365 research outputs found

    Reoperation for persistent or recurrent secondary hyperparathyroidism

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    Background: Secondary hyperparathyroidism is a common acquired disorder seen in chronic renal failure. Its pathophysiology is mainly due to hyperphosphatemia and vitamin D deficiency and resistance. When medical treatment fails, subtotal and total parathyroidectomy with autotransplantation are the standard procedures, although both are associated with high recurrence rates.Methods and Results: 4 patients experienced persistence and 9 relapse. The first 4 were subjected to reoperation after 6 months for the persistence of symptoms due to the finding of a supernumerary adenomatous gland while the remaining patients at the reoperation showed in 5 cases 2 more glands in over thymic position, and 4 an hyperplasia of the residual glandular tissue. A classic cervicotomy was sufficient to remove the residual parathyroid in patients with persistent hyperparathyroidism. For cases of recurrent hyperparathyroidism it was enough a medial approach and sometimes lateral for the complete excision of the hyperplastic tissue. The advent of the intraoperative technique of parathyroid hormone dosage allowed a better performance of the surgical technique for the last 3 patients undergoing reoperation. After reoperation all patients had immediate regression of clinical symptoms with normalization of serum calcium and PTH levels. Conclusions: On the basis of these considerations, diagnostic imaging has a not negligible role because during the first intervention helps to have an idea of the possible location of the glands and thus to avoid the risk of recurrence and relapse due to ectopic or supernumerary tissue

    Current strategies for tracheal replacement: A review

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    Airway cancers have been increasing in recent years. Tracheal resection is commonly performed during surgery and is burdened from post-operative complications severely affecting quality of life. Tracheal resection is usually carried out in primary tracheal tumors or other neoplasms of the neck region. Regenerative medicine for tracheal replacement using bio-prosthesis is under current research. In recent years, attempts were made to replace and transplant human cadaver trachea. An effective vascular supply is fundamental for a successful tracheal transplantation. The use of biological scaffolds derived from decellularized tissues has the advantage of a three-dimensional structure based on the native extracellular matrix promoting the perfusion, vascularization, and differentiation of the seeded cell typologies. By appropriately modulating some experimental parameters, it is possible to change the characteristics of the surface. The obtained membranes could theoretically be affixed to a decellularized tissue, but, in practice, it needs to ensure adhesion to the biological substrate and/or glue adhesion with biocompatible glues. It is also known that many of the biocompatible glues can be toxic or poorly tolerated and induce inflammatory phenomena or rejection. In tissue and organ transplants, decellularized tissues must not produce adverse immunological reactions and lead to rejection phenomena; at the same time, the transplant tissue must retain the mechanical properties of the original tissue. This review describes the attempts so far developed and the current lines of research in the field of tracheal replacement

    Video-assisted two-stage basilic vein transposition for creation of brachio-basilic arteriovenous fistulae

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    We report our experience in a mixed minimally-in- vasive technique for the two-stage transposition of basilic vein on a small series of eight patients. The operative tech- nique consisted of a modified endoscopic (1) approach for the two-stage transposition (2). The intervention was performed under Brachial Plexus Block (3)

    The influence of some dietary components on intestinal microbiota

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    The gut microbiota is the set of symbiotic microorganisms that resides in our intestine. The interaction between the gut microbiota and the mucosal immune system can be altered as a result of shifts in the composition or metabolic activity of the intestinal microflora. Recent studies establish that diet is one of the main involved factors in determining the microbial composition of the gut suggesting its role as external factor able to promote the onset of specific diseases by disrupting the immune homeostasis. Starting from the evidence that the 57% of the gut microbiota’s entire variation are due to dietary alterations this review aims at providing an overview of the positive impact of some dietary components on gut microbiota composition


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    The term "probiotic" comes from the greek "pro bios" and means "pro life": Nowadays, an increasing number of pharmaceutical preparations and functional foods are enriched with probiotics and for the patients it is increasingly important to receive information needed to know how to orient in the choice. The benefits from probiotics are many and include the modulation of the intestinal microflora (stimulation of beneficial bacteria and inhibition of pathogens), the support of bowel function and the stimulation of the immune system. This broad spectrum of beneficial effects to maintain efficient the intestinal ecosystem. Therefore, probiotics are an useful tool to prevent the formation of disorders and/or pathologies. The aim of this review is to describe the intestinal ecosystem and how probiotics could be effective in the treatment and prevention of possible alterations

    The accuracy of sentinel lymph-node biopsy in breast cancer after previous excisional biopsy

