35 research outputs found

    Skills shortages and training in Russian enterprises

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    In the transition to a market economy, the Russian workforce underwent a wrenching period of change, with excess supply of some industrial skills coexisting with reports of skills shortages by many enterprises. This paper uses data from the Russia Competitiveness and Investment Climate Survey and related local research to gain insight into the changing supply and demand for skills over time, and the potential reasons for reported staffing problems and skills shortages, including labor turnover, compensation policies, and the inhibiting effects of labor regulations. It discusses in-service training as an enterprise strategy for meeting staffing and skills needs, and presents evidence on the distribution, intensity, and determinants of in-service training in Russia. It investigates the productivity and wage outcomes of in-service training, and the supportive role of training in firms'research and development and innovative activities. A final section concludes with some policy implications of the findings.Education For All,Access&Equity in Basic Education,Labor Markets,Primary Education,Teaching and Learning

    Innovations in Application of Professional Skills Development among Supply Chain Managers

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    Abstract— Professional competencies required in the field of logistics and supply chain management (SCM) are in the process of continuous development since the modern business environment creates a high demand for them. This study was aimed at assessing the state of training systems’ development and the capabilities for their future improvement in terms of creating conditions for effective SCM by skilled labor. In order to achieve the research objective, a comparative analysis of national higher training and logistics systems was performed on the example of Russia and Germany. During the investigation, statistical information, world ratings, and various publications in the public domain were used. These data allowed examining the relationship between the academic environment and SCM practice. Thus, a conclusion was made that a low level of interaction with industrial partners slows down innovation and creates obstacles for managers’ effective preparation. The gap between business and training is the main reason for insufficient qualification of SCM personnel and, as a result, poor logistic performance

    Terms and Need Strategic Cooperation Mechanisms of Social and Economic Systems of the Region

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    The increasing complexity of the socio-economic systems and the increase in the state's functions in modern regional space becoming more common complex, multi-level strategic cooperation mechanisms. In such structures, the main elements of the control system are divided into several levels. Management levels are organizationally separate elements detected in the territorial structures of governance, for example, the subject of the Federation, municipal formation. Between the different levels of the system of separation of powers, responsibilities and functions of the power vertical. Within the framework of the powers assigned to them elements of the system have the right to independent decision-making. Developing of the Russian Federation system of market relations qualitatively increased value, role, authority and responsibility of regions to ensure the functioning and development of the territories, the growth of living standards of the population living in them. Enhanced functions of the organs of power in the federal subjects is accompanied by the simultaneous complexity of the mechanism of management decision-making, and the increasing influence of the variability of environmental factors. Under these circumstances, the effective activities of the regional administrations are not possible without the coordination and integration of their efforts, which can promote inter-regional cooperation. Keywords: regional economy, social and economic system, management mechanism JEL Classifications: Q27, R12, R5

    Formation of porous structures in production technology of construction materials based on building gypsum plaster

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    ABSTRACT: Introduction. This article presents the results of the research works on formation of building gypsum plaster porous structure with the use of recovered anhydrite raw materials and chemical additives, and describes a method for production of wall materials. The relevance of this paper is stipulated by the need to expand the range and increase the manufacture of heat-insulating and structural-heat-insulating products based on gypsum binders and local mineral raw materials, as well as the development of technologies to ensure the production of gypsum materials with improved performance. The authors proposed certain methods for forming the porous structure of building gypsum plaster and improving its performance in terms of porosity and thermal conductivity through the use of modified recovered raw materials and chemical additives of calcium chloride and sodium carbonate. Materials and methods. The study of the effect of modifying additives on the properties of the mixture was carried out using gypsum paste of normal consistency (NC = 55%). The preparation of samples and testing were performed according to the methods specified in the national standards with the use of porous additives of calcium carbonate, fluoroanhydrite and chemical additives for the rheological properties of the mixture, average density and strength of the samples, the patterns and mechanism of the processes of gypsum stone structure formation were established. Results. The application of fluoroanhydrite modified in the disintegrator with an equimolar amount of calcium carbonate leads to a decrease in the average density of the samples to 40% with evenly distributed pores. The analysis of the microstructure of heat-insulating material samples with a density of 550 kg/m3 showed that the average diameter of micropores is 0.45 mm, while the thermal conductivity of samples with complex chemical additives has the thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.25 W/m°C, which is 30% lower than the thermal conductivity of samples without complex additives. Conclusions. The results obtained create the basis for using recovery raw materials and domestic modifying additives as a pore-forming agent, which allow regulating the structure of gypsum stone in order to produce effective wall material

