1,526 research outputs found

    SOCIMI como vehículo inversor

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    Debido a la crisis inmobiliaria que hemos sufrido en los últimos años, la construcción y el precio de los inmuebles han caído con gran fuerza en nuestro país El mercado inmobiliario es un sector clave en la economía española prácticamente toda la actividad está relacionada con este sector, ya que, tanto la sociedad como el mundo empresarial depende de diferentes activos inmobiliarios en su día a día. Entre las medidas implantadas para tratar de revitalizar el sector se ha implantado la figura de los REIT que ha sido adoptada por numerosos países desarrollados. En España los bautizamos con el nombre de SOCIMI (Sociedades Anónimas Cotizadas de Inversión Inmobiliaria) son vehículos de inversión, cuya principal actividad es el alquiler de activos inmobiliarios, y que cuentan con un régimen fiscal más beneficioso que el de otras figuras. Las SOCIMI ofrecen un modelo de inversión en activos inmobiliarios más fiable que el de otras empresas del sector, gracias a los contrato de arrendamiento, los cuales generan una fuente de ingresos fija y segura anualmente a pesar de la debilidad del sector en el que operan. Este proyecto de investigación se basa en el análisis y valoración de este tipo de sociedades mercantiles, las cuales compararemos a su vez con el IBEX 35 y el BONO 10, tomando como referencia la teoría de carteras y los modelos de valoración de los activos arriesgados. Por otro lado, la parte central del trabajo teórico, consistirá en dar a conocer las características de las SOCIMI tanto como empresa como las del propio inversor de SOCIMI

    Tratamiento de capacity management e inventory management en manuales de revenue management

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    Revenue Management(RM) es una disciplina ampliamente extendida en el sector turístico relacionada con los sistemas de reservas a través de Internet, que utilizan los turistas hacer peticiones de habitaciones a hoteles, asientos de aerolíneas u otros servicios. Es una filosofía de gestión que combina gestión de capacidad, de demanda y de precios intentando conseguir constantemente la máxima rentabilidad y/o ingreso.Capacity Management(CM) es la parte de RM encargada de la gestión de la capacidad de la empresa e incluye como materias de estudio la optimización en la división de la capacidad, asignación de unidades de capacidad para la venta en cada segmento de mercado, la gestión de cancelaciones, no cumplidores (no-shows) y overbooking,además de las técnicas que permiten la obtención de valores óptimos en la gestión de capacidad y delinventario.Esta investigación se centra en los conocimientos considerados consolidados en esta materia. Se realiza un estudio de contenido de los apartados dedicados a Capacity Managementen los manuales de RM publicados a nivel nacional e internacional.Los resultados son útiles tanto para investigadores como profesionales.Revenue Management (RM) is a widespread discipline in the tourism sector which is related to booking systems typically used by customers in order to check availability or to book hotel rooms, flight seats or other services through the Internet. RM is a philosophy for business management thatcombines capacity, demand and price management aiming either for the maximum profitability or revenue throughout time.Capacity Management (CM) is the section of RM in charge of handling with the capacity of the company. It includes, as fields of study, the optimization of capacity division, the allocation of capacity units for sale to the various market segments as well as dealing with cancellations, no-shows and overbooking. It also takes into consideration the necessary techniques to obtain optimal values in capacity management and inventory management.The present research focuses on the study of the knowledge considered to be consolidated in this field. For this purpose, a study of the contents devoted to CM included in both national and international RM handbooks will be carried out. The results presented are of special utility for both researchers and professional

    El capital social: desarrollo y efectos en conocimiento compartido y bienestar psicológico

