2,815 research outputs found

    In Good Company: About Agency and Economic Development in Global Perspective

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    The paper discusses some evidence, based on a review of new literature on economic history, about what is referred to as the Sen-hypothesis, that increasing human agency (of both men and women) is a key factor in economic development. It briefly discusses various dimensions of agency (or its absence): slavery (as the absolute suppression of human agency), access to markets, agency concerning marriage, and political participation. This concept perhaps also allows economic historians to move beyond the historical determinism that is central to much recent work in this field.agency, economic development, economic history

    Trapped electrons in the quantum degenerate regime

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    A full strength Coulomb interaction between trapped electrons can be felt only in absence of a neutralizing background. In order to study quantum degenerate electrons without such a background, an external trap is needed to compensate for the strong electronic repulsion. As a basic model for such a system, we study a trapped electron pair in a harmonic trap with an explicit inclusion of its Coulomb interaction. We find the eigenenergy of the ground state, confirming earlier work in the context of harmonium. We extend this to a complete set of properly scaled energies for any value of the trapping strength, including the excited states. The problem is solved either numerically or by making harmonic approximations to the potential. As function of the trapping strength a crossover can be made from the strongly to the weakly-coupled regime, and we show that in both regimes perturbative methods based on a pair-wise electron description would be effective for a many-particle trapped electron system, which resembles a Wigner crystal in the ground state of the strongly coupled limit.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Improving temporal resolution of ultrafast electron diffraction by eliminating arrival time jitter induced by radiofrequency bunch compression cavities

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    The temporal resolution of sub-relativistic ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) is generally limited by radio frequency (RF) phase and amplitude jitter of the RF lenses that are used to compress the electron pulses. We theoretically show how to circumvent this limitation by using a combination of several RF compression cavities. We show that if powered by the same RF source and with a proper choice of RF field strengths, RF phases and distances between the cavities, the combined arrival time jitter due to RF phase jitter of the cavities is cancelled at the compression point. We also show that the effect of RF amplitude jitter on the temporal resolution is negligible when passing through the cavity at a RF phase optimal for (de)compression. This will allow improvement of the temporal resolution in UED experiments to well below 100 fs

    Prospects for atomic magnetometers employing hollow core optical fibre

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    Presently, among the most demanding applications for highly sensitive magnetometers are Magnetocardiography (MCG) and Magnetoencephalography (MEG), where sensitivities of around 1pT.Hz<sup>-1/2</sup> and 1fT.Hz<sup>-1/2</sup> are required. Cryogenic Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices (SQUIDs) are currently used as the magnetometers. However, there has been some recent work on replacing these devices with magnetometers based on atomic spectroscopy and operating at room temperature. There are demonstrations of MCG and MEG signals measured using atomic spectroscopy These atomic magnetometers are based on chip-scale microfabricated components. In this paper we discuss the prospects of using photonic crystal optical fibres or hollow core fibres (HCFs) loaded with Rb vapour in atomic magnetometer systems. We also consider new components for magnetometers based on mode-locked semiconductor lasers for measuring magnetic field via coherent population trapping (CPT) in Rb loaded HCFs

    Book production and the onset of modern economic growth

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    Endogenous growth theory suggests that human capital formation plays a significant role for the ‘wealth and poverty of nations.’ In contrast to previous studies which denied the role of human capital as a crucial determinant of for really long-term growth, we confirm its importance. Indicators of human capital like literacy rates are lacking for the period of 1450-1913; hence, we use per capita book production as a proxy for advanced literacy skills. This study explains how, and to what extent, growth disparities are a function of human capital formation.Book Production, Economic Growth, Human Capital

    Differential Input from the Amygdaloid Body to the Ventromedial Hypothalamic Nucleus in the Rat

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    Differential amygdaloid afferents to anterior dorsal, anterior ventral, posterior dorsal and posterior ventral subdivisions of the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH) were studied by means of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Injections of tracer confined to the VMH subdivisions mentioned, and enhancement of tracer uptake and transport were achieved by iontophoretic delivery of an HRP solution containing poly-L-α-ornithine. It was shown that the medial, central, basolateral, basomedial, lateroposterior and intercalated nuclei of the amygdala constitute afferent input sources to the ventromedial nucleus in a topographic pattern related to the various subdivisions of the VMH. This topographically organized amygdala-VMH projection is discussed against the background of the functional role that both amygdala and VMH play in the control of feeding, apart from various other autonomous functions that both brain centers are known to be concerned with.

    Vasopressin Prolongs Behavioral and Cardiac Responses to Mild Stress in Young But Not in Aged Rats

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    In young male Wistar rats sudden silence superimposed on low intensity background noise evokes a relative decrease in heart rate. This bradycardia is accompanied by immobility behavior. In the present study, involving young (3 month), late-adult (14 month), aged (20 month), and senescent (25 month) rats the magnitude of the stress-induced bradycardia shows an age-related reduction while the behavioral immobility response remained unchanged during the process of aging. Arginine-8-vasopressin (AVP, 6 µg/kg SC) administered 60 min prior to the experiment led to a prolonged behavioral and cardiac stress response in young and late-adult rats, but not in aged and senescent animals. The peripheral and central mechanisms possibly involved in the failure of systemically applied AVP to improve bradycardiac stress responses in aged rats are discussed.

    Phaseolus vulgaris leuco-agglutinin immunohistochemistry. A comparison between autoradiographic and lectin tracing of neuronal efferents

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    The autoradiographic pattern of anterograde labeling as a result from injections with tritiated amino acids is compared to the labeling of efferents with Phaseolus vulgaris leuco-agglutinin after lectin injections in the same nucleus visualized by immunohistochemical methods. This comparison is made for efferents from the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus to the amygdaloid body.

    Severe acute pancreatitis and selective decontamination (results of a multicenter controlled clinical trial)

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