14 research outputs found

    Investigation of metallic iron for water defluoridation

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    A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master’s in Environmental Science and Engineering of the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and TechnologyFluorosis is a significant ailment that affects millions of humans and animals, especially in low income countries. It has been the focus of past and present scientific endeavours to research and develop efficient and deployable technologies, especially in these low-income communities. In this work, metallic Iron (Fe0 ) is a promising technology, and its filters have successfully addressed both safe drinking water and sanitation and are frugal. The recalled science of Fe0 filters is demonstrated with the lingering design investigations. This study aimed at the critical assessment on defluoridation efficiencies under conventional metallic iron aqueous systems; where at first, Fe0 materials were characterized with 1,10 Phenanthroline (Phen) in aqueous condition, and later batch studies were realized at the laboratory scale for two days under varied experimental conditions of: (a) 0.1 g and 1.0 g of iron mass, (b) Equimolar contamination, 23±2.0 mg/L, of co-solutes, i.e. NO3, PO4, SO4, HCO3, Cl, (c) Initial pH values of 4.5, 7.0 and 9.5, and (d) Disturbed and non-disturbed treatments. Characterization results proved the potential of 1,10-Phenanthroline as a sole Fe0 novel and facile characterization method. Defluoridation results revealed a maximum of 94% and 47% for quantitative (involving co precipitation, adsorption and occasionally size-exclusion remediations) and non-quantitative (associated with adsorption as major remediation means) fluoride removal efficiencies, respectively. Thus, a conventional metallic iron aqueous system requires incorporating suggested nano-scale practices towards enhancing efficiency for affordable defluoridation achievements in future continuous system designs

    Hydrogeochemical Analysis of Water Quality Dynamics Under Anthropic Activities on the Southern Slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

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    This research article was published in the Chemistry Africa volume 5, pages 1589–1610 (2022)Water quality management requires consideration of surface water and groundwater dynamics. This study utilizes hydrogeochemical and isotopic techniques to understand anthropic influences on surface and groundwater resources in the Kikafu–Weruweru–Karanga (KWK) watershed southern slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro. The KWK watershed had two distinct characteristics, i.e., the upper region (above 1000 m.a.m.s.l) with surface water and few groundwater features and the lower part (below 1000 m.a.m.s.l) characterized by most groundwater sources and rivers. Water sampling and analysis were done between July and August 2019; multivariate statistical analysis aided the understanding of analytical findings. The results revealed NaHCO3 enrichment and Mixed CaNaHCO3 water type. The groundwater chemistry is chiefly controlled by aquifer lithology rather than anthropic activities. Stable isotopes show recharge from both regional and local rainfall as traced from the shallow wells. The levels of anthropic pollution indicators such as nitrate, chloride, and sulfate in deep wells are generally low in groundwater than in shallow wells. Anthropic activities such as irrigation, wastewater discharges and severe water abstraction confirmed significant contaminant agents at the dynamic levels. Next to geogenic releases, anthropic pollution as well is affecting groundwater quality in the aquifer. The current findings call for improved monitoring of the groundwater sources to track any changes in quality since there is a potential evolution to an undesirable state for domestic uses

    A Novel and Facile Method to Characterize the Suitability of Metallic Iron for Water Treatment