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    La presente tesis doctoral lleva por título: “El capital social: desarrollo y efectos en el conocimiento compartido y el bienestar psicológico”. La investigación realizada para la misma se estructura en tres trabajos interconectados. El primero de ellos tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura académica reciente sobre dirección de empresas, centrada en el capital social. En este trabajo se busca destacar las principales contribuciones hasta el momento, la evolución temporal y el estado del arte de la investigación sobre capital social, pero sobre todo, poner de manifiesto los debates y cuestiones aún abiertos que demandan una mayor investigación. Entre los resultados de este primer trabajo cabe destacar la ausencia de “microfundamentos” del capital social (Foss, 2010), la necesidad de generar medidas y escalas de medición (Whan et al., 2014), y de unificar terminología y conceptos (Adler & Kwon, 2002; Li, 2007). Además, se identifican diversas variables que requieren una mayor investigación, como la diversidad, el altruismo, el conflicto, o la identidad. El segundo trabajo realiza una aproximación eminentemente cualitativa al fenómeno del capital social en una red profesional: la red de Professional Women Network (PWN) - Madrid. Con un estudio de caso, se abordan algunos de los temas resaltados en el anterior trabajo. En concreto, se intenta comprender los “microfundamentos” del capital social en esta red profesional de mujeres, y se desarrollan instrumentos de medición apropiados para un posterior estudio cuantitativo. Los resultados de este segundo trabajo destacan que compartir valores, metas y objetivos genera entendimiento y favorece las relaciones sociales. Y que la satisfacción personal y el bienestar psicológico constituyen un beneficio derivado de participar en las relaciones y compartir conocimiento. El tercer trabajo de la tesis se centra en el desarrollo del capital social y sus beneficios para la trasferencia de conocimiento y el bienestar social. A partir de un cuestionario enviado al conjunto de la red de PWN, y mediante la utilización de análisis factorial y regresión lineal múltiple, se someten a contraste un conjunto de hipótesis que plantean dos novedades destacables para la investigación sobre el capital social desde el ámbito de la dirección de empresas: la influencia de la dirección intergrupos en el desarrollo del capital social, y los efectos del mismo en el bienestar psicológico de los individuos..

    Functional and molecular characterization of inherited platelet disorders in the Iberian Peninsula: results from a collaborative study

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    12 p.-6 tab. Sánchez-Guiu et al.[Background] The diagnostic evaluation of inherited platelet disorders (IPDs) is complicated and time-consuming, resulting in a relevant number of undiagnosed and incorrectly classified patients. In order to evaluate the spectrum of IPDs in individuals with clinical suspicion of these disorders, and to provide a diagnostic tool to centers not having access to specific platelets studies, we established the project “Functional and Molecular Characterization of Patients with Inherited Platelet Disorders” under the scientific sponsorship of the Spanish Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis.[Patients/methods] Subjects were patients from a prospective cohort of individuals referred for clinical suspicion of IPDs as well as healthy controls. Functional studies included light transmission aggregation, flow cytometry, and when indicated, Western-blot analysis of platelet glycoproteins, and clot retraction analysis. Genetic analysis was mainly performed by sequencing of coding regions and proximal regulatory regions of the genes of interest.[Results] Of the 70 cases referred for study, we functionally and molecularly characterized 12 patients with Glanzmann Thrombasthenia, 8 patients with Bernard Soulier syndrome, and 8 with other forms of IPDs. Twelve novel mutations were identified among these patients. The systematic study of patients revealed that almost one-third of patients had been previously misdiagnosed.[Conclusions] Our study provides a global picture of the current limitations and access to the diagnosis of IPDs, identifies and confirms new genetic variants that cause these disorders, and emphasizes the need of creating reference centers that can help health care providers in the recognition of these defects.Research of the authors’ group is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII, PI10/02594), RECAVA RD12/0042/0050(ISCIII and FEDER), and Fundación Séneca (07703/GERM/07). ISG holds a fellowship from ISCIII (FI10/00535). CGM is supported by the Spanish Plan of Research & Development (BFU2010-15237).Peer reviewe

    Mujeres rurales en movimiento : sociografía del asociacionismo de mujeres en la provincia de Granada

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    Las asociaciones de mujeres constituyen un importante actor del tercer sector, articulando nuevas formas de organización social y de participación de las mujeres en el ámbito público, adquiriendo un creciente protagonismo en el espacio rural. Este estudio pretende caracterizar el asociacionismo femenino en la provincia de Granada, provincia andaluza donde se registra mayor concentración de este tipo de organizaciones. La metodología se ha basado en la encuesta telefónica, entrevistando a representantes de 202 asociaciones de mujeres. En este trabajo se identifica y analiza: i) la incidencia, volumen y distribución de las asociaciones de mujeres en la provincia; ii) los objetivos, actividades y ámbitos de actuación; iii) la estructura, recursos y funcionamiento interno; y, por último, iv) las principales limitaciones y retos a los que se enfrentan hoy por hoy estas asociaciones

    Studying in a Pandemic: Analysing the Effects of Online University Teaching Using Photovoice

