206 research outputs found


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    Executive Summary: NM Highlights: State fair cancelled. Phase 2 reopening stalls. Fewer New Mexicans staying home. ABQ July 4 celebration plan. NM case update. US Highlights: Family members infected following surprise birthday party. New cases spike in Texas due to early reopening of bars. International Highlights: 50% in Austria ski resort have antibodies. Economics, Workforce, Supply Chain, PPE: Why people do not wear masks. Mask filtration efficiencies compared. Masks worn incorrectly. Ultraviolet-based biophotonic technologies. Improved mask designs. Mask wearing controversy. Epidemiology Highlights: Contamination through air flow paths. Contamination of wastewater circulation. Healthcare Policy Recommendations: Moralizing COVID-19 mitigation practices contributes to social polarization. Misperception of exponential infection growth by Americans is common but can be corrected. Adjust quarantine plans for the findings that older patients might have a longer incubation period. Hazards of school reopening in European countries with high transmission rates. Practice Guidelines: Several Brazilian recommendations are published on managing lung cancer, performing laparoscopic surgery, and breastfeeding. Guidelines are provided and managing gynecological cancer. Testing: Test accessibility, frequency and speed of reporting matters more than sensitivity. Prolonged shedding of SARS-CoV-2. Sensitivity of nasopharyngeal and swabs testing. Testing algorithm for essential workers. Drugs, Vaccines, Therapies, Clinical Trials: dexamethasone trial preprint criticized, smallpox-based COVID-19 vaccine, 27 new clinical trials. Other Science: Pandemic sees increased alcohol consumption. Charlson Comorbidity Index predicts poor outcomes. CT features associated with severity. Immune-inflammatory tests associated with severity. Hepatic complications


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    Executive Summary: NM Highlights: NM case count. Navajo Nation case update. Largest COVID-19 surge in Taos. ABQ BioPark to reopen. NM public schools reopening plan. NM unemployment claims. Rise in domestic and sexual abuse. US Highlights: Protests inspire fear of surge. Trump withdraws from WHO. Last aid bill. No new NY patients. ICE detainees sick. International Highlights: South Korea schools close. Undercounting in Russia. South African overburdened health care system. Economics, Workforce, Supply Chain, PPE: Reusable protection system. Protective household products. Longterm economic challenges. Epidemiology Highlights: Estimate virus reproduction numbers. Hypertension & cardiovascular disease impact on mortality. Gastrointestinal manifestations. Healthcare Policy Recommendations: Immunity passports are bad idea. Evaluation of hand WHO-recommended products. Opioid use-related challenges of COVID-19 management. Practice Guidelines: NICE guidelines on COVID-19 and acute kidney injury. Example of rapid conversion of an outpatient psychiatric hospital to a virtual telepsychiatry clinic. JAMA recommendations on conducting and reporting COVID-19 clinical research. Testing: Comparison of 4 antigen tests. Validation of antibody assays. Drugs, Vaccines, Therapies, Clinical Trials: Encouraging results of Ruxolitinib phase II RCT. Benefits of adjunctive herbal medicine. Potential inhibitors of viral protease screened. Anticoagulation alone is unlikely to protect from COVID-19 related morbidity and mortality. Open access database Covid19db for COVID-19 drugs. 49 new trials registered. Other Science: COVID-19 collateral damage. Telomere length and COVID-19 outcomes. Wastewater RNA early warning. Neurologic manifestation review. MRI reveals predominant anosmia cases. Self-quarantine weight gain. Immunosuppression vs. cytokine storm. Combatting misinformation


