39 research outputs found

    The influence of the advertising in the medication use in a group of elderly attended in a primary health care unit in Aracaju (Sergipe, Brasil)

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    O crescimento da população idosa brasileira tem levado a uma maior tendência ao uso de medicamentos. A sua utilização inadequada pode ser induzida por vários fatores, dentre eles a propaganda, podendo trazer danos à saúde do usuário. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a influência da propaganda no consumo de medicamentos por um grupo de idosos atendidos em unidade básica de saúde de Aracaju, Sergipe. No período de abril a junho de 2007, um grupo de 230 idosos, com idade acima de 60 anos, de ambos os gêneros, foi entrevistado. A maioria dos entrevistados (73%) possuía pelo menos uma doença crônica e 73,9% consumiam pelo menos um medicamento regularmente. Do total de entrevistados, 17,8% da amostra relataram utilizar medicamentos por influência da propaganda; 2,2% consideraram que os medicamentos veiculados na mídia nunca fazem mal e 6,5% acreditavam que eles sempre fazem bem. No estudo, correlações foram feitas e demonstraram que quem mais consome medicamentos influenciados pela propaganda também considera que eles sempre fazem bem e vice-versa (p= 0,04). Os dados revelaram que parte dos idosos sofreu influência da propaganda no consumo de medicamentos, não levando em consideração os riscos que estes poderiam causar.The growth of the Brazilian elderly people has led to a trend to an increase in the medication use. The inadequate use of drugs can be induced by some factors, like advertisement, with the risk of damaging the user's health. The objective of the study was to evaluate the advertisement influence in medication use in a group of elderly patients in a primary health care unit in Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil. 230 elderly aging over 60 years with both genders had been interviewed from April to June of 2007. The majority of the interviewees (73%) has at least a chronic health condition and 73.9% consumed regularly at least one medication. 17.8% of the sample informed to use medication motivated by publicity influence; 2.2% had considered that the medication never cause damages and 6.5% believed that always it makes well. In this study, correlations have been made and demonstrated that those who presented a higher level of consumption influenced by advertising also think that drugs used are always beneficial and vice versa (p= 0.04). The data showed that part of elderly suffered influence of advertisement to medication use, and are not conscious of risks involved

    Evaluation of pharmaceutical counseling after hospital discharge of post-surgery patients

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate pharmaceutical counseling following hospital discharge. All subjects received pharmacist counseling before discharge in a private hospital in Aracaju-SE, Brazil, from October 2007 to February 2008. Medication adherence was measured by Haynes-Sacket and Morisky-Green-Levine scales at the end of post-discharge treatment. Post-surgery patients (n = 243) received counseling on the day of hospital discharge, while adherence was observed in 186 (76.5 %) of these patients. During the four months, the increase in adherence was observed in those patients that received the counseling: 68.7 %, 73.6 %, 82.9 % and 85.7 %, respectively. The patients were distributed according to the variables of age, chronic illness, and duration of treatment did not significantly vary during the study. At the end of pharmaceutical counseling period, more than three fourths of post-surgery patients were considered adherent after hospital discharge. This result indicates a potential opportunity to implement this service in other wards.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Evaluation of pharmaceutical services in eight cities of the Brazilian Northeast

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    This article intended to assess the Pharmaceutical Services in eight cities of the Brazilian Northeast. It was a descriptive and transversal study done between July and September of 2007. Data was gathered from the sectors of the Pharmaceutical Services Bureau, medicines delivery, and pharmacies of the Municipal Secretaries of Health-care. The assessment was based on a study instrument developed by the researchers following the indicators elaborated by the Brazilian Health Ministry. The development levels for each Pharmaceutical Services stage were measured from 1 to 3, with 3 representing the Best quality of PS. The programming and acquisition stages showed the best results. On the other hand, prescription was considered the most problematic stage. This data shows the need for improvement in the Pharmaceutical Services of these citiesColegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Enhancing health care for type 2 diabetes in Northern Brazil: A pilot study of pharmaceutical care in community pharmacy

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    To evaluate the impact of a medication therapy management (MTM) program on the clinical outcomes and the quality of life (QoL) of a group of elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). The study was conducted in a community pharmacy in Aracaju, Brazil, from February to November 2009. A quasi-experimental, longitudinal, prospective study was conducted by intervention. The group patients received medication therapy management from a clinical pharmacist. A sample of convenience was obtained for patients of both genders aged from 60 to 75 years. Monthly visits were scheduled over 10 months. At these consultations, sociodemographic, clinical data were obtained. QoL assessment was conducted using a generic instrument-the Medical Outcomes Studies 36-item Short Form Survey (SF-36 (R)). In total, 34 completed the study. The mean age of the patients was 65.9 (4.7) years. In total, 117 DRPs were identified. Patients' baseline and final evaluation measures for glycosylated hemoglobin, capillary blood glucose, blood pressure, and waist circumference were significantly different (p < 0.05). The domains of QoL assessed by the SF-36 (R) also shows significant differences between patients' baseline and final evaluation scores. The co-responsibility and active participation on the part of the elderly may have helped pharmacotherapy achieve its clinical and humanistic aims

