defensarà que els canvis experimentats pel catolicisme des de mitjan anys cinquanta van ser decisius en la transformació de la identitat religiosa i de gènere d'aquestes dones i que, al seu torn, els canvis en el model de feminitat hegemònic van provocar algunes tensions dins el discurs nacionalista. [Since its inception, Basque nationalism has been closely linked with Catholicism. This paper aims to explore this connection from a gender perspective during Franco’s dictatorship by analysing the oral testimonies of four Catholic women who were born and/or were living in the Basque Country during the period 1940-70. It will also consider the differences in discourse in urban and rural environments by examining journals and newsletters published by distinct Catholic movements. Two hypotheses will be argued: first, that the changes experienced by Catholicism from the mid-1950s were decisive in the transformation of the religious and gender identity of these women; and second, that changes to the hegemonic femininity model generated tension in Basque nationalist discourse.

    Cartografía geomorfológica y procesos de activos en la cuenca media-alta del río Eria mediante técnicas de SIG.( Provincia de León, España)

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    El objetivo es la elaboración de la cartografía geomorfológica y de procesos geológicos activos de un tramo del curso medio de la cuenca del río Eria, en el sector suroccidental de la provincia de León utilizando técnicas de SIG. El trabajo se ha basado en la fotointerpretación de fotos aéreas en visión estereoscópica, estudio bibliográfico y aplicación de técnicas de SIG para el análisis de modelos digitales de terreno y mapas derivados (pendientes, alturas…) y para la representación cartográfica. Como resultado se distinguen tres dominios de relieve caracterizados por diferentes procesos geológicos: dominio de los relieves sobre sustrato paleozoico, dominio de los relieves de origen fluvial y dominio de las formas de origen antrópico. En el primero tienen gran relevancia las formas del relieve relacionadas con la estructura geológica hercínica, en donde aparecen procesos activos ligados a procesos gravitacionales, originando formas del relieve como canchales, coluviones, depósitos de piedemonte y. Debido a lo escarpado de este dominio, apenas existen infraestructuras humanas, por lo que la interferencia de los procesos activos con las mismas es baja. En el segundo dominio aparecen formas del relieve originadas por procesos activos relacionados con el encajamiento de la red fluvial y de sedimentación, pudiendo afectar a infraestructuras humanas. En el tercero aparecen actuaciones susceptibles de interferir con los procesos activos naturales, provocando efectos adversos para la población. La información cartográfica obtenida supone la base para un análisis de susceptibilidad espacial de los distintos peligros de origen geológico, útil para la planificación territorial.The aim of this work is to represent by means of GIS techniques the geomorphological and active geological processes map of the middle course of the Eria river, located in the southwestern León province, Spain. This study is based on aerial photointerpretation, bibliographic analysis of previous works, and on the application of GIS techniques. These techniques were used for the representation of the mapping units, and for analyzing a DTM and derived maps (slop, aspect, etc.), creating a spatial and attribute database.Three main relief domains were differentiated based on the predominant active geological processes: the domain of landforms developed on the Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks, the domain of fluvial landforms, and the domain of anthropogenic landforms. The first one is mainly related to active gravitational processes, but because of the low human occupation, the interaction with human infrastructures is almost negligible. The second one is mainly related to incision and sedimentation of the drainage network, interacting with some human infrastructures developed on the floodplains, alluvial fans and close to the river side. The third one is formed by human elements affecting and modifying at different levels the strength of the active geological processes. The resulting map act as a basis for further spatial susceptibility for geological hazards analysis, which is useful for land use planning

    Low temperature microwave emission from molecular clusters

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    We investigate the experimental detection of the electromagnetic radiation generated in the fast magnetization reversal in Mn12-acetate at low temperatures. In our experiments we used large single crystals and assemblies of several small single crystals of Mn12-acetate placed inside a cylindrical stainless steel waveguide in which an InSb hot electron device was also placed to detect the radiation. All this was set inside a SQUID magnetometer that allowed to change the magnetic field and measure the magnetic moment and the temperature of the sample as the InSb detected simultaneously the radiation emitted from the molecular magnets. Our data show a sequential process in which the fast inversion of the magnetic moment first occurs, then the radiation is detected by the InSb device, and finally the temperature of the sample increases during 15 ms to subsequently recover its original value in several hundreds of milliseconds.Comment: changed conten

    Implementation of activities for the evaluation of the specific instrumental transversal competence in subjects in the area of mechanical engineering

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    [EN] Most of the higher education frameworks work and evaluate transversal competences, to achieve the excellence of graduates, not only academically but also integrating social aspects, ethics, communication, teamwork, etc. To this end, the present work studies a common methodology both in the activities, to improve the acquisition of the ¿Specific Instrumental¿ transversal competence, as well as in its evaluation. In the practical sessions, the student uses a detailed tutorial with the procedure to obtain the numerical result. The evaluation of the ¿Specific Instrumental¿ transversal competence is deficient following this structure, since it does not show whether the student acquires autonomy to solve similar problems. Therefore, an unguided alternative activity was proposed at the end of each session, which allows to see the evolution of the student in the face of a different problem without guidelines. Experience shows that it is rash to expect the student to handle the program autonomously in the first session. For this reason, the delivery deadline for tasks will be extended by a few weeks. Obviously, guarantee of authenticity is lost, but responsibility for learning is transferred to the student. Allowing the student to spend the time necessary for deep learning, without the pressure of ending the session.Authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Vicerrectorado de Estudios, Calidad y Acreditación and the Vicerrectorado de Recursos Digitales y Documentación of the Universitat Politècnica de València (project PIME B/19-20/165) and the Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación of the Universitat Politècnica de València (EICE INTEGRAL).Pedrosa, AM.; Sánchez Orgaz, EM.; Lozano-Mínguez, E.; Martinez-Sanchis, S. (2020). Implementation of activities for the evaluation of the specific instrumental transversal competence in subjects in the area of mechanical engineering. IATED Academy. 597-602. https://doi.org/10.21125/iceri.2020.0197S59760

    Quantum Magnetic Deflagration in Mn12 Acetate

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    We report controlled ignition of magnetization reversal avalanches by surface acoustic waves in a single crystal of Mn12 acetate. Our data show that the speed of the avalanche exhibits maxima on the magnetic field at the tunneling resonances of Mn12. Combined with the evidence of magnetic deflagration in Mn12 acetate (Suzuki et al., cond-mat/0506569) this suggests a novel physical phenomenon: deflagration assisted by quantum tunneling.Comment: 4 figure