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the effects of online teaching in the context of a pandemic on the experiences of university students at the Universidad de Granada (Spain). For this purpose, the photovoice method was applied, adapted to the online context, and performing a qualitative analysis of text and image material collected. Socioeconomic, gender and geographical origin differences were addressed. A total of 99 students from three undergraduate degree courses and two different academic years participated in the research. The main results indicate that the key effects of online teaching in a pandemic have fundamentally impacted three key aspects: the structural conditions of study and work organisation strategies, the teaching-learning process, and the emotional well-being of students. The greatest difficulties have resulted from the destructuring of learning times and spaces, the lack of places and resources to study, the isolation and depersonalisation of the teaching process, the intensification of their workload, and the lack of adaptation of teaching methodologies. However, positive aspects such as learning new resources, cost savings and flexibility in learning are also highlighted

    Identification and selection of potential sites for onshore wind farms development in Region of Murcia, Spain

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    It is often advisable to combine spatial representation tools such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with Multi criteria Decision Making Methods (MCDM) when solving location complex problems. The current case refers to the search for and selection of sites for onshore wind farms on the coast of the Region of Murcia, in the southeast of Spain. When resolving the proposed problem, the legal restrictions and the criteria (wind speed, area, slope, etc.) that influence the location will be considered. These will be defined in the form of thematic layers that will be entered into the GIS. Restrictions will be imposed taking into account the legislative framework of the study area so that, through their analysis and editing, it will be possible to reduce the initial area and obtain suitable sites where this type of facilities can be installed. Moreover, as the objective of the study is to select the locations and obtain a ranking two different models will be applied, initially a categorical assessment through a lexicographic order will be performed using the tools available in the GIS and, later it will be applied the ELECTRE-TRI methodology will be applied in order to make a comparison between the methods.This work is partially supported by FEDER funds, the DGICYT and Junta de Andalucía under projects TIN2011-27696-C02-01 and P11-TIC-8001, respectively

    Formulation of Protein-Rich Chocolate Chip Cookies Using Cricket (Acheta domesticus) Powder

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    In theWestern world, the successful introduction of insect consumption may need awareness of insect ingredient benefits, and consumers’ anticipation of insect-based foods with sensory quality is crucial. The objective of this study was to develop protein-rich nutritional chocolate chip cookies (CCC) from cricket powder (CP) and analyze their physicochemical, liking, emotions, purchase intent, and sensory properties. The CP additions levels were 0%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10%. Chemical composition, physicochemical, and functional properties were analyzed using individual and mixed CP and wheat flour (WF). The proximate composition of CP mainly consisted of ash (3.9%), fat (13.4%), and protein (60.7%). In vitro protein digestibility of CP was 85.7%, whereas the essential amino acid score was 0.82. The CP inclusion significantly impacted the WF functional and rheological properties in all given incorporation levels in flour blends and doughs. The incorporation of CP produced darker and softer CCC, resulting from the effect of the CP protein. Adding 5% of CP did not impact the sensory attributes. Purchase intent and liking improved by using 5% of CP after panelists had revealed the beneficial information regarding CP. Concerning emotion terms, “happy” and “satisfied” significantly decreased while the negative emotion term “disgusted” increased among the highest CP substitute levels (7.5% and 10%) after beneficial information. Overall liking, flavor linking, education, consumption intent, gender, age, and positive emotion term “happy” were significantly assertive predictors affecting purchase intent.Hatch fund at Universidad National de Agriculture AL-UNAG-028-202

    A fuzzy DEA slacks-based approach

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    This paper deals with the problem of efficiency assessment using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) when the input and output data are given as fuzzy sets. In particular, a fuzzy extension of the measure of inefficiency proportions, a well-known slacks-based additive inefficiency measure, is considered. The proposed approach also provides fuzzy input and output targets. Computational experiences and comparison with other fuzzy DEA approaches are reported.The first author was partially supported by the research project MTM2017-89577-P (MINECO, Spain). The second author was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, grant AYA2016-75931-C2-1-P and from the Consejería de Educación y Ciencia, Spain (Junta de Andalucía, reference TIC-101). The third author acknowledges the financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, grant PGC2018-095786-B-I00

    A Novel Slacks-Based Interval DEA Model and Application

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    This paper proposes a novel slacks-based interval DEA approach that computes interval targets, slacks, and crisp inefficiency scores. It uses interval arithmetic and requires solving a mixedinteger linear program. The corresponding super-efficiency formulation to discriminate among the efficient units is also presented. We also provide a case study of its application to sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean region, assessing the sustainable tourism efficiency of twelve Mediterranean regions to validate the proposed approach. The inputs and outputs cover the three sustainability dimensions and include GHG emissions as an undesirable output. Three regions were found to be inefficient, and the corresponding inputs and output improvements were computed. A total rank of the regions was also obtained using the super-efficiency model