262 research outputs found

    Scaling Properties of the Probability Distribution of Lattice Gribov Copies

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    We study the problem of the Landau gauge fixing in the case of the SU(2) lattice gauge theory. We show that the probability to find a lattice Gribov copy increases considerably when the physical size of the lattice exceeds some critical value ≈2.75/σ\approx2.75/\sqrt{\sigma}, almost independent of the lattice spacing. The impact of the choice of the copy on Green functions is presented. We confirm that the ghost propagator depends on the choice of the copy, this dependence decreasing for increasing volumes above the critical one. The gluon propagator as well as the gluonic three-point functions are insensitive to choice of the copy (within present statistical errors). Finally we show that gauge copies which have the same value of the minimisation functional (∫d4x(Aμa)2\int d^4x (A^a_\mu)^2) are equivalent, up to a global gauge transformation, and yield the same Green functions.Comment: replaced with revised version; 23 pages, 7 figures, 27 table

    New bounds on neutrino magnetic moment and re-examination of plasma effect in neutrino spin light

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    Recent discussion on the possibility to obtain more stringent bounds on neutrino magnetic moment has stimulated new interest to possible effects induced by neutrino magnetic moment. In particular, in this note after a short review on neutrino magnetic moment we re-examine the effect of plasmon mass on neutrino spin light radiation in dense matter. We track the entry of the plasmon mass quantity in process characteristics and found out that the most substantial role it plays is the formation of the process threshold. It is shown that far from this point the plasmon mass can be omitted in all the corresponding physical quantities and one can rely on the results of massless photon spin light radiation theory in matter.Comment: to appear in Nuovo Cimento 35 C, No. 1, 2012 (based on the talk presented at the 25th Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee d'Aoste on "Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics", La Thuile, February 27 - March 5, 201

    Non-Perturbative Approach to the Landau Gauge Gluodynamics

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    We discuss a non-perturbative lattice calculation of the ghost and gluon propagators in the pure Yang-Mills theory in Landau gauge. The ultraviolet behaviour is checked up to NNNLO yielding the value \Lambda^{n_f=0}_{\ms}=269(5)^{+12}_{-9}\text{MeV}, and we show that lattice Green functions satisfy the complete Schwinger-Dyson equation for the ghost propagator for all considered momenta. The study of the above propagators at small momenta showed that the infrared divergence of the ghost propagator is enhanced, whereas the gluon propagator seem to remain finite and non-zero. The result for the ghost propagator is consistent with the analysis of the Slavnov-Taylor identity, whereas, according to this analysis, the gluon propagator should diverge in the infrared, a result at odds with other approaches.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the workshop "Hadron Structure and QCD: from LOW to HIGH energies" (St. Petersburg, Russia, 20-24 September 2005

    Asymptotic behavior of the ghost propagator in SU3 lattice gauge theory

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    We study the asymptotic behavior of the ghost propagator in the quenched SU(3) lattice gauge theory with Wilson action. The study is performed on lattices with a physical volume fixed around 1.6 fm and different lattice spacings: 0.100 fm, 0.070 fm and 0.055 fm. We implement an efficient algorithm for computing the Faddeev-Popov operator on the lattice. We are able to extrapolate the lattice data for the ghost propagator towards the continuum and to show that the extrapolated data on each lattice can be described up to four-loop perturbation theory from 2.0 GeV to 6.0 GeV. The three-loop values are consistent with those extracted from previous perturbative studies of the gluon propagator. However the effective \Lambda_{\ms} scale which reproduces the data does depend strongly upon the order of perturbation theory and on the renormalization scheme used in the parametrization. We show how the truncation of the perturbative series can account for the magnitude of the dependency in this energy range. The contribution of non-perturbative corrections will be discussed elsewhere.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure
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