30 research outputs found

    Al₂O₃-Ni Composites with High Strength and Fracture Toughness

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    Al2O3-Ni composites were prepared by the reactive hot pressing of Al and NiO. The composites had a two-phase, interpenetrating microstructure and contained ∼35 vol% Ni. They exhibited an impressively high combination of strength and toughness at room temperature; the four-point bending strength was in excess of 600 MPa with a fracture toughness of more than 12 MPa·m1/2. Examination of fracture surfaces showed that Ni ligaments underwent ductile deformation during fracture. SEM analysis revealed knife-edged Ni ligaments with a limited amount of debonding around their periphery (i.e., at the Ni-Al2O3 interface), indicating a strong Ni-Al2O3 bond

    Ceramic-metal and Ceramic-intermetallic Composites by Reactive Processing

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    Ceramic-metal and ceramic-intermetallic composites were prepared by reactive hot pressing. The ceramic to metal ratio of each composition was set by the stoichiometry of a thermodynamically favorable displacement reaction. The powder mixing method and the heating rate during hot pressing were found to have a profound influence on the final microstructure and properties of hot pressed composites. The best composites, judged by mechanical properties, were produced by hot pressing attrition milled precursors using l°C/min heating rates. The four-point bend strength, fracture toughness, Young\u27s modulus, and hardness were measured for Al2O3-MoSi2, Al2O3-Ni, and Al2O3-Nb composites

    Reactive Hot Pressing of Alumina-molybdenum Disilicide Composites

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    Al2O3-MoSi2 composites were prepared by reactive hot pressing using molybdenum, aluminum, and mullite powders as precursors. The Gibbs free energy was highly negative for the composite-forming reaction, which indicated that the products were stable relative to the reactants. After the reaction, the composites had high relative density, ∼96%. Based on the composite-forming reaction, the composites should have contained 18 vol% MoSi2 in an Al2O3 matrix. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the MoSi2 inclusions were elongated, with an average thickness of ∼5 μm and inclusion lengths that ranged from 5 to 50 μm. Average composite strength was 467 MPa, and toughness was 3.7 MPa·m1/2

    Strength and Toughness of Ceramic-metal Composites Prepared by Reactive Hot Pressing

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    Metal-reinforced A1203-matrix composites were prepared using reactive hot pressing. The volume fraction of the reinforcing phase was controlled by the stoichiometry of the particular displacement reaction used. Dense Al2O3-Ni and Al2O3-Nb composites were fabricated using this technique. The best combination of strength, 610 MPa, and toughness, 12 MPam1/2, was found for the Al2O3-Ni composites. Indentation cracks and fracture surfaces showed evidence of ductile deformation of the Ni phase. The Al2O3-Nb composites had high strength, but the toughness was lower than expected due to the poor bonding between the Nb and Al2O3 phases

    Reactive Processing, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties of Al₂O₃-MoSi₂ Composites

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    Composites of Al2O3 and Mo intermetallic compounds, specifically MoSi2, Mo(Si,Al)2, and Mo3Al8, were fabricated from Mo-Al-aluminosilicate powder mixtures by reactive hot pressing. The ceramic-to-intermetallic ratio and the composition of the intermetallic phase were varied systematically by controlling the molar ratio of the reactant powders or by using different aluminosilicate precursors. Composite microstructures were characterized by scanning electron microscopy. Mechanical behavior was evaluated by determining 4-point bend strength, Young\u27s modulus, hardness, and coefficient of thermal expansion

    Reactive Metal Brazing of Aluminum Nitride

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    The addition of titanium to eutectic braze compositions causes these alloys to readily wet and bond to AlN ceramics. Electron microscopic characterizations of the metal-ceramic interfaces reveal the presence of TiN, along with other Ti- and Al-containing phases. The formation of such interfacial reaction products is an additional thermodynamic driving force for the creation of useful metal-ceramic bonds