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    Executive Summary: NM Highlights: NM case updates. Tribal outreach campaign. Santa Fe firefighters support first responders. US Highlights: COVID-19 hospitalizations rise in Texas. US retail sales up in May. Projected COVID-19 deaths in US. International Highlights: COVID-19 prevention and control in Africa. COVID-19 response and challenge in Africa. Epidemiology Highlights: Herd immunity in Europe. Social distance measures effects. Modeling infections in India. Fecal analysis. Wastewater-based Epidemiology Consortium. Healthcare Policy Recommendations: Public health approach to lockdown debate. All of Us Program adds new COVID-19 initiatives. Practice Guidelines: Guidelines are reviewed on urology care. IBD endoscopy. Convalescent plasma use. Testing: Patient predictors of risk for positive COVID-19 test are reported and an online risk calculator is now available. Drugs, Vaccines, Therapies, Clinical Trials: Steroid dexamethasone reduces 28-day mortality by 1/3. Research links ‘inflamm-aging’ and cytokine storm in elderly. Cancer drug may reduce severe COVID-19. 48 new trials registered. Other Science: Postpone surgery. Proteins predict outcomes. Neurologic manifestations. Thromboembolic risk. Zoonotic transmission. Liver failure. Cardiac complications


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    Executive Summary: NM Highlights: Dr. Scrase on-line briefing. NM cases. Campgrounds closed through July 4th. Otero prison reports. Navajo nation’s first police dies. Santa Fe cancels 4th July fireworks. Face coverings donated. NM infection rate drops. US Highlights: AZ Governor issues Exec Order. Economics, Workforce, Supply Chain, PPE: Epidemiology Highlights: Reopening hospitals metric. Comparison of mask effectiveness. Private practices suffer. Healthcare Policy Recommendations: Maternal mortality. Practice Guidelines: Recommendations on hepatobiliary surgery and neonate management. Drugs, Vaccines, Therapies, Clinical Trials: Animal studies generate new vaccine candidates and vaccine platform. 16 new clinical trials registered. Other Science: Respiratory secretions detected by trained dogs. MRI findings show brain lesions in non-survivors. Healthy blood vessels may protect children. Meta-analysis on pneumonia severity. Smoking and COVID-19 severity meta-analysis


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    Executive Summary: NM Highlights: Governor update. NM schools reopening. Parents split on allowing kids play sports. Santa Fe streets closure. Paid leave for ABQ businesses. 207 cases and 5 deaths. International Highlights: 9% HCW positive in Italy. Australian lessons. Economics, Workforce, Supply Chain, PPE: Plan for return to normalcy. Mask cleaning. Epidemiology Highlights: US years of life lost high. Fever and cough most prevalent symptoms. Hypertension and diabetes most prevalent comorbidities. Hypertension, diabetes and respiratory disease most prevalent in fatal cases. Practice Guidelines: Brazilian guidelines on thromboembolic complications in COVID-19. Novel design of door handle to touch with a forearm. Drugs, Vaccines, Therapies, Clinical Trials: Potential dexamethasone shortage. Arbidol potentially effective. Pixatimod promising. In-silico repurposing. 51 new COVID-19 trials. Other Science: Transmission prior to symptoms. Solar inactivation of coronaviruses. Risk factors for severity. Laboratory tests associated with outcomes


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    Executive Summary: NM Highlights: Navajo Nation to end weekend curfew. NM case count. Navajo Nation case updates. Food distribution by PepsiCo. APS to get funding. US Highlights: 5 vaccine candidates. Arizona’s increased cases. Some states postpone primaries. Pork plant infections. Economics, Workforce, Supply Chain, PPE: Impact on global supply chains. Residency selection process disrupted. Facemask filtration efficiency. Resources for underserved countries. Epidemiology Highlights: Morbidity and mortality in Africa. Healthcare Policy Recommendations: Need for social distancing. Psychological support guide. Return to work guidelines. Practice Guidelines: Anesthesia recommendations for ECT. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation outcomes. Testing: Roche Elecsys IL-6 test is authorized by FDA to identify severe inflammatory response. Drugs, Vaccines, Therapies, Clinical Trials: HCQ RCT does not show disease prevention. Lancet HCQ study retraction. Adjunctive convalescent plasma did not show clinical improvement. Mixed remdesivir results. Virtual drug screening. Heparin improved survival. Moderna phase 3. Skin science for vaccine development. ECMO therapy. 48 new clinical trials. Other Science: Androgens and poor male outcomes. Trust in science enhances prevention compliance. High VTE prevalence in critically ill


