6 research outputs found

    Full genome characterization of a new simian immune deficiency virus lineage in a naturally infected cercopithecus ascanius whitesidei in the Democratic Republic of Congo reveals high genetic diversity among red-tailed monkeys in Central and Eastern Africa

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    Our knowledge on simian immune deficiency virus (SIV) diversity and evolution in the different nonhuman primate species is still incomplete. In this study, we report the full genome characterization of a new SIV from a red-tailed monkey (2013DRC-I8), from the Cercopithecus ascanius whitesidei subspecies, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The new full-length genome is 9,926bp long, and the genomic structure is similar to that of other SIVs with the absence of vpx and vpu genes. The new SIVasc-13DRC-I8 strain fell within the Cercopithecus specific SIV lineage. SIVasc-13DRC-I8 and previously reported SIVrtg from the C.a. schmidti subspecies in Uganda did not form a separate species-specific SIV lineage. These observations provide additional evidence for high genetic diversity and the complex evolution of SIVs in the Cercopithecus genus. More studies on a large number of monkeys from a wider geographic area are needed to understand SIV evolution

    High prevalences and a wide genetic diversity of simian retroviruses in non-human primate bushmeat in rural areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo [+ Erratum]

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    Like the majority of emerging infectious diseases, HIV and HTLV are of zoonotic origin. Here we assess the risk of cross-species transmissions of their simian counterparts, SIV and STLV, from non-human primates (NHP) to humans in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). A total of 331 samples, derived from NHP bushmeat, were collected as dried blood spots (DBS, n = 283) or as tissue samples (n = 36) at remote forest sites mainly in northern and eastern DRC. SIV antibody prevalences in DBS were estimated with a novel high throughput immunoassay with antigens representing the actual known diversity of HIV/SIV lineages. Antibody-positive samples were confirmed by PCR and sequence analysis. Screening for STLV infection was done with universal primers in tax, and new strains were further characterized in LTR. SIV and STLV infection in tissue samples was done by PCR only. Overall, 5 and 15.4% of NHP bushmeat was infected with SIV and STLV, respectively. A new SIV lineage was identified in Allen's swamp monkeys (Allenopithecus nigroviridis). Three new STLV-1 subtypes were identified in Allen's swamp monkeys (Allenopithecus nigroviridis), blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis), red-tailed guenons (Cercopithecus ascanius schmidti) and agile mangabeys (Cercocebus agilis). SIV and STLV prevalences varied according to species and geographic region. Our study illustrates clearly, even on a small sample size from a limited number of geographic areas, that our knowledge on the genetic diversity and geographic distribution of simian retroviruses is still limited and that humans continue to be exposed to relative high proportions on infected NHP bushmeat

    Identification and molecular characterization of new simian T cell lymphotropic viruses in nonhuman primates bushmeat from the Democratic Republic of Congo

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    Four types of human T cell lymphotropic viruses (HTLV) have been described (HTLV-1 to HTLV-4) with three of them having closely related simian virus analogues named STLV-1, -2, and -3. To assess the risk of cross-species transmissions of STLVs from nonhuman primates to humans in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a total of 330 samples, derived from primate bushmeat, were collected at remote forest sites where people rely on bushmeat for subsistence. STLV prevalences and genetic diversity were estimated by PCR and sequence analysis of tax-rex and LTR fragments. Overall, 7.9% of nonhuman primate bushmeat is infected with STLVs. We documented new STLV-1 and STLV-3 variants in six out of the seven species tested and showed for the first time STLV infection in C. mona wolfi, C. ascanius whitesidei, L. aterrimus aterrimus, C. angolensis, and P. tholloni. Our results provide increasing evidence that the diversity and geographic distribution of PTLVs are much greater than previously thought