5 research outputs found

    Analisis Pendapatan Masyarakat dalam Pemanfaatan Hutan Tembawang di Desa Salumang Kecamatan Mempawah Hulu Kabupaten Landak

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    Tembawang forest has the natural resource that used to fulfill the requirement of live society. The aims of this research are to the types of non timber forest product that are extracted by local people in the tembawang area, the amount of revenue in the use of non-timber forest product from tembawang, and to know the factors influence the local people earnings in extractive tembawang. This study used a survey method with interview technique using questionnaires. Sampling of respondents was taken purposive, (purposive sampling). The member of respondents are 50 families in the 3 sub villages of Sempang Ampin, Sabau, and Batu Pati. The results of this reseach slowed that types of non timber forest product that area extracted are durian, cempedak, keranji, jengkol, kelampai, tampoi, langsat, mangosteen, rambutan, rambai, canary, laugh, petai forest, pehengan, sour of maram, duku, former, acid pauh, sour of kanis, saumang (rambutan), coconut, former / kalimantan, and goods. Besides fruits there is also firewood, bamboo, rebung, for the crop of medicinize like earth dowel, sirih forest, and mengkudu. While the type whic is used as income durian, cempedak, jengkol, and keranji. The are fruits of average of earnings from these fruits is Rp.10.849.860 per family per year, with the highest earnings equal to Rp. 83.254000 per family per year, and the lowest equal to Rp. 779.000 per family per year. The coefficient ditermination is 0,237 means the change of farmer earnings in extracting of forest tembawang that equal to 23,7% is influenced by wide of tembawang area the member of type is influenced the wide area of tembawang, the member of family member working in tembawang, the member of work-hours, and products collected. The regression equation is : Y = 160.951 + 9.724X1 - 045X2 12.514X3 488X4 + 10.238X5 Keyword : forest, income, people, tembawang, utilizing. Keyword : forest, income, people, tembawang, utilizing

    Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Dalam Mengelola Areal Bekas Ladang Berpindah Di Desa Sehe Lusur Kecamatan Kuala Behe Kabupaten Landak the Comunity of Local Wisdom in Managing Used-areas of Shifting Cultivation in Sehe Lusur Village Sub District of Kuala Beh

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    Research on local wisdom in managing used-areas of shifting cultivation in Sehe Lusur Village, sub district of Kuala Behe District of Landak. The aims to determine the shape of local wisdom in managing used-areas of shifting cultivation and to determine the the influence factors such as: age, knowledge, education, perception, lenght of stay and villagers experiences. The samples were using purposive sampling technique. The data were collected through a descriptive method in the form of a survey with interview techniques. Data were analyzed with chi-square. The research showed that in those areas people planted some useful crops and perennials by intercropping. The lands managed traditionally and no special treatment. They rely on soil fertility and work together or mutual cooperation (pengari). The yields are partially self-consumed and sold. There were differences in the frequency rate of local wisdom in managing those areas. The frequencies were tend to moderate. The level of knowledge factor showed a real relationship, education showed a strong relationship; whereas factors of age, perception, length of stay and work experience do not indicate a real relationship with the local wisdom in managing the used-areas of shifting cultivation areas. Keywords: local wisdom, villagers, used-areas of shifting cultivation, forest areas, mix farm

    Peranan Lembaga Adat dalam Penyelesaian Konflik Lahan pada Hutan Adat di Desa Engkode Kecamatan Mukok Kabupaten Sanggau

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    The aims of this research are to identify and to reviewing the supporting factors of the costumary instutions role in completion of the land conflicts. This completion was done with formulating various strategies used SWOT analysis. The strategic internal factor such as human resources, physical, financial, organization and structure in completion of land conflict showed elements of strengths in indigenous land have influence value with estimation from highest (1,19) to lowest (0,714). Elements of weakness have influence value with estimation from highest (1,187) to lowest (0,774). The strategic factors exsternal are rise and fall of economic, chage of social and politic climate well as power of law, development of technology, changes in government policy, the geographical location on the role of customary instution on completion of indigenous forests land conflict with elements of opportunities have influence with estimation from highest (1,34) to lowest (0,91). Elements of therats have influence value with estimation from highest (1,23) to lowest (0,03). Keywords: Traditional institutions, conflict, customary forest, local wisdom, forest communities

    Analisa Ekonomi Petani Pengelola Karet di Kawasan Tembawang Kelurahan Sebalo Kecamatan Bengkayang

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    Rubber farming in the tembawang area is the main livelihood of household of farmer communities. The research took place in tembawang area at Sebalo village Bengkayang subdistrict. The research aim to know the farmers income, the efficiency level of farm rubber done by farmers, the percentage contribution of rubber revenue to the household, and to know the influence factors of farmers income. The research conducted from April to May 2014. The research used survey method, and samples were taken by purposive sampling. The results shows that the average net income of sap rubber is Rp 12.050.609,-/household/year or Rp 1.004.217,42/household/month. The efficiency level of 3,34 points means that economically the farm rubber is reasonable and give benefit to the farmer. The income contribution of rubber is 51,44% from total income of the household. The regression analyzed from the three variables influences the income from rubbers. The variables are the number of the tembawang areas (X1), the work experience (X2) and the total of rubber trees that tapped (X3). These three variables collectivelly give significant effect to decrease or increase the farmers income from sap rubber with Ftest 23,729 > Ftable (α=0,05;100) = 2,70. So the Halt is accepted and coefficient determination (R2) is 0,426. The variable of the number of rubber trees have high correlation with net income in which the Ttest = 6,758 > Ttable (α=0,05;2) = 4,303. While the space area and the work experience have not corelated in which the Ttest are 2,094 and -1,374 respectively. Keywords : Bengkayang, farmers incomes, rubbers, sebalo village, tembawang. Keywords : Bengkayang, farmers incomes, rubbers, sebalo village, tembawang