    Female Succession in the Kingdom of Jerusalem in the Twelfth Century

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    This paper explores the question of queenship in the Crusader States, specifically the Kingdom of Jerusalem in the twelfth century. It seeks to understand how women were able to gain and wield power in a time when they were viewed solely as diplomatic links between dynasties and transmitters of royal blood. Research was done through a close reading of primary and secondary sources concerning the history of the Crusader States, medieval queenship, and other ancillary topics, as well as through case studies of important female rulers from the Holy Land and Western Europe. From this research I argue that internal and external political stability was required for women to effectively rule, but if those conditions were met, a queen could be influential

    New finds of wild grapes of the Kuban region and their environmental and geographic characteristics

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    This article presents the study results of new locations of wild forms of the Krasnodar Territory, Crimean region. Two populations in two locations were found in the slope and plain territories. In the course of the expeditions, the environmental and geographic characteristics of the habitats of wild grape forms were given, a complete description of the vegetation of the ecotopes under study was made, and the morphological and biological qualitative and quantitative indicators of grape wild forms have been studied in detail. When analyzing scientific literature data, it was found that there is not enough information about Kuban wild plants, feral forms and autochthons of grapes. The urgent need for this study arose. The research was carried out using route-reconnaissance, geobotanical, ampelographic, analytical methods. The variability of some indicators was detected to a greater or lesser extent, both at interpopulation and endogenous levels. Populations differ in the shape of the leaf blade, with leaves occurring pentagonal, deltoid, and rounded. The degree of leaf corrugation varies from weak to medium. The crown of the young shoot is slightly open or half open, with very rare pubescence, the depth of the upper lateral leaf clippings is from very small to medium

    Employment Protection Legislation in Russia: Regional Enforcement and Labor Market Outcomes

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    The efficiency of the labor market critically depends on the design of its institutions, including employment protection legislation. However, since formal laws can be observed to varying degrees, the actual enforcement regime shapes incentives and constraints. Most of the studies exploring the effects of employment protection on labor market performance implicitly assume that compliance is near to complete. However, if enforcement varies widely across regions/cities or segments of firms, then this variation may cause variation in performance. This paper, looking at Russia, explores whether cross-regional and inter-temporal variation in enforcement of employment protection laws is significant and is translated into regional labor market outcomes. The paper utilizes a unique data set based on State Labor Inspectorate data and Supreme Court statistics.

    Assessment of the Impact of Cloud Technologies on Social Life in the Era of Digitalization

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    Due to the expansion of new digital trends in the strategic development of territorial units, it became necessary to structure the socio-economic effects from the introduction of innovative technologies grounded on cloud computing. Realized the identification of cloud technologies impact on the social life in the era of digitalization, an online conference was held between representatives of government, business, science, and education of the Republics of Karelia, Komi, Adygea, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Krasnodar Krai and Stavropol Krai (Russian Federation). In the context of innovative possibilities of platform economy, in discussion were identified the key effects of the cloud solutions implementation in the Russian Federation regions development prospect strategy. Namely, development of social and human capital, improvement of the quality and standard of living in a region, improvement of social interaction, development of social constructivism, economic potential, and competitiveness of social capital. It has been reported that the positive social effects of cloud technologies at the level of a territorial unit are achieved by increasing digital literacy of the population and opening up new opportunities and platforms for social interaction and constructivism; providing the population with convenient services and open data for participation in active social, economic and political life. Cloud technologies help to form a digital educational environment, modernize educational programs for the preparation of high-quality labor resources, develop digital infrastructure of individual settlements, create user content to preserve socio-cultural identity, and popularize a region in the global information space. Revealed that the possibilities of cloud technologies increase the population quality of living and ensure the growth of the efficiency and productivity indicators of labor resources. The listed above are achieved by expanding the marketing capabilities of business structures, providing them with new business models and digital services; optimization of resource management, digitization of business processes, and platform organization of labor. The capabilities of cloud solutions allow for the formation of flexible and effective interregional and international cooperation in a region, having a positive impact on regional economy and social capital development