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    This research article published by MDPI, 2019Metallic iron (Fe0) materials have been industrially used for water treatment since the 1850s. There are still many fundamental challenges in affordably and reliably characterizing the Fe0 intrinsic reactivity. From the available methods, the one using Fe0 dissolution in ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA—2 mM) was demonstrated the most applicable as it uses only four affordable chemicals: Ascorbic acid, an ascorbate salt, EDTA and 1,10-Phenanthroline (Phen). A careful look at these chemicals reveals that EDTA and Phen are complexing agents for dissolved iron species. Fe3-EDTA is very stable and difficult to destabilize; ascorbic acid is one of the few appropriate reducing agents, therefore. On the other hand, the Fe2-Phen complex is so stable that oxidation by dissolved O2 is not possible. This article positively tests Fe0 (0.1 g) dissolution in 2 mM Phen (50 mL) as a characterization tool for the intrinsic reactivity, using 9 commercial steel wool (Fe0 SW) specimens as probe materials. The results are compared with those obtained by the EDTA method. The apparent iron dissolution rate in EDTA (kEDTA) and in Phen (kPhen) were such that 0.53 ≀ kEDTA (ÎŒg h−1) ≀ 4.81 and 0.07 ≀ kPhen (ÎŒg h−1) ≀ 1.30. Higher kEDTA values, relative to kPhen, are a reflection of disturbing Fe3 species originating from Fe2 oxidation by dissolved O2 and dissolution of iron corrosion products. It appears that the Phen method considers only the forward dissolution of Fe0. The Phen method is reliable and represents the most affordable approach for characterizing the suitability of Fe0 for water treatment

    Public Water Supply and Sanitation Authorities for Strategic Sustainable Domestic Water Management. A Case of Iringa Region In Tanzania

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    Water supply is a mandatory service for the majority from respective legal public water utilities, and its sustainability reflects implementations of best management strategies at a local level. The objectives of this study were (i) to assess current approaches used in water quality and quantity management and (ii) propose a sustainable domestic water management strategy. This was achieved through secondary water data trends, on-site water quality assessments, visits of water supply and sanitation authorities, and assessment of their performances. It was observed that water supplied in rural-based authorities was quite different from that supplied in an urban setting as far as quality and quantity are concerned; urban-based supplies are more affordable to users than rural ones. A new strategy on water management is presented for sustainable water supply; it is based on controlling groundwater abstractions and preference of surface water in public water supplies. Rural water supply management must learn several practices realized in urban supplies for the betterment of services for the majority of the users

    Defeating Fluorosis in the East African Rift Valley: Transforming the Kilimanjaro into a Rainwater Harvesting Park

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    The high availability of fluoride in surface and groundwater in the East African Rift Valley was documented during the colonial period. Since the early 1960s, many studies have been conducted to solve the fluorosis crisis in this region. At present, no cost-effective solution to mitigate fluoride contamination is available for the large majority of the population. This situation prompted a process analysis of commonly used technologies. Results revealed that the geochemistry of fluoride is the main problem. Fluoride is very difficult to remove from the aqueous phase. Thus, eliminating the need for technical water defluoridation is an excellent way out of the fluorosis crisis. This goal can be achieved by harvesting fluoride-free rainwater. Harvested rainwater can be mixed with naturally polluted waters in calculated proportions to obtain safe drinking water (blending). This paper presents a concept to transform the Kilimanjaro Mountains into a huge rainwater harvesting park for drinking water supply for the whole East African Rift Valley. However, blended water may contain other pollutants including pathogens that are easy to treat using low-cost methods such as metallic iron based-filters (Fe0 filters). The proposed concept is transferable to other parts of the world still enduring fluoride pollution

    Steel Wool for Water Treatment: Intrinsic Reactivity and Defluoridation Efficiency

