3 research outputs found


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    Artikulacijske smetnje kod djece spadaju u skupinu poremećaja, koji se naZIVaJU dislalijama. Učestalost tih smetnji u dječjem uzrastu nas je ponukala da istu ispitamo u ugrožene djece s faktorima rizika, što ujedno i predstavlja cilj ovog rada. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 343-oje djece i to 202-oje s faktorima rizika i 141-no dijete bez faktora rizika. U ove djece izvršeno je ispitivanje, a evaluacija rezultata omogučile su postavljanje varijable i to zavisne i nezavisne varijable. Nezavisne varijable su dob, spol i prisutnost faktora ugroženosti, a zavisnu varijablu predstavljaju artikulacijske smetnje om isija, supstitucija i distorzija. Podaci o nezavisnim varijablama dobiveni su uvidom u medicinsku dokumentaciju, a zavisnih varijabli na osnovu Testa artikulacije. Dobiveni podaci obrađeni su statističkim metodama i ukazuju na češću pojavnost artikulacijskih smetnji u djece s faktorima ugroženosti dok je statistički značajna razlika nađena samo u supstituciji.Articulatory disturbances in children belong to the group of problems called dyslalias. Incidence of these disturbances in childhood motiva ted us to study the risk children and that is also the scope of this research. The research included 343 children: 202 with risk factors and 141 free of risk factors. These children were examined and, based upon the evaluation of the obtained results, dependent and independent variables were determined. Independent variables are age, sex and the existence of risk factors. Depcndcnt variables are articulatory disturbances of omission, substition and distorsion. Data on the indepedent variables arc obtained by examination of the medical files and data on the dependent variables by the Articulatory Test. The obtained data were processcd using statistical methods and they indicate increased indidence of the articulatory disturbances in the children with risk factors, but a statistically significant difference was found only in substitution


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    U istraživanje je uključeno 39-ero djece s kliničkom slikom tetrapareze, parapareze i hemipareze muškog i ženskog spola. Uspoređivani su lateralizacija gornjih ekstremiteta, govorni razvoj i intelektualna razina prema spolu kod sva tri klinička oblika bolesti. Analizom rezultata uočava se relativno visok postotak djece s neizdiferenciranom lateralizacijom kod parapareze; iako razlika nije statistički značajna, upućuje na češću objerukost kod muške djece. Govorni razvoj zaostaje u visokom postotku kod djece s paraparezom ženskog spola, dok kod muške djece češće znatno zaostaje. Djeca s tetraparezom pokazuju upravo suprotne rezultate. U skupini djece s hemiparezom govorni razvoj zaostaje u većem postotku kod muške djece. Spol ne pokazuje tendenciju značajnijeg utjecaja na intelektualnu razinu kod parapareza i hemipareza, ali se tendencija značajnosti uočava kod tetrapareza.The research included the investigated group of 39 children of both sexes with a clinical picture of tetraparesis, paraparesis or hemiparesis. Lateralisation of the upper extremities, development of speech and intellectual development were compared according to sex of children with these clinical pictures. Analysis of the results shows that there is a relatively high percentage of children with non-differentiated lateralisation among those with paraparesis, and although this difference is not statistically significant, it shows that male children are more often ambidextrous. The development of speech is slowed down among a high percentage of female children with paraparesis, but speech is more often significantly slowed down among male children The results among children with tetraparesis are opposite. In the group of children with hemiparesis the development of speech is slowed down in a higher percentage among male children. Sex does not show a significant influence on the intellectual level among children with paraparesis and hemiparesis, but such a trend is significant among children with tetraparesis