    Evaluation of pharmacotherapy on elderly residents of nursing homes in the North-East of Brazil

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    Os dados referentes às prescrições e ao uso de medicamentos foram coletados a partir dos prontuários de 94 idosos de dois asilos no município de Aracaju (SE). A média de idade foi de 83,2 (DP = 10,1), com maioria pertencente ao gênero feminino (63,8%). A prevalência do uso de medicamentos foi de 87,2% e a média de medicamentos consumidos igual a 2,7 (DP = 1,8), predominando aqueles com ação no sistema cardiovascular e nervoso. No estudo foram observados polifarmácia (18,1%), uso de medicamentos inadequados (28,7%) e duplicidade terapêutica (11,7%) na amostra de idosos estudados. Os dados evidenciam a necessidade do aprimoramento e avaliação da qualidade da farmacoterapia de modo a promover o uso racional de medicamentos nesta faixa etária.Data related to medication order and the use of medications was collected from 94 elderly medical records of two nursing homes of Aracaju (SE). The mean age was 83.2 (SD = 10.1), with most belonging to the females (63.8%). The prevalence of the use of drugs was 87.2% and the average of medicines consumed was equal to 2.7 (SD = 1.8), mainly with action in the cardiovascular and nervous systems. In this study, the elderly population studied presented polypharmacy (18.1%), inappropriate use of drugs (28.7%) and double therapy (11.7%). Data showed the need for improvement and evaluation of the quality of pharmacotherapy to promote rational drug use in the elderly population.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Assessment of community pharmacists´ counselling skills on headache management by using the simulated patient approach: a pilot study

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    Background: Headache, or cephalalgia, is one of the 20 most disabling diseases in the world and affects a large portion of the world´s population. People generally use over-the-counter medications to treat headaches and other minor symptoms. A pharmacist should help patients choose the most effective, safe, and convenient pharmacotherapeutic option. Objective: To assess the counselling skills of community pharmacists for headache management by using the simulated patient approach. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from March 2010 to July 2010. Data were obtained from a convenience sample consisting of one pharmacist from each of the 24 participating community pharmacies. In order to evaluate the pharmacists´ counselling skills, a simulated patient role played a standardized headache case requesting self-medication. The interactions of the simulated patient with the pharmacists were audiovisually recorded using a hidden micro camera, and these recordings were analysed using a validated questionnaire. Results: Of the 24 evaluated pharmacists, 19 (79.1%) were women. Information was spontaneously provided by 15 (62.5%) pharmacists. At least one question was asked by the pharmacist to assess the signs and symptoms. Most pharmacists (n=17, 70.8%) recommended sodium dipyrone, either alone or in combination with other drugs. The most discussed items in the simulation visits were contraindications (n=17, 70.8%), indications (n=10, 41.6%), and drug administration times (n=8, 33.3%). None of the pharmacists recommended any non-pharmacological therapeutic alternatives. The overall impressions of the pharmacists professional counselling skills ranged from poor to fair. Conclusion: This study showed that the pharmacists counselling skills and the guidance provided by the pharmacists to the simulated patient were insufficient for the satisfactory management of headache.Antecedentes: El dolor de cabeza o cefalea es una de las 20 enfermedades más incapacitantes en el mundo y afecta a una gran parte de la población mundial. La gente utiliza generalmente medicamentos OTC para tratar los dolores de cabeza y otros síntomas menores. Un farmacéutico debería ayudar a los pacientes a elegir la opción farmacoterapéutica más efectiva, segura y conveniente. Objetivo: Evaluar las habilidades de los farmacéuticos comunitarios para el manejo del dolor de cabeza utilizando un abordaje de paciente simulado. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal entre marzo 2010 y julio 2010. Se obtuvieron datos de una muestra de conveniencia consistente en un farmacéutico de cada 24 farmacias comunitarias participantes. Para evaluar las habilidades de asesoramiento de los farmacéuticos, un paciente simulado recreó un caso estandarizado de dolor de cabeza solicitando auto-medicación. Las interacciones del paciente simulado con el farmacéutico fueron audiovisualmente grabadas utilizando una micro-cámara oculta, y estas grabaciones fueron analizadas utilizando un cuestionario validado. Resultados: De los 24 farmacéuticos evaluados, 19 (79,1%) eran mujeres. 15 farmacéuticos (62,5%) proporcionaron información espontáneamente. El farmacéutico pregunto al menos una pregunta para evaluar los síntomas. La mayoría de los farmacéuticos (n=17, 70,8%) recomendó dipirona sódica, sóla o en combinación con otros medicamentos. Los ítems más discutidos en las visitas simuladas fueron las contraindicaciones (n=17, 70,8%), la indicación (n=10, 41,6%), y la frecuencia de administración (n=8, 33,3%). Ninguno de los farmacéuticos recomendó alguna alternativa terapéutica no farmacológica. La impresión general de las habilidades de asesoramiento profesional delos farmacéuticos osciló entre pobre y moderada. Conclusión: Este estudio mostró que las habilidades de asesoramiento de los farmacéuticos y los consejos proporcionados al paciente simulado fueron insuficientes para el manejo satisfactorio del dolor de cabeza