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    Studies were undertaken to characterize the intrinsic reactivity of Fe0-bearing steel wool (Fe0 SW) materials using the ethylenediaminetetraacetate method (EDTA test). A 2 mM Na2-EDTA solution was used in batch and column leaching experiments. A total of 15 Fe0 SW specimens and one granular iron (GI) were tested in batch experiments. Column experiments were performed with four Fe0 SW of the same grade but from various suppliers and the GI. The conventional EDTA test (0.100 g Fe0, 50 mL EDTA, 96 h) protocol was modified in two manners: (i) Decreasing the experimental duration (down to 24 h) and (ii) decreasing the Fe0 mass (down to 0.01 g). Column leaching studies involved glass columns filled to 1/4 with sand, on top of which 0.50 g of Fe0 was placed. Columns were daily gravity fed with EDTA and effluent analyzed for Fe concentration. Selected reactive Fe0 SW specimens were additionally investigated for discoloration efficiency of methylene blue (MB) in shaken batch experiments (75 rpm) for two and eight weeks. The last series of experiments tested six selected Fe0 SW for water defluoridation in Fe0/sand columns. Results showed that (i) the modifications of the conventional EDTA test enabled a better characterization of Fe0 SW; (ii) after 53 leaching events the Fe0 SW showing the best kEDTA value released the lowest amount of iron; (iii) all Fe0 specimens were efficient at discoloring cationic MB after eight weeks; (iv) limited water defluoridation by all six Fe0 SW was documented. Fluoride removal in the column systems appears to be a viable tool to characterize the Fe0 long-term corrosion kinetics. Further research should include correlation of the intrinsic reactivity of SW specimens with their efficiency at removing different contaminants in water

    The Impact of Selected Pretreatment Procedures on Iron Dissolution from Metallic Iron Specimens Used in Water Treatment

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    Studies were undertaken to determine the reasons why published information regarding the efficiency of metallic iron (Fe0) for water treatment is conflicting and even confusing. The reactivity of eight Fe0 materials was characterized by Fe dissolution in a dilute solution of ethylenediaminetetraacetate (Na2⁻EDTA; 2 mM). Both batch (4 days) and column (100 days) experiments were used. A total of 30 different systems were characterized for the extent of Fe release in EDTA. The effects of Fe0 type (granular iron, iron nails and steel wool) and pretreatment procedure (socking in acetone, EDTA, H2O, HCl and NaCl for 17 h) were assessed. The results roughly show an increased iron dissolution with increasing reactive sites (decreasing particle size: wool > filings > nails), but there were large differences between materials from the same group. The main output of this work is that available results are hardly comparable as they were achieved under very different experimental conditions. A conceptual framework is presented for future research directed towards a more processed understanding

    Application of the Kilimanjaro Concept in Reversing Seawater Intrusion and Securing Water Supply in Zanzibar, Tanzania

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    This research article published by MDPI, 2021There is escalating salinity levels on small islands due to uncontrolled groundwater extraction. Conventionally, this challenge is addressed by adopting optimal groundwater pumping strategies. Currently, on Unguja Island (Zanzibar), urban freshwater is supplied by desalination, which is expensive and energy-intensive. Hence, desalinization cannot be afforded by rural communities. This study demonstrates that the innovative Kilimanjaro Concept (KC), based on rainwater harvesting (RWH) can remediate seawater intrusion in Unguja, while enabling a universal safe drinking water supply. The reasoning is rooted in the water balance of the whole island. It is shown that if rainwater is systematically harvested, quantitatively stored, and partly infiltrated, seawater intrusion will be reversed, and a universal safe drinking water supply will be secured. Water treatment with affordable technologies (e.g., filtration and adsorption) is suggested. The universality of KC and its suitability for small islands is demonstrated. Future research should focus on pilot testing of this concept on Unguja Island and other island nations

    Avoiding the Use of Exhausted Drinking Water Filters: A Filter-Clock Based on Rusting Iron

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    Efficient but affordable water treatment technologies are currently sought to solve the prevalent shortage of safe drinking water. Adsorption-based technologies are in the front-line of these efforts. Upon proper design, universally applied materials (e.g., activated carbons, bone chars, metal oxides) are able to quantitatively remove inorganic and organic pollutants as well as pathogens from water. Each water filter has a defined removal capacity and must be replaced when this capacity is exhausted. Operational experience has shown that it may be difficult to convince some low-skilled users to buy new filters after a predicted service life. This communication describes the quest to develop a filter-clock to encourage all users to change their filters after the designed service life. A brief discussion on such a filter-clock based on rusting of metallic iron (Fe0) is presented. Integrating such filter-clocks in the design of water filters is regarded as essential for safeguarding public health