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    Executive Summary: NM Highlights: NM cases update. ABQ nursing home hit hard. UNM student family housing closure. White Sands National Park reopening. 52% of federal COVID-19 relief money for tribal communities. Bill signed to help NM taxpayers. US Highlights: Polarization of political elite response on Twitter. International Highlights: China’s military to use Ad5-nCoV vaccine in trials. Economics, Workforce, Supply Chain, PPE: Decontaminate N95 respirators using a microwave. Epidemiology Highlights: Mask-wearing prevents transmission. Face-masks associated with Italy’s declining epidemic. Healthcare Policy Recommendations: Social distancing reassessed? Lessons learned from previous pandemics. Digital tools against COVID-19. Investigating cultural and psychological factors to reduce spread. Practice Guidelines: Preserving couple relationships during COVID-19. Testing: No difference in viral load between symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals. A new fast point-of-care virus detection test. Few patient serum samples have virus RNA (at low viral load) and these are not associated with infectious disease. Symptoms and temperature reports are informative to screen health care workers. Drugs, Vaccines, Therapies, Clinical Trials: 37 new trials registered June 29-30. Other Science: Multisystem pediatric inflammatory syndrome. Hazardous postoperative outcomes. Childhood immunization in Africa. Citizen science and protein folding


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    Executive Summary: Daily NM Recap. Stimulus checks. Whitehouse reopening guidelines. Increased suicide calls. Commentary on COVID and African Americans. NYC ventilation rate. 300K African deaths predicted. Thai horse virus outbreak. Europe eases lockdown. UK vaccine research. Chinese death undercount. Biosafety breaches. General wearing of masks. PPE for emergency physician. FDA approves safer swabs. Mental health lockdown impact. Intermittent social distancing. Undetected US cases. NYC hospitalization characteristics. Adapting veterinary surveillance. Infectious disease” hospital. NIH vaccine and treatment partnership. Repurposing anesthetic machines as ventilators. Guidance for psychiatrists. Elective surgery risk stratification. Hemodialysis facility. Pathologist on IgG/M tests. Abnormal coagulation and ECMO. Paramedic guidance. Dialysis and transplants. Critically ill management. GI guidance. Otorhinolaryngology head & neck surgery. Emergency nursing management. Lung surgery. Metabolic & bariatric surgery. Convalescent plasma therapy effectiveness. Potential antivirals. UK testing. Spike proteins for potential vaccine. Cytokines suggest IL-6 antagonist treatments. Mental health messaging. $483 million for mRNA-1273 vaccine trial. WHO unsure about antibody protection. Complications for IBD. Hospitalizations characterized. Social distancing and personality. Digital COVID-19 literature database available


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    Executive Summary: NM Highlights: Balloon Fiesta postponed. Robot to sanitize ABQ International Sunport. NMSU plan for fall 2020. NM public schools reopening plan. Fewer hospitalizations for COVID-19. NM case update. US Highlights: Visa restrictions. International Highlights: Second wave in South Korea. Epidemiology: Lockdown can suppress COVID-19. Case fatality rate associated with incidence. Predictors of ICU care and ventilators. Anxiety and depression from COVID-19. Asymptomatic patients as source of infection. Heterogeneous populations affect herd immunity. Healthcare Policy Recommendations: New FDA guidance on clinical trials conduct. Practice Guidelines: The guidelines are provided on COVID-19 diagnostics (Infectious Diseases Society of America), respiratory support for COVID-19 patients and optimizing mental care delivery during COVID-19 pandemic. Drugs, Vaccines, Therapies, Clinical Trials: Antithrombotic therapy systematic review. Drug repurposing. 58 new trials. Other Science: Safety of antihypertensives (ACEs and ARBs). Low testosterone linked to escalation of care. Neurological findings and hypercoagulability