    Evaluation of pharmacotherapy on elderly residents of nursing homes in the north-east of Brazil

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    Data related to medication order and the use of medications was collected from 94 elderly medical records of two nursing homes of Aracaju (SE), The mean age was 83.2 (SD = 10.1), with most belonging to the females (63.8%). The prevalence of the use of drugs was 87.2% and the average of medicines consumed was equal to 2.7 (SD = 1.8), mainly with action in the cardiovascular and nervous systems. In this Study, the elderly population studied presented polypharmacy (18.1%), inappropriate use of drugs (28.7%) and double therapy (11.7%). Data showed the need for improvement and evaluation of the quality of pharmacotherapy to promote rational drug use in the elderly population

    Perfil Clínico-Epidemiológico de crianças com Reações Adversas a antibióticos internadas em hospitais públicos brasileiros

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    Introdução: As Reações Adversas a Medicamentos (RAM) em crianças são consideradas importantes problemas para a segurança dos pacientes e para os sistemas de saúde, pois contribuem para o aumento da morbimortalidade e os custos de hospitalização. Dentre os medicamentos, os antibióticos sistêmicos são os principais agentes envolvidos nas reações em crianças hospitalizadas. Assim, conhecer o perfil clínico e epidemiológico dessa população pode contribuir na elaboração de estratégias para melhorar a segurança dos pacientes. Objetivo: Caracterizar o perfil clínico-epidemiológico de crianças com reações adversas a antibióticos internadas em cinco hospitais públicos brasileiros. Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo de coorte prospectivo, em cinco hospitais públicos no Brasil. Foram incluídas crianças de 0 a 12 anos, em uso de antibióticos por mais de 24 horas e hospitalizadas por no mínimo 48 horas. A coleta de dados foi realizada diariamente, durante seis meses de 2019. Os dados relacionados ao perfil clínico e epidemiológico foram coletados em uma ficha desenvolvida pela equipe de pesquisa. Este estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com Seres Humanos de cada centro responsável (SE:2.801.684; CE:3.027.780; RJ:3.264.238; DF:4.273.903; RGS: 3.782.762). Resultados: Durante o período de acompanhamento, 152 crianças apresentaram pelo menos uma RAM causada por antibiótico. A maioria dos pacientes era do sexo masculino 54% (n=83), com idade entre 28 dias e dois anos 57% (n=87). Quanto as características prévias a internação, 30% (n=45) dos pacientes possuíam alguma comorbidade e apenas 9% (n=14) reportaram histórico prévio de alergia a medicamentos. Quanto aos diagnósticos destes pacientes, a maioria tinha uma doença relacionada ao sistema respiratório 58% (n=88), outras infecções 29% (n=44) e doenças de pele 13% (n=20). Quanto ao tempo de hospitalização, apenas 20% (n=31) ficaram hospitalizados entre dois a sete dias, 30% (n=45) entre sete a 15 dias, e metade 50% (n=76) dos pacientes ficaram por um período superior a 15 dias, com média de 48 dias. Em relação ao número de antibióticos prescritos, apenas 25% (n=38) dos pacientes usou um único antibiótico e quase metade 46% (n=70) utilizaram três ou mais antibióticos durante a hospitalização. Conclusão: A maioria dos pacientes que apresentaram uma RAM era do sexo masculino, com idade entre 28 dias a dois anos. Além disso, possuíam uma doença relacionada ao sistema respiratório, ficaram hospitalizados por mais de 15 dias e utilizaram três ou mais antibióticos durante a hospitalização. Esses dados sugerem a necessidade de maior atenção para pacientes com determinadas características, a fim de manter a segurança dos mesmos durante a hospitalização