32 research outputs found


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    C Factor is alongside the topographic factor, one of the most influential factors in estimating soil losses by means of the USLE model. Starting from this reality, we have used three methodologies in this study in order to obtain a cover-management factor in a 291 km2 territory located in North-West of Romania. The main objective of this comparative analysis is to highlight the best suited workflow for the medium-sized areas under the medium and high usage of data sets. The results were partly corroborated with data obtained from ESDAC which resulted from the application of the so-called LANDUM model. The best results have been obtained by using the Linear Spectral Unmixing technique on Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS to derive the vegetation and bare soil at the pixel level, and two more variants of built-up areas, namely one for the water, followed by the algorithm of the first four components and the evaluation of the C Factor (CLSU)

    Mental health at different stages of cancer survival: a natural language processing study of Reddit posts

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    IntroductionThe purpose of this study was to use text-based social media content analysis from cancer-specific subreddits to evaluate depression and anxiety-loaded content. Natural language processing, automatic, and lexicon-based methods were employed to perform sentiment analysis and identify depression and anxiety-loaded content.MethodsData was collected from 187 Reddit users who had received a cancer diagnosis, were currently undergoing treatment, or had completed treatment. Participants were split according to survivorship status into short-term, transition, and long-term cancer survivors. A total of 72524 posts were analyzed across the three cancer survivor groups.ResultsThe results showed that short-term cancer survivors had significantly more depression-loaded posts and more anxiety-loaded words than long-term survivors, with no significant differences relative to the transition period. The topic analysis showed that long-term survivors, more than other stages of survivorship, have resources to share their experiences with suicidal ideation and mental health issues while providing support to their survivor community.DiscussionThe results indicate that Reddit texts seem to be an indicator of when the stressor is active and mental health issues are triggered. This sets the stage for Reddit to become a platform for screening and first-hand intervention delivery. Special attention should be dedicated to short-term survivors

    L'efficacité de l'art martial du Krav-Maga par l'étude de la biomécanique des techniques

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    De nos jours, lorsque le terrorisme est un problème à l'ordre du jour, l'amélioration des techniques d'autodéfense s'impose comme nécessaire pour tenir bon devant les menaces existantes, sinon les limiter. L'étude de la biomécanique des techniques de l'art martial d'autodéfense / self-défense ? le Krav-Maga - est une modalité qui sert à atteindre cet objectif, en raison de son efficacité dans les conflits réels, en dehors de toute règle, avec des assaillants supérieurs comme force, agilité et habileté. À partir de l'hypothèse de travail conformément à laquelle la pression plantaire est un facteur à même d'indiquer l'efficacité d'une frappe des techniques caractérisant l'art martial du Krav-Maga, nous avons observé la corrélation de celle-ci avec la position de l'exécutant, position qui influence la valeur de la vitesse du coup de poing, respectivement du coup de pied. Afin de vérifier cette hypothèse, nous avons étudié trois types de techniques, soit cinq reprises pour chaque type. Les techniques ont été étudiées au début de l'entrainement ainsi qu'après la correction de la position du sportif, ce qui n'a été possible qu'après des entrainements assidus. Les résultats obtenus ont confirmé l'hypothèse de départ et ont démontré que l'estimation de la pression plantaire a permis une amélioration des techniques de l'art martial du Krav-Maga, ainsi qu'une efficacité accrue. Il en est ressorti que l'utilisation de cette méthode peut être élargie au niveau de tous les autres arts martiaux, ce qui conduirait à une organisation des entraînements sur des fondements scientifiques, et ferait en sorte que, la forme physique des sportifs étant considérablement meilleure, leurs performances n'en seraient que supérieures


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    Over the past 15 years, the periurban area in the proximity of Oradea has been accredited as a place of great attraction for the urbanites eager to move to the countryside, taking advantage of the natural resources, numerically generous and possessing an ecological quality. On such a background, these urbanites or tourists have come into contact and continue to discover these natural resources from the point of view of their new qualities, namely people motivated to do thematic tourism. This study seeks to know in detail the potential of the 11 communes and their related villages in the Oradea Metropolitan Area (OMA) and what they provide for weekend-type activities or forms of tourism based on discovery and leisure. The researched area has various natural resources, but diversity is configured according to the environment and morpho-hydrography specific for the hilly, plain and hilly-plain contact area relief. The inventory of local resources (8 categories) prone to nature-based tourism is dominated by protected areas, rivers and lakes for fishing, deciduous forests and associated hay fields as well as the hilly relief in the eastern part of the area. The expression of the attractiveness of local nature for leisure tourism is given by the attractiveness index, which at the OMA level is 87.47 points, with an encouraging maximum of 11.67 points (out of a maximum of 25 points). The detail of the distribution and the natural resources attraction weight can be found in the four thematic maps


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    The countries of Eastern Europe represent a particular case from the demographic and economic point of view, as their demographic transition overlapped the economic development process. This represents a major challenge for the sustainability of their health and pension systems and has resulted in reforms and measures to support economic growth and increase the birth rate. Two categories of countries from Eastern Europe were analysed, Romania and Poland as representatives of the ex-Communist countries that joined the European Union and the Russian Federation as representative of the former Soviet Union. The Russian Federation experienced the most profound changes after 1990, being the only country in the Eastern bloc that is close to the generational replacement threshold, the only country with a positive migration balance, but also the only country with the lowest life expectancy


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    Starting from the problems of identifying some of the pond names in the Crisurilor Plain, which over time have been mentioned by various authors by different acronyms, we wanted to identify and locate them by studying maps and cadastral plans dating from the late 19th century until present. Using modern means of mapping (GIS) we superimposed a very wide range of cartographic materials and studied a wide range of textual documents that have succeeded to clarify the changes that these ponds have suffered over time