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    Scopo: La biopsia del linfonodo sentinella (BLS) nel carcinoma della mammella con linfonodi ascellari clinicamente negativi \ue8 considerato la migliore scelta per stadiare il cavo ascellare. Inizialmente una precedente biopsia escissionale del carcinoma era considerata una controindicazione. Esaminiamo il tasso di successo della BLS e la incidenza della recidiva a livello ascellare in pazienti con carcinoma della mammella precedentemente sottoposti a biopsia escissionale del tumore. Pazienti e metodi: 858 pazienti con carcinoma della mammella sono stati sottoposti a BLS e i pazienti con linfonodi sentinella metastatici a svuotamento del cavo ascellare; 82 pazienti erano stati sottoposti precedentemente a biopsia escissionale del tumore. Risultati: Il linfonodo sentinella \ue8 stato identificato nel 100% dei casi, \ue8 risultato indenne nel 74,4% e metastatico nel 23,1%. La dissezione del cavo ascellare \ue8 stata effettuata in tutti i casi con linfonodi sentinella metastatici e nel 74% dei casi non si sono ritrovati altri linfonodi ascellari metastatici. Il follow-up mediano \ue8 stato di 63,5 mesi e non si sono osservate recidive ascellari. Conclusioni: L\u2019accuratezza del BLS in pazienti con carcinoma della mammella sottoposte precedentemente a biopsia escissionale \ue8 uguale a quella dei pazienti non sottoposti a biopsia.Aim: Sentinel node biopsy (SLNB) is considered to be the standard of care for staging the axilla in clinically node-negative women with breast cancer. A previous breast excisional biopsy has been considered a contraindication to the use of SLNB.We examined the success rate of SLN localization and then the evaluation of the incidence of axillary relapse in patients with breast cancer undergoing excisional biopsy. Patients and Methods: 858 patients with breast carcinoma underwent a SLNB and only positive sentinel nodes were submitted to axillary dissection; 82 patients had undergone an excisional biopsy before. Results: The sentinel node was identified in 100% of cases, it was negative in 74.4% and positive in 23.1%. Complete axillary dissection was performed in all positive cases, and in 74% of cases no other positive nodes were found. The follow-up median was 63.5 months and no axillary recurrence was observed. Conclusions: SLNB accuracy in breast cancer patients who have previously undergone excisional biopsy is comparable with that in patients undergoing no excisional biopsy, so that it may be considered a standard procedure

    Feeding the brain: the importance of nutrients for brain functions and health

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    \u2018We are what we eat\u2019, said the philosopher Feuerbach. In fact, the quality of the food we eat affects our mind as well: the brain, which represents 2% of our body weight, consumes about 20% of the calories we eat each day. Follow a few rules could therefore help to feed properly our brain, so it works to the best of its ability. It is important to know properties of foods especially regarding their aminoacidic composition because aminoacids are components of neurotransmitters, molecules needed for brain transmission and function. It is also possible to choose specific food to prevent or support different diseases that affects nervous system

    Intraoperative measurement of parathyroid hormone: A Copernican revolution in the surgical treatment of hyperparathyroidism

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    Intraoperative parathyroid hormone (PTH) monitoring in the setting of the operating room represents a valuable example of the rationale use of the laboratory diagnostic in a patient-oriented approach. Rapid intraoperative PTH (ioPTH) assay is a valid tool for an accurate evaluation of the success of parathyroid surgery. The reliability of the user-friendly portable systems as well as the collaboration between operators and surgical staff allow the one-site monitoring of the ioPTH decrements on the course of the surgical management of hyperparathyroidism.The rapid answer provided by an effective decrement of PTH during parathyroidectomy contributes dramatically to the efficacy of parathyroid surgery and the reduction of the number of re-operations. Therefore the dose of ioPTH is a valid and reliable support for the success of the intervention of parathyroidectomy at controlled costs

    Perceived need for an International Elective Experience among Italian Medical Residents.

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    In the contemporary society an International Health Elective (IHE) represents a strategic tool in order to implement future medical doctor\u2019s education. In Italy, in the last decade, an increasing interest of trainees and residents to IHE and opportunities was documented and supported by the reorganization of the Italian residency programs, provided by the Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR). Aim of the present study was to collect data on perceived need of medical residents for an IHE. A structured questionnaire was developed and administered to medical residents of Palermo\u2019s University who underwent their annual visit to the Occupational Health Physician Ambulatory (OHPA) of Palermo\u2019s University Hospital, in the period between March and October 2011. Medical residents more prone to undergo an IHE were, younger than 29 years old (p <0.01), attending the new educational system (p 0.02) and surgical residents (p= 0.0001). A negative opinion about the formative quality performances of the residency program was significantly associated with surgical residencies (p= 0.002). Future Italian surgeons are more prone to undergo an IHE and this statement is probably related to the not satisfying residency program. Residents attending the old educational system consider the IHE as a way to implement their professional perspectives possibly for their more realistic professional perspective facing an approaching future full of work uncertainties. Considering the future competition between medical professionals working in different EU contexts, the Italian Government should implement future medical education policy in order to provide for a Healthcare \u201cwithout Border